ryancraigmartin / lab-mongoose-recipes

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Mongoose Recipes




We learned how to use Mongoose to create Schemas and then interact with our MongoDB database. In the following exercise, we will practice how to implement what we learned by creating recipes.


Iteration 1 - Recipe Schema

The recipes.js file already connects to the recipesApp database. Now we need to create a Recipe Schema. The schema should have the following fields:

  • title. Type String. It should be required and unique.
  • level. Type String. Only can be one of the following values: Easy Peasy - Amateur Chef - UltraPro Chef (remember the ENUM 😉)
  • ingredients. Type Array.
  • cuisine. Type String. Should be required.
  • dishType. Type String. Possible values: Breakfast - Dish - Snack - Drink - Dessert - Other.
  • image. Type String. Default value: https://images.media-allrecipes.com/images/75131.jpg.
  • duration. Type Number. Min value should be 0.
  • creator. Type String
  • created. Type Date. By default today.

Iteration 2 - Create a recipe

Using the Model.create method, you should pass the info needed to create a new recipe. After creation, you can use MongoDB Compass to check that it shows up in the database. After inserting the recipe into your database, console.log the title of the new recipe.

To run your code remember you should use node recipes.js.

Iteration 3 - Insert Many recipes

From the data.js file we are importing an array of recipes. Using the Model.insertMany method, you should add the entire array to the database. After inserting the elements, console.log the title of each recipe.

Iteration 4 - Update recipe

Now you should have six different recipes in the database. However, there was a mistake in one of them! The Rigatoni alla Genovese does not take that long to make. You should update the duration field and set it to 100. After updating it, console.log a success message!

Iteration 5 - Remove a recipe

Oh oh! The Carrot Cake is no longer available, so we need to remove it from the database. Using the Model.remove method, remove that recipe from the database and console.log a success message.

Iteration 6 - Close the Database

After doing all the tasks you should close the database. Otherwise, the connection will stay open. 😉


Upon completion, run the following commands:

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "done"
$ git push origin master

Navigate to your repo and create a Pull Request -from your master branch to the original repository master branch.

In the Pull Request name, add your campus, name, and the last name separated by a dash "-".



Language:JavaScript 100.0%