ryohey / tspc

A Strongly-typed parser combinator written in TypeScript.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Strongly-typed parser combinator written in TypeScript, heavily inspired by fnparse.js.


npm install tspc


const part = map(many(num), (arr) => parseInt(arr.join("")))
const ipString = seq(part, token("."), part, token("."), part, token("."), part)
const ipParser = map(ipString, ([a, _, b, __, c, ___, d]) => [a, b, c, d])
ipParser("", 0).value // [192, 168, 0, 1]

What is tspc

It is a simple and very flexible parser combinator, capable of converting parsed results not only to strings, but also to complex arrays and objects.

// Parse hex color or color name
// returns color value in number
const parser = or(
  map(seq(token("#"), map(regexp(/[0-9a-f]/), str => parseInt(str, 16)), arr => arr[1]),
  map(token("red"), () => 0xff0000)
parser("#c0ffee", 0).value // 0xc0ffee
parser("red", 0).value // 0xff0000
parser("hello", 0).success // false
console.log(parser("hello", 0).error) // prints parsing error

Strongly Typed

Careful design ensures that type information is kept complete, so even complex parsers can automatically determine the type of the result.

const attr = (name: string) =>
    seq(token(name), token('="'), regexp(/[a-zA-Z0-9]/), token('"')), // Parser<string, [string, '="', string, '"']>
    (result) => ({ [name]: result[2] })
  ) // Parser<string, {[key: string]: string}>
const aTagParser = map(
  seq(token("<a"), many(or(attr("href"), attr("target"))), token(">")), // Parser<string, ["<a", {[key: string]: string}[], ">"]>
  (result) => ({
    tagName: name,
    attributes: result[1],
) // Parser<string, { tagName: string, attributes: {[key: string]: string}[] }>


Parser input is not limited to strings. Any type that can represent the parse position numerically, such as an array of numbers, can be used.


Core API


The type for parser functions. Parser takes a input and the reading position.

type Parser<T, S> = (target: T, position: number) => Result<S>

type Result<T> =
  | {
      success: true
      position: number
      value: T
  | {
      success: false
      position: number
      error: string


Parser that succeeds if any of the given parsers succeeds.

const bit = or(token("0"), token("1"))


Parser that iterates until the given parser fails and returns as an array.

const binary = many(bit) // Parser<string, string[]>


Returns Parser from the sequence of Parsers.

const parser = seq(token("0b"), binary)


Convert the result of the given parser.

const parser = map(binary, (str) => parseInt(str, 2)) // Parser<string, number>


Parser that returns a given parser as a success even if it fails. The value will be nullable.

const parser = seq(token("http"), opt("s"), token("://")) // Parser<string, [string, string | null, string]>


Repeats the given parser a specified number of times. Unlike many, if parsing fails before the specified number of times, it fails.

const byte = vec(bit, 8)


Parser that generates and applies a parser from the results of a given parser.

// Parser that reads the remaining byte sequence for the number read in the first byte
const parser = seqMap(byte, (size) => vec(byte, size))


Parser that passes the result of the first parser as input to the second parser.

const parser = transform(byteToStringParser, jsonParser)


Parser that returns the parser generated by the given closure. Typically used to create a recursive parser.


Parser that always fails.


Parser that always succeeds.


Parser that always succeeds. Unlike pass, it does not advance the position.

String API


Parser that succeeds if it matches the given string.

const parser = token("hello")
parser("hello, world!", 0).value // "hello"


Parser that succeeds if it matches the given regular expression.

const parser = regexp(/[a-zA-Z]+/)
parser("hello, world!", 0).value // "hello"


Parser matching a single numeric character.

num("31415") // "3"


Parser to match positive decimal integers. Results are number.

uint("926535").value // 926535


Parser to match decimal integers. Results are number.

int("-12345").value // -12345


A Strongly-typed parser combinator written in TypeScript.


Language:TypeScript 97.4%Language:JavaScript 2.6%