ryanatkn / ryanatkn

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🐒 ! status? πŸ•ΈοΈ topics
@ryanatkn/zzz social web app framework πŸ’€ social toolz for the tired not yet published zzz.ryanatkn.com social web app-framework svelte sveltekit
@ryanatkn/moss CSS framework 🌿 magical organic stylesheets alpha moss.ryanatkn.com css css-framework design-system utility-classes web
@ryanatkn/fuz Svelte UI library 🧢 friendly user zystem alpha fuz.dev svelte sveltekit html css web
@ryanatkn/gro task runner and toolkit extending SvelteKit 🌰 generate, run, optimize alpha gro.ryanatkn.com web svelte sveltekit typescript
fuz_template a static web app and Node library template with TypeScript, Svelte, SvelteKit, Vite, esbuild, Fuz, and Gro ❄ alpha template.fuz.dev starter template web svelte sveltekit typescript
ryanatkn.com my homepage and blog πŸͺΆ blogging source homepage web
@ryanatkn/belt utility belt for JS alpha belt.ryanatkn.com javascript library typescript web
cosmicplayground hobby project for fun and learning 🌌 tools and toys for expanding minds open cosmicplayground.org web game space svelte sveltekit pixijs
earbetter ear training game and tools for playing and programming music and audio 🎢🦜 listening earbetter.ryanatkn.com ear-training ear-training-game game music audio
@ryanatkn/eslint-config an ESLint config for TypeScript, Svelte, and Prettier gtg @ryanatkn/eslint-config on npm eslint svelte typescript
ryanatkn/setup setup instructions and resources for my dev environment set up ryanatkn/setup dev-setup web


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svelte-snake-sports 2024 games of Snake in Svelte and SvelteKit slain on Svelte 4 ryanatkn.github.io/svelte-snake-sports sss 🐍 web game snake svelte sveltekit
corpus-activity-streams 2024 ActivityStreams 2.0 vocabulary alternative docs inactivity ryanatkn.github.io/corpus-activity-streams activitystreams activitypub fediverse
awesome-svelte-resources 2019 useful resources for Svelte archived github.com/ryanatkn/awesome-svelte-resources svelte javascript web
react-mobx-typescript-experiments 2016 concept demos using MobX with React and TypeScript forgotten ryanatkn.github.io/react-mobx-typescript-experiments shrug
snake-game 2016 a tiny game_of_snake snakes ryanatkn.github.io/snake-game interview question, successor is svelte_snake_sports
ear-sharpener 2016 a simple game for practicing pitch perception out of tune ryanatkn.github.io/ear-sharpener do not use this much, it's literally out of tune, successor is earbetter
nutrients-per-calorie 2013 a web interface to the USDA National Nutrient Database hungry ryanatkn.github.io/nutrients-per-calorie food
backbone.giraffe 2013 extending backbone.js to new heights extinct ryanatkn.github.io/backbone.giraffe ripπŸ¦΄οΈπŸ¦’
