ryabenko-pro / released-queues-and-jobs

Queues and Jobs bundle

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Queues and Jobs

This is not a message queue!

Queues and Jobs is a framework for building scalable applications. Scalability is achieved thru moving heavy and risky operations to be executed asynchronously in separate thread.


Queues adds simple move-to-background functionality which may be useful in many cases. In modern world most of operations can be asynchronous and what can be asynchronous must be asynchronous.

Case 1: Shopping Cart

When user clicks on checkout cart this does not mean order must be placed exact same second. Instead we can mark cart as processing and plan a task to make checkout in background. User will usually not notice a difference between synchronous and asynchronous checkout, but if something will go wrong during checkout process in synchronous process user will see error and a customer may be lost, while in asynchronous manner failed operation may be replayed and only result in delay in order processing. This is also bad but not as critical as left card.

Case 2: Business flow

When you have complex business flow that depends on external services you might get whole process failed because of a single failed step. To solve this you might split your flow to independent steps and execute each of them sequentially or in parallel.

For example lets take a card checkout when for each item you need place a quote, validate order on partner service and if everything ok place an order and notify partner service about this order.

If you do all operations in the same thread each step can break system due to temporary issue on 3rd party API and you must be ready to restart a process (by loosing previous quote) or catch it where it break.

Instead you can plan a task for each to be executed sequentially. When any step fails you simply restart it (if not done automatically) and flow goes like nothing happens.


    transport: db # db / amqp / inline
    template: ::base.html.twig  # optional  
    doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager: default # optional
    server_id: (Optional unique server identifier - must be set if a task with `local` exist)
        echo: # Must be same as `getType` return value
            name: Example echo task
            class_name: Released\QueueBundle\Model\EchoTask
            local: false # Force this type of tasks run only on the server it was created on

If you are getting Type 'your_task' not found exception most likely you forgot to define task in config.yml.

Local tasks will only be run on the server they were created. This is useful for cases like processing uploaded file in background with more then one server.


Usage is very simple. To create a queueable task you need just to extend class from BaseTask and implement abstract methods. After you do that you can plan a task using released.queue.task_queue.service service:

    $queue = $container->get('released.queue.task_queue.service');
    $task1 = new CreateQuoteTask(['order_id' => $order->getId()]);
    $queue->addTask($task1); // Plan task execution 
    // This task will only start after previous is successfully completed
    $task2 = new ValidateQuoteTask(['order_id' => $order->getId()], $task1);

Implemented execute method have Symfony container. See EchoTask for example.

To run enqueued tasks you need to run command in console:

./bin/console released:queue:execute-task --permanent --cycles-limit=10 --cycle-delay=5 --memory-limit=XXX --single-id=THREAD_ID
./bin/console released:queue:execute-task-amqp --single-id=THREAD_ID


  • --permanent do not exit command immediately but stay alive and wait for new tasks
  • --cycles-limit (db only) specify the cycles limit once reached task will exit. Keep in mind the cycle increased on every queue check even if no task executed
  • --cycle-delay (db only) delay in seconds between queue check
  • --memory-limit (db only, TODO amqp) memory limit in bytes once reached task will exit
  • --single-id is used to run multiple tasks with the same name. More explained below.

By default only one instance of this task can be run. Every time you run this command it will check for running command and exit if there is one. When you need to run more then one task you can specify a --single-id option. Value does not matter it just must be different for each run attempt.
This is done so you could add this task to a cron to run every minute and be confident only 1 task with specific single-id is running at a time.

By default cache directory is used to keep task pids, this is not secure as it may be removed and pid will be lost. It is recommended to specify --pid-dir=path/to/dir/with/pids/ option to keep pids in safe place.


Jobs are used when amount of work can't be determined upfront. For example fetch data for all products in database. When you have just a few products updating them in look will work, but with products amount grow code will run longer and you will have less control.

With jobs you as a first step you plan a work to do creating tasks, then each task executed and after all tasks are done job is finished. When you have too much items to process and planning step takes too much time or memory you can plan a chunk of tasks until everything is planned.

More description will be provided later


Queues and Jobs bundle


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