ryh95 / pyspider-stock

A project using pyspider to collect data and NLP techs to analyze the correlation among the data

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Note:This README will have both Chinese and English version, Chinese first because it is for Chinese stock market.

Update :

  • 增加IT版块股票的抓取和分析





  1. 抓取帖子
  2. 情感分析


第一步 抓取帖子

  • 下载pyspidermongoDBredissnowNLPpymongo(2.9)及相应的依赖库
  • 运行set_codes/set_hs300.pyset_IT.py(为了将HS300成份股的股票代码装入mongoDB,后者的目的是放入IT股票的代码)
  • 然后,将resultdb.py放入pyspider的database/mongodb目录下(为了将爬取到的数据放入mongoDB),pyspider路径使用pip show pyspider命令
  • 启动redis
  • 然后,在有config.json的目录下,command line 运行pyspider -c config.json all &
  • 其次,将script里的脚本复制后,粘贴到localhost:5000下你自己的工程里(想要爬取哪个网站就粘贴哪个script),保存
  • 最后在网页localhost:5000里单击run


第二步 情感分析



运行 main.py即可






produceFactor.getSentimentFactor(stockCode, grab_time)


aggregateFactor.aggregate(stockCode, grab_time)


dailyResult.setDailyResult(stockCode, grab_time)






os.system('mv data/' + grab_time + 'result.xls' + ' /var/www/html')

English version

What's the aim of this project?

This project use pyspider to get posts of eastmoney, xueqiu, sinaguba,then use NLP techs to analyze the sentiment of public in order to select stocks.


It has two parts

  1. crawl posts
  2. sentiment analysis

How to run this project?

Step 1 Crawl posts

  • Download pyspidermongoDBredissnowNLP and other dependencies
  • run set_hs300/setCodes.py(in order to get all symbols of HS300 and load them into mongoDB)
  • put resultdb.py into database/mongodb directory of pyspider(in order to save the crawling data to mongoDB)
  • start redis
  • command line run pyspider -c config.json all & under directory of config.json
  • copy script in script folder, paste code to your own project in localhost:5000, save
  • click run button in localhost:5000

Complete two last steps before the market is open, then you'll get sentiment data everyday periodically.

Step 2 Sentiment analysis

Run main.py after the posts been crawled and stored, also remember to create data directory for the first running.

What happened?

Because of the stability, use gubaEast.py to crawl GuYouHui section is by default.

After Step 1 finished,you'll find a collection named [date]GuYouHui under a database called [stockcode]eastmoney, where [stockcode] and [date]are symbols of HS300 and date of yesterday.

Another part is sentiment analysis

The core part is three pieces of code:

produceFactor.getSentimentFactor(stockCode, grab_time)

To obtain sentiment values and sentiment factor for a specific symbol post and crawl date(sentiment values are computed by snowNLP while sentiment factor is sentiment values times read numbers)

aggregateFactor.aggregate(stockCode, grab_time)

To obtain sentiment values and sentiment factor for a specific symbol and crawl date(by adding all the posts for that stock on that day), result is in [date]SentimentFactor under [stockcode]eastmoney

dailyResult.setDailyResult(stockCode, grab_time)

To collect all the sentiment factors and number of posts for the crawl date,result is in the DailyResult collection which is under the [date]database.

Then an excel would be saved under the data directory as the final result.

The result would be mailed to specific users, through sendMail module.

Tasks under taskdb would be deleted in order to crawl posts periodically. Meanwhile data which stored 5 days ago would be dumped as backup and mongoDB would delete the original one.

If you want to use the app to check the result on android, keep the following code

os.system('mv data/' + grab_time + 'result.xls' + ' /var/www/html')


A project using pyspider to collect data and NLP techs to analyze the correlation among the data


Language:Python 100.0%