ryanzillini / web-module-project-client-auth

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Client Auth Module Project: Auth Friends

This module explored the clients-side authentication using auth-tokens. During the module you studied how the login, request and logout process works when using authentication and how to restrict access to certain route to logged in users. IN this project, you will practice each of these skills.


  • Understand how token based authentication works
  • Setup a login screen and successfully save an auth token.
  • Use an auth token to make requests.


In this project, you will connect to a local server with endpoints allowing you to work with interact with data from the cast of Friends. Using this data as a base, you will build functioning login, display and add component pages to your application.

The included API holds a list of friends and lets you add, edit, or remove friends from that list. All of the API endpoints (except the login endpoint) are considered "protected", meaning you have to make the request with an authentication token in the header or the API will send back a 401 error. Take a look at the endpoints that our API has to offer in http://localhost:9000.

  • [POST] * to /api/login: returns a token to be added to the header of all other requests. Pass in the following credentials as the body of the request: { username: 'Bloom', password: 'Tech' }
  • [POST] * to /api/logout: removes a token from active use. Returns the inactive token.
  • [GET] to /api/friends: returns the list of friends.
  • [GET] to /api/friends/123: returns the friend with the id passed as part of the URL (123 in example).
  • [POST] * to /api/friends: Adds in a new friend.

Each friend object has the format:

  id: 1
  name: 'Joe',
  age: 24,
  email: 'joe@lambdaschool.com',

Make sure to complete your tasks one at a time and complete test each task before proceding forward.


Task 1: Project Set Up

  • Create a forked copy of this project.
  • Clone your OWN version of the repository in your terminal
  • cd into the project base directory cd web-module-project-client-auth
  • Download project dependencies by running npm install
  • Run npm start to start the client code.
  • Your server code will run automatically, just as they do in sprint challenges.

Task 2: Project Requirements

Build the login component

  • Use the mockup provided to build out a simple login component.
  • In App.js, add a route to allow this component to be displayed when navigating to / or /login
  • When submitting your login form, save the token returned to localStorage and redirect to the FriendsList route.

Build the friendslist component

  • Use the mockup provided to build out a simple list component made to display all friends.
  • When the component mounts, make a call to the api retrieving all friends. Remember that this is a protected route.
  • In App.js, add a route to allow this component to be displayed when navigating to /friends
  • In your login component, add code to your submission code the ability to redirect to your friendslist component.

Build the addFriends component

  • Use the mockup provided to build out a simple component allowing you to collect data to add in a new friend.
  • The component should include a form with inputs for each friend attribute and a submit button.
  • When submitting the form, make a call to the approprate api endpoint with your new friend data. Remember that this is a protected route.
  • In App.js, add a route to allow this component to be displayed when navigating to /friends/add.

Build a logout button

  • Build out a simple component allowing you to logout of your application cleanly.
  • The component should make a call to the logout endpoint and remove the token on local storage by default.
  • In App.js, add a route to allow this component to be displayed when navigating to /logout.
  • In App.js, create a navigation bar that allows the user to redirect to logout, friendslist or add friend.

Protect the /friends and /friends/add routes

  • Redirect the user to your login route if there is not a token in local storage.

Task 3: Stretch goals

  • Add in a modularized way to access protected endpoints using axiosWithAuth.
  • Add in a protected page and route that allows shows an information friends information. Use url params to get the id for this friend.
  • Style as you wish.

Submission Format

  • If this is your first time connecting a submission, authorize your github account within the codegrade assignment.
  • Connect your fork to Codegrade using the "Connect Git" button.
  • Find your newly created fork from the list and push your work to main.
  • Check this video for details: www.youtube.com/watch?v=fC2BO7dI6IQ



Language:JavaScript 94.9%Language:CSS 3.7%Language:HTML 1.3%