ryantaylor / vault

A Company of Heroes replay file parser written in Rust.

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crates.io Documentation

vault is a Company of Heroes replay parsing library written in Rust. It has been completely rewritten for Company of Heroes 3 to provide a more intuitive interface while simplifying the code and leveraging nom's parser combinators to enable clean, fast parsing of Company of Heroes 3 replay files.

This project is still under development, so check back for updates and feel free to open an issue if a command you're interesting in isn't currently being parsed!



If you are writing a Rust application, you can use vault from crates.io:


vault = "10"


fn main() {
    let data = include_bytes!("/path/to/replay.rec");
    let replay = vault::Replay::from_bytes(data);


vault ships with Ruby bindings via magnus, which allows you to call into vault from Ruby code directly. This can be enabled with the magnus feature:


vault = { version = "10", features = ["magnus"] }


use magnus::{class, define_module, exception, function, method, prelude::*, Error};

fn init() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let module = define_module("VaultCoh")?;

    let replay = module.define_class("Replay", class::object())?;
    replay.define_singleton_method("from_bytes", function!(from_bytes, 1))?;
    replay.define_method("version", method!(vault::Replay::version, 0))?;


fn from_bytes(input: Vec<u8>) -> Result<vault::Replay, Error> {
        .map_err(|err| Error::new(exception::runtime_error(), err.to_string()))


require 'vault'

bytes = File.open('/path/to/replay.rec').read.unpack('C*')
replay = VaultCoh::Replay.from_bytes(bytes)
puts replay.version

Note that all classes must be bound to the VaultCoh namespace, with class names matching their Rust counterparts. For an example of this functionality in action, see vault-rb.


vault implements serde's Serialize and Deserialize traits for all data structures that make up a parsed replay. These can be accessed via the serde feature:


vault = { version = "10", features = ["serde"] }


fn main() {
    let data = include_bytes!("/path/to/replay.rec");
    let replay = vault::Replay::from_bytes(data).unwrap();

    // Convert the Replay to a JSON string.
    let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&replay).unwrap();

    // Convert the JSON string back to a Replay.
    let deserialized: Replay = serde_json::from_str(&serialized).unwrap();

Company of Heroes 2

vault has been rewritten from scratch to better support future development, which means Company of Heroes 2 parsing support has been deprecated. The CoH2 parser and usage instructions can be found here. CoH2 replay parsing will continue to work with v1.0.0 of vault.


Official minimum supported Rust version is 1.65.0, because this is the version magnus requires. However, building without Ruby bindings should be fine on any compiler version that supports Rust 2021, though this isn't officially supported.

Ruby bindings have some additional compatibility requirements, such as libclang and minimum Ruby version requirements. For more information see magnus compatibility.


Documentation for vault can be viewed online.

Alternatively, you can easily build an offline copy of the documentation for yourself with cargo:

$ cargo doc

For documentation that includes the magnus Ruby bindings, run:

$ cargo doc --features=magnus

The resulting documentation can then be found at vault/target/doc.




A Company of Heroes replay file parser written in Rust.


Language:Rust 99.4%Language:Shell 0.6%