rxf712 / bluesea2

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ROS driver for Lanhai USB 2D LiDAR

How to build Lanhai ros driver

1) Clone this project to your catkin's workspace src folder
2) Running catkin_make to build 

How to run Lanhai ros node (Serial Port Version)

  1. Copy UDEV rule file : sudo cp src/LHLiDAR.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
  2. or Run : sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0 # make usb serial port readable

if your lidar model is LDS-50C-2 :

  • rosrun bluesea2 bluesea2_node _frame_id:=map _port:=/dev/ttyUSB0 _baud_rate:=500000 _firmware_version:=2 _output_scan:=true _output_cloud:=true _with_resample:=true _resample_res:=0.5 _unit_is_mm:=true _with_confidence:=true
  • or use roslaunch src/bluesea/launch/LDS-50C-2.launch

if your lidar model is LDS-15BDM or LDS-25BDM:

  • rosrun bluesea2 bluesea2_node _frame_id:=map _port:=/dev/ttyUSB0 _baud_rate:=230400 _firmware_version:=2 _output_scan:=true _output_cloud:=true _unit_is_mm:=false _with_confidence:=true _raw_bytes:=2
  • or use roslaunch src/bluesea2/launch/LDS-15BDM.launch
  1. optional : rostopic hz /scan
  2. optional : rosrun rviz rviz #

How to start/stop LiDAR detection

  1. resume detection : rosservice call /your_node/start_motor
  2. stop detection : rosservice call /your_node/stop_motor

How to run Lanhai ros node (UDP Network Version)

  1. sudo ifconfig eth0:1 # add sub net
  2. rosrun bluesea2 bluesea2_node _frame_id:=map _type:=udp _lidar_ip:= _firmware_version:=2
  3. optional : rostopic hz /scan
  4. optional : rosrun rviz rviz #

if your lidar model is LDS-50C-E :

  • use roslaunch src/bluesea/launch/LDS-50C-E.launch


  • std::string type; // LiDAR comm type, could be "uart", "tcp" or "udp"
  • std::string platform; // LiDAR hardware platform
  • std::string dump; // file path of dump raw data, for debug

// for serial port comm

  • std::string port; // serial port device path
  • int baud_rate; // baud rate, -1 : auto detect current baud rate

// for network comm

  • std::string lidar_ip; // LiDAR's network address
  • std::string group_ip; // multicast address
  • int lidar_port; // lidar's port (TCP / UDP)
  • int local_port; // ROS machine's port (TCP / UDP)

// for intput data format

  • bool unit_is_mm; // true : unit of raw data distance is CM, false: MM
  • bool with_confidence; // true: raw data with intensity, false: no intensity
  • bool with_checksum; // true : enable packet checksum

// output data type

  • bool output_scan; // true: enable output angle+distance mode, false: disable
  • bool output_cloud; // true: enable output xyz format data, false : disable
  • bool output_360; // true: collect multiple RawData packets (360 degree), then publish // false: publish every RawData (36 degree)
  • std::string frame_id; // frame information, could be used for rviz
  • bool from_zero; // true : angle range [0 - 360), false: angle range [-180, 180)

// is lidar inverted

  • bool inverted; // inverted installed
  • bool reversed; // data's angle increment

// angle composate

  • bool with_resample; // resample angle resolution
  • double resample_res; // 0.5: resample angle resolution @ 0.5 degree

// output data format

  • int normal_size; // abnormal packet (points number < normal_size) will be droped

// angle filter

  • bool with_angle_filter ; // true: enable angle filter, false: diable

  • double min_angle; // angle filter's low threshold, default value: -pi

  • double max_angle; // angle filters' up threashold, default value: pi

  • double max_dist;

Dynamic Reconfigure Parameters

int rpm; // motor's scaning RPM [300, 1500]

command line like this: rosrun dynamic_reconfigure dynparam set /lidar1/lidar01 "{'rpm':700}"

How to control Lanhai ros node start and stop

  • client:

      										   arg1  state    arg2:choose lidar serial number
      	start  or stop  one lidar
      	rosrun bluesea2  bluesea2_node_client  start/stop     0/1/2/... 
      	start or stop   all lidar
      	rosrun bluesea2  bluesea2_node_client  start/stop     -1          
  • server:

      	roslaunch bluesea2  xxx.launch

How to enable multiple radars and use only one port

refer to dual-LDS-50C-C30E.launch warming: The following parameters value is must different






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