ryananthonydrake / pomodoro.cc

Manage your time more effectively

Home Page:https://pomodoro.cc/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Circle CI

Boost your productivity

## Manage your time more effectively

Pomodoro.cc is an online time tracking tool to plan and review the tasks for the day.

It takes advantage of the guidelines described in the Pomodoro Technique to work more effectively with frequent, mind-refreshing breaks.

With the help of insightful statistics, you'll be able to better understand how much time you spent on each task and how focused you were.


chmod +x opt/*

Fill in your information in the credentials.json if you want to be able to login in http://pomodoro.dev. You'll need to create an app for Github and Twitter. (If you don't want to provide them, that's fine. Whilst the authentication won't work, you will still need to create this file.)

Add an entry in your /etc/hosts:    pomodoro.dev

Boot up the vagrant with:

vagrant up

The vagrant box keep the following docker containers up and running:

  • pomodoro-main: nginx container that routes traffic to one of the following containers
    • pomodoro-app: nginx container that serves the static assets
    • pomodoro-api: node container that represents the api
    • pomodoro-blog: node container that contains the blog
  • redis: for the sessions shared between the two instances of pomodoro-api
  • mongo: db for the pomodoro-api to save pomodori of registered users

To rebuild the infrastructure, run (from /pomodoro.cc inside vagrant)

  • opt/docker.restart


  • opt/docker.build
  • opt/docker.rm
  • opt/docker.run
Problems with Docker and Vagrant?

Please refer to this issue

SSL certificate and credentials

You can override the self-signed certificate with (put the files in the ssl directory) :

openssl genrsa -des3 -passout pass:x -out pomodoro.cc.pass.key 2048
openssl rsa -passin pass:x -in pomodoro.cc.pass.key -out pomodoro.cc.key
openssl req -new -key pomodoro.cc.key -out pomodoro.cc.csr
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in pomodoro.cc.csr -signkey pomodoro.cc.key -out bundle.crt


From the app folder:

  • to recompile the assets during development, run npm start

  • run the tests with npm test

  • run the end-to-end tests with npm run e2e


By default, npm run e2e runs the tests against firefox.

If you want to run the tests against Chrome, Safari and Firefox, you can use npm run e2e-cross-browser.

You have to install the correct chrome.webdriver and put it in bin/. You can download it from here

You have to install the Safari webdriver extension from here


You can run the tests with: (inside vagrant)

Seed The DB


Manage your time more effectively



Language:JavaScript 62.6%Language:CSS 14.9%Language:Elixir 9.2%Language:Shell 7.4%Language:HTML 4.9%Language:Nginx 1.1%