ryjm / ziggurat

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Development Instructions

  1. Start by cloning the urbit/urbit repository from github. git clone git@github.com:urbit/urbit.git

  2. Then, change directory to urbit/pkg. cd urbit/pkg

  3. Then, add this repository as a submodule. This is necessary to resolve symbolic links to other desks, such as base-dev and garden-dev. git submodule add git@github.com:uqbar-dao/ziggurat.git ziggurat

  4. To boot your development Urbit, run the following command: urbit -F zod

  5. To create a %zig desk, run |merge %zig our %base

  6. To mount the %zig desk to the filesystem, run |mount %zig.

  7. Next, remove all the files from the zig directory. rm -rf zod/zig/*

  8. Now, copy all the files from our ziggurat repository into the %zig desk. cp -RL urbit/pkg/ziggurat/* zod/zig/

  9. Commit those files into your Urbit. |commit %zig

  10. Now, install the desk in your Urbit, which will run the agents. |install our %zig

To initialize a blockchain:

Note: make sure the ship you're is in the whitelist

  1. Start by populating the wallet with the correct data (need to do this first, but with block explorer we can make wallet find this itself):
:wallet &zig-wallet-poke [%populate 0xbeef]

for testing: use 0xbeef for ~zod, 0xdead for next ship, 0xcafe for 3rd

  1. Give your validator agent a pubkey to match the data in the wallet:
:ziggurat &zig-chain-poke [%set-addr 0x3.e87b.0cbb.431d.0e8a.2ee2.ac42.d9da.cab8.063d.6bb6.2ff9.b2aa.e1b9.0f56.9c3f.3423]

0xbeef  0x3.e87b.0cbb.431d.0e8a.2ee2.ac42.d9da.cab8.063d.6bb6.2ff9.b2aa.e1b9.0f56.9c3f.3423
0xdead  0x2.eaea.cffd.2bbe.e0c0.02dd.b5f8.dd04.e63f.297f.14cf.d809.b616.2137.126c.da9e.8d3d
0xcafe  0x2.4a1c.4643.b429.dc12.6f3b.03f3.f519.aebb.5439.08d3.e0bf.8fc3.cb52.b92c.9802.636e

This is one of 3 addresses with zigs already added, and corresponds to the seed 0xbeef. to test with more, find matching pubkey in wallet

  1. To start the indexer/block explorer backend, use:
:uqbar-indexer &set-chain-source [our %ziggurat]

where the argument [our %ziggurat] is a dock pointing to the ship running the %ziggurat agent to receive block updates from.

  1. Start up a new main chain:
:ziggurat|start-testnet now

(to add other ships, follow above instructions with 2nd and 3rd seed/pubkey combos, but use poke :ziggurat &zig-chain-poke [%start %validator ~ validators=(silt ~[~zod]) [~ ~]]) here, where ~[~zod] is some set of ships validating (you only need one that's not you)

  1. Start up a town that has the token contract deployed. Wait until the wallet sees an update from the indexer to do this.
:sequencer|init 1

(1 here is the town-id)

To use the wallet

  1. Scry for a JSON dict of accounts, keyed by address, containing private key, nickname, and nonces: .^(json %gx /=wallet=/accounts/noun)

  2. Scry for a JSON dict of known assets (rice), keyed by address, then by rice address: .^(json %gx /=wallet=/book/json)

  3. Scry for JSON dict of token metadata we're aware of: .^(json %gx /=wallet=/token-metadata/json)

  4. Scry for seed phrase and password (todo separate these): .^(json %gx /=wallet=/seed/json)

Wallet pokes available:

(only those with JSON support shown)

{import-seed: {mnemonic: "12-24 word phrase", password: "password", nick: "nickname for the first address in this wallet"}}
{generate-hot-wallet: {password: "password", nick: "nickname"}}
# leave hdpath empty ("") to let wallet auto-increment from 0 on main path
{derive-new-address: {hdpath: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0", nick: "nickname"}}
# use this to save a hardware wallet account
{add-tracked-address: {address: "0x1234.5678" nick: "nickname"}}
{delete-address: {address: "0x1234.5678"}}
{edit-nickname: {address: "0x1234.5678", nick: "nickname"}}
{set-node: {town: 1, ship: "~zod"}}  # set the sequencer to send txs to, per town
{set-indexer: {ship: "~zod"}}
{submit-custom: {from: "0x1234", to: "0x5678", town: 1, gas: {rate: 1, bud: 10000}, args: "[%give ... .. (this is HOON)]", my-grains: {"0x1111", "0x2222"}, cont-grains: {"0x3333", "0x4444"}}}
# for TOKEN and NFT transactions
# 'from' is our address
# 'to' is the address of the smart contract
# 'town' is the number ID of the town on which the contract&rice are deployed
# 'gas' rate and bud are amounts of zigs to spend on tx
# 'args' will eventually cover many types of transactions,
# currently only concerned with token sends following this format,
# where 'token' is address of token metadata rice, 'to' is address receiving tokens.
  {from: "0x3.e87b.0cbb.431d.0e8a.2ee2.ac42.d9da.cab8.063d.6bb6.2ff9.b2aa.e1b9.0f56.9c3f.3423",
   to: "0x74.6361.7274.6e6f.632d.7367.697a",
   town: 1,
   gas: {rate: 1, bud: 10000},
   args: {give: {salt: "1.936.157.050", to: "0x2.eaea.cffd.2bbe.e0c0.02dd.b5f8.dd04.e63f.297f.14cf.d809.b616.2137.126c.da9e.8d3d", amount: 777}}

(example pokes that will work upon chain initialization in dojo):

:wallet &zig-wallet-poke [%submit 0x3.e87b.0cbb.431d.0e8a.2ee2.ac42.d9da.cab8.063d.6bb6.2ff9.b2aa.e1b9.0f56.9c3f.3423 0x74.6361.7274.6e6f.632d.7367.697a 1 [1 10.000] [%give 1.936.157.050 0x2.eaea.cffd.2bbe.e0c0.02dd.b5f8.dd04.e63f.297f.14cf.d809.b616.2137.126c.da9e.8d3d 777]]

#  NFT
:wallet &zig-wallet-poke [%submit 0x3.e87b.0cbb.431d.0e8a.2ee2.ac42.d9da.cab8.063d.6bb6.2ff9.b2aa.e1b9.0f56.9c3f.3423 0xcafe.babe 1 [1 10.000] [%give 32.770. 0x2.eaea.cffd.2bbe.e0c0.02dd.b5f8.dd04.e63f.297f.14cf.d809.b616.2137.126c.da9e.8d3d 1]]

Testing Zink

=z -build-file /=zig=/lib/zink/zink/hoon
=r (~(eval-hoon zink:z ~) /=zig=/lib/zink/stdlib/hoon /=zig=/lib/zink/test/hoon %test '3')
-.r     # product
+<.r    # json hints
+>.r    # pedersen hash cache
# once you've run this once so you have a cache you should pass it in every time
# You can pass ~ for library if you don't have one
> =r (~(eval-hoon zink:z +>.r) ~ /=zig=/lib/zink/fib/hoon %fib '5')
# +<.r is the hint json. You need to write it out to disk so you can pass it to cairo.
@fib-5/json +<.r
# Now fib-5.json is in PIER/.urb/put and you can pass it to cairo.
# hash-noun will give you just a hash
> =r (~(hash-noun zink:z +>.r) [1 2 3])



Language:hoon 100.0%