ryanlfoster / adobe-aem-6.4-docker

Adobe Experience Manager 6.4 instances install on Docker

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Adobe Experience Manager 6.4 instances install on Docker


Docker Images for Adobe Experience Manager

AEM_6.4_Quickstart.jar & license.properties required in the project root

AEM Request Page

Update the VERSION environment variable in the .env file for your version of the AEM_6.4_Quickstart.jar for example:



Step 1 - Build the aem-base image

cd aem-base
docker build -t aem-base .


Step 2 - Build the aem-dispatcher image

cd aem-dispatcher
docker build -t aem-dispatcher .


Use docker-compose to create the author and publisher images if they do not already exist and implement the containers. This part of process will take several minutes.

docker-compose up -d

This error indicates that port 80 already in use

ERROR: for dispatcher  Cannot start service dispatcher: b'driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint docker_dispatcher_1 (ID): Error starting userland proxy: Bind for unexpected error Permission denied'
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

For example, stop the services using port 80 in Windows CMD (as administrator)

net stop was

Use docker stop [CONTAINER ID] instead of docker-compose down if you do not want to lose any changes made. docker start [CONTAINER ID] to continue where you left off.

repository persistence

Assuming that the aem images containers are up and running via docker-compose up -d from the previous section, use a Docker data only container, where we create a volume from the aem-author image. In this example, the aem author image is aem-author:6.3.

Step 1 - Needed is the the repository segmentstore path, e.g., /aem/crx-quickstart/repository/segmentstore

To get this path, shell into the container, e.g.,

docker exec it <CONTANER ID or NAME> sh

find . -name segmentstore

# cd to the returned path, e.g.,
cd ./crx-quickstart/repository/segmentstore

# get the path using pwd

Step 2 - After getting the segmentstore path, we can now stop the running aem containers or use docker-compose down to remove them since a new aem_author_instance container will be created in step 4 below.

Step 3 - Create the volume from the aem-author:6.3 image using the segmentstore path along with an aem_repo data container. e.g.,

docker create -v /aem/crx-quickstart/repository/segmentstore --name aem_arepo aem-author:6.3 /bin/true

Step 4 - Create a new aem_author_instance container using the --volumes-from option to mount the repository volume from the aem_repo data container

docker run -d --name=aem_author_instance --volumes-from aem_arepo -p 4502-4503:4502-4503 aem-author:6.3

Use docker ps -a to list running containers. You should see something similar to this output

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                 COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                        NAMES
224d8b551a64        aem-author:6.3        "/aem/crx-quickstart…"   14 seconds ago      Up 13 seconds>4502-4503/tcp, 8000/tcp   aem_author_instance
31747c4e25b4        aem-author:6.3        "/aem/crx-quickstart…"   44 seconds ago      Created                                                          aem_arepo

Now you can install packages and they will persist in the running aem_author_instance container. For example, upgrade AEM 6.3 with the AEM Service Pack AEM- package from AEM releases and updates

stop/start the aem_author_instance container as needed

docker stop aem_author_instance


Adobe Experience Manager 6.4 instances install on Docker


Language:Python 52.7%Language:Dockerfile 47.3%