rylydou / godot-addons

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Godot Addons

Download here.


MIT License






The AspectRatioContainer allows his own size to be smaller than the children, which causes neighboring UI elements to be covered. This new node type will extend the existing AspectRatioContainer and update it's own minimum size based on the children. This works except for STRETCH_MODE_COVER.

You are also not able to use the property custom_minimum_size anymore as it is used to set the minimum size.


  • Godot 4.1



Custom Theme Overrides

Utility to make custom theme overrides for any node possible.

This plugin will auto register (via class_name) the class CustomThemeOverrides.

You should not use @export on your custom theme variables, as they will be exported with the _get_property_list method. Also setter and getter will not be called inside the editor.

If everything is set up, your theme override variables can be handled like every other theme override property.


  • Godot 4.1


Custom theme overrides screenshot


# declare the members
# - use @export
# - use setter and getter, they are NOT called in the editor
# - access these variables directly
var my_font_color: Color
var my_border_size: int
var my_font: Font
var my_font_size: int
var my_icon: Texture2D
var my_style_box: StyleBox

# declare the custom theme overrides, use the member name and the theme data type.
var _theme_overrides = CustomThemeOverrides.new([
	["my_font_color", Theme.DATA_TYPE_COLOR],
	["my_border_size", Theme.DATA_TYPE_CONSTANT],
	["my_font", Theme.DATA_TYPE_FONT],
	["my_font_size", Theme.DATA_TYPE_FONT_SIZE],
	["my_icon", Theme.DATA_TYPE_ICON],
	["my_style_box", Theme.DATA_TYPE_STYLEBOX]

# required, if you have other properties use append_array
func _get_property_list() -> Array[Dictionary]:
	return self._theme_overrides.theme_property_list(self)

# optional: if you want to use the revert function
func _property_can_revert(property: StringName) -> bool:
	return self._theme_overrides.can_revert(property)

# optional: if you want to use the revert function, return null
func _property_get_revert(_property: StringName) -> Variant:
	return null


Git SHA Project Setting

Previously named Metadata.

Adds the project setting application/config/git_sha, which contains the current Git SHA. This one is automatically set and updated when you run any scene or on exporting the project. The git_sha will not be kept in project.godot to not clutter any version control system. It will be removed from the settings on closing the Godot Editor.


  • Godot 4.1





Added an initial Git SHA load on opening the project. Removed application/config/version, there was no need that this was part of the addon. The value can still be added manually.

Hide Private Properties

Private members (names starting with an underscore) should not be exposed.

This plugin will hide exported private properties in the inspector for instantiated child scenes.


  • Godot 4.1



Icons Patcher

If you use Material Design icons from Pictogrammers, they come without any fill color, automatically rendered black. This is not a convenient color as it makes it impossible to modulate the color. The icon patcher provides a utility to automatically patch the icons to white color.

Set the icon directory in the Project Settings under the menu Plugins -> Icons Patcher.

Then use Project -> Tools -> Icons Patcher to patch the icons.


  • Godot 4.1



  • Added automatic file reimporting.

License Manager

Manage license and copyright for third party graphics, software or libraries. Group them into categories, add descriptions or web links.

The data is stored inside a json file. This file is automatically added to the export, you do not need to add it yourself.

You can change the project license file either with a button at the upper right, in the license menu. Or inside the project settings under the menu Plugins -> Licenses.


  • Godot 4.1


license manager screenshot



Classes & Functions

Licenses - addons/licenses/licenses.gd

General class, providing among other things static functions to save and load licenses.

Component - addons/licenses/component.gd

Component class, data wrapper for all information regarding one license item.

Component.License - addons/licenses/component.gd

License class.


Simple logger. An autoload GLogging will be created at installation. Logging methods support formatting, values wont be stringified if they are not logged.

Logging into a file is not supported yet. The output will be always done via print.


  • Godot 4.1


2023-07-04 15:57:16.242 [    INFO] [      root] ready and initialize GUI
2023-07-04 15:57:16.242 [    INFO] [      root] initialized logger root and other
2023-07-04 15:57:18.300 [   DEBUG] [      root] Demo Text!
2023-07-04 15:57:20.452 [    INFO] [      root] Demo Text!
2023-07-04 15:57:22.071 [ WARNING] [      root] Demo Text!
2023-07-04 15:57:24.606 [   ERROR] [      root] Demo Text!
2023-07-04 15:57:28.793 [CRITICAL] [      root] Demo Text!
2023-07-04 15:57:37.483 [    INFO] [   network] Demo Text!
2023-07-04 15:57:50.843 [    INFO] [       gui] Demo Text!


Classes & Functions

GLogging - addons/glogging/glogging.gd

Logging base class. Provides helper methods.

  • root_logger: Logger
    root logger object
  • debug(message: Variant, values: Array[Variant] = []) -> void
    log with root logger at debug level
  • info(message: Variant, values: Array[Variant] = []) -> void
    log with root logger at info level
  • warning(message: Variant, values: Array[Variant] = []) -> void
    log with root logger at warning level, will also display a debug warning
  • error(message: Variant, values: Array[Variant] = []) -> void
    log with root logger at error level, will also display a debug error
  • critical(message: Variant, values: Array[Variant] = []) -> void
    log with root logger at critical level
  • log(level: int, message: Variant, values: Array[Variant] = []) -> void
    log at custom level

GLogging.Logger - addons/glogging/glogging.gd

Logger class. If not log level is set, the log level of the parent logger will be used.

  • create_child(module_name: String, log_level: int = LEVEL_NOTSET) -> Logger
    create a child logger
  • set_log_level(level: int) -> void
    set the log level
  • log_level() -> int
    get log level
  • debug(message: Variant, values: Array[Variant] = []) -> void
    log at debug level
  • info(message: Variant, values: Array[Variant] = []) -> void
    log at info level
  • warning(message: Variant, values: Array[Variant] = []) -> void
    log at warning level, will also display a debug warning
  • error(message: Variant, values: Array[Variant] = []) -> void
    log at error level, will also display a debug error
  • critical(message: Variant, values: Array[Variant] = []) -> void
    log at critical level
  • log(level: int, message: Variant, values: Array[Variant] = []) -> void
    log at custom level

QR Code

This addon might change it's interface and available functions.
Please test and report any issues.

QR Code generation either with the included QRCodeRect node or use the encoding result of the QRCode class.


  • Godot 4.1


QRCodeRect node inspector screenshot



Classes & Functions

QRCodeRect - addons/qr_code/qr_code_rect.gd

TextureRect like node. The texture is updated by itself.


  • mode: QRCode.Mode
  • error_correction: QRCode.ErrorCorrection
  • eci_value: int
    Extended Channel Interpretation (ECI) Value
  • data: Variant
    Type varies based on the encoding mode.
  • auto_version: bool
    Use automatically the smallest QR Code version.
  • version: int
  • auto_mask_pattern: bool
    Use automatically the best mask pattern.
  • mask_pattern: int
  • light_module_color: Color
  • dark_module_color: Color
  • auto_module_px_size: bool
    Automatically set the module pixel size based on the size.
    Do not use expand mode KEEP_SIZE when using it.
    Turn this off when the QR Code changes or is resized often, as it impacts the performance quite heavily.
  • module_px_size: int
    Use that many pixel for one module.

QRCode - addons/qr_code/qr_code.gd

QRCode class to generate QR Codes.


  • Mode
    Encoding mode enum.
    • NUMERIC = 1
    • BYTE = 4
    • KANJI = 8
  • ErrorCorrection
    Error correction enum.
    • LOW = 1
    • MEDIUM = 0
    • QUARTILE = 3
    • HIGH = 2
  • ECI
    Extended Channel Interpretation enum. Provides some values by name.


  • mode: Mode
  • error_correction: ErrorCorrection
  • eci_value: int
    Extended Channel Interpretation (ECI) Value
  • auto_version: bool
    Use automatically the smallest QR Code version.
  • version: int
  • auto_mask_pattern: bool
    Use automatically the best mask pattern.
  • mask_pattern: int


  • get_module_count() -> int
    Get the module count per side.
  • calc_min_version() -> int
    Get the minimal version required to encode the data.
  • generate_image(module_px_size: int = 1, light_module_color: Color = Color.WHITE, dark_module_color: Color = Color.BLACK) -> Image
    Generate an image. This method can be called repeatedly, as encoding will only happens once and be cached.
  • put_numeric(number: String) -> void
    Put a numeric text as data. Invalid characters are removed. Will change the encoding mode to Mode.NUMERIC.
  • put_alphanumeric(text: String) -> void
    Put a alphanumeric text as data. Invalid characters are removed. Will change the encoding mode to Mode.ALPHANUMERIC.
  • put_byte(data: PackedByteArray) -> void
    Put a byte data. Will change the encoding mode to Mode.BYTE.
  • put_numeric(number: String) -> void
    Put a numeric text as data. Invalid characters are removed. Will change the encoding mode to Mode.KANJI.
  • encode() -> PackedByteArray
    Get the QR Code row by row in one array. To get the row size use get_module_count.

ShiftJIS - addons/qr_code/shift_jis.gd

Shift JIS encoding utility.


  • static func to_shift_jis_2004_buffer(text: String) -> PackedByteArray
  • static func get_string_from_jis_2004(arr: PackedByteArray) -> String
  • static func to_jis_8_buffer(text: String) -> PackedByteArray
  • static func get_string_from_jis_8(arr: PackedByteArray) -> String


Let you apply the icon color theme properties for the texture button. Uses self_modulate.


  • Godot 4.1




License:MIT License


Language:GDScript 99.5%Language:Go 0.5%