ryco117 / yasl-enhancements

This repo keeps track of potential and planned features for YASL, to avoid cluttering the main repo.

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YASL Enhancements

This repo keeps track of potential and planned features for YASL, to avoid cluttering the main repo.

Possible future features:


  • make strings iterable (iterating over each 'character'). (added in v0.3.0)
  • add string.count method. (added in v0.3.4)
  • add string.reverse method.
  • add string metatable.
  • other types of string literals somehow: "AB CD EF 00 11"x for string from hex, "0011 0011"b for string from binary, "你好"u for unicode, etc.
  • add quick opcodes for builtin method names to reduce bytecode size and speed up interpreting. (added)
  • implement string interning with all literals.
  • s[a:b] notation for slice.
  • rename string.repeat to string.rep. [BREAKING]



  • method to sort lists in-place (added in v0.3.4)
  • method to join list elements into a single string. (added in v0.3.1)
  • tostr and printing should show contents instead of memory address. (added in v0.3.1)
  • list concat with + (so that string concat always concatenates).
  • list metatable.
  • list.clear method. (added in v0.3.1)
  • l[a:b] notation for slice.


  • tostr and printing should show contents instead of memory address.' (added in v0.3.1)
  • metatables, to allow lookups in a second table if first look-up fails.
  • table.clear method. (added in v0.3.1)


  • metatables


  • require 'path' should import the contents of path and put them into a table. (Tables can be used instead of another module system.)

in operator:

  • check list and table containment. complement is !in.

For loops:

  • allow iterating over two values instead of just 1. for let i, v <- [2, 3, 5, 7] {} would have i iterate over the keys, (0, 1, 2, 3) and v iterate over the values (2, 3, 5, 7).

Operator overloading:


  • math library (math), including things like exp, sin, sqrt, etc. (added in v0.3.4)
  • UTF8 library (utf8), including string functions on utf8 strings.
  • I/O library (io), including file I/O and stdin, stdout, stderr.
  • coroutine library (coroutine), for concurrency.
  • collections library (collection), including collections such as set, multiset, and typed arrays.
  • regex library (re). Something like PCRE is likely too big for usage in the standard library.


  • Implement full lexical closures.
  • allow unnamed functions using fn(a, b) { return a + b }.
  • const functions. (added in v0.3.2)
  • const function parameters. (added in v0.3.2)
  • allow fn f.name(a, b, c) { .... } style declarations (for tables).


  • "sequences" should be added to YASL. sequences live only on the stack. Trying to use a sequence in an expression will shrink or expand the sequence to the appropriate size. e.g. if f() returns 1, 2, x, y = f() will use both values. x = f() will shrink 1, 2 to fit the context it is used in, to 1 in this case. x, y, z = f() would expand 1, 2 to the context it is used in, filling with undef, so x would get a value of 1, y a value of 2, and z a value of undef.


  • comprehensions should be more general, returning a sequence. This would allow stuff like max(x for x <- ls if x > 0), and set(x for x <- ls).
  • If iterating over multiple values is allowed, comprehensions should also support this.


  • Optional else clause, executed if the main loop doesn't break out.


  • Allow multiple assignments of the form x, y, z := 1, 2, 3. Allow const x, y, z := 1, 2, 3 as well, which makes all of them const.


  • fn* gen(a) { /* body */ } to declare a generator (compare with notation for function declarations).
  • -x for* x <- ls to declare a generator from an existing iterable (compare with notation for comprehensions).


This repo keeps track of potential and planned features for YASL, to avoid cluttering the main repo.