Declarative API for XML =================================================== Ryan Cox - =================================================== Inspired by XSLTO, I’ve put together a bit of code to allow XSLT like tranformations from within Java. DAX glues together Java 5 annotations, Jaxen XPath and DOM4J to make possible the declarative style of processing shown below. public class BindingTransform extends Transformer { public List items = new ArrayList(); private RSSItem currentItem; public BindingTransform() { // tell engine about anticipated namespace setNamespace("dc", ""); } public void init() { items.clear(); } public void complete() { for (RSSItem i : items) { System.out.println(i.getTitle()); } } @Path("//item") public void item(Node node) { currentItem = new RSSItem(); items.add(currentItem); applyTemplates(node); } @Path("item/title") public void title(Node node) { currentItem.setTitle(node.getStringValue()); } @Path("item/link") public void link(Node node) { currentItem.setLink(node.getStringValue()); } @Path("item/description") public void description(Node node) { currentItem.setDescription(node.getStringValue()); } @Path("item/dc:creator") public void creator(Node node) { currentItem.setCreator(node.getStringValue()); } }