rwxg / dotfiles

Dotfiles - forked from craftzdog

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

2nthony's dotfiles

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Clone this repo and link nvim to ~/.config

git clone ~/yourpath
ln -s ~/yourpath/.config/nvim ~/.config


  • LSP
  • Git Integration
  • Code Syntax Highlighting
  • Code Snippets
  • Code Completion
  • Code Diagnostics
  • GitHub Copilot
  • Bufferline
  • Good Looking Theme
  • Auto Session
  • ...


Full plugins see plugins.lua.


The latest keybindings in keymaps.lua.

<C> means to <Ctrl>

  • <C-h> better ^
  • <C-l> better $
  • <C-a> select all text
  • <C-j> LSP diagnostic next, <S-C-j> LSP diagnostic prev
  • <C-k> LSP hover
  • <C-\> open a float terminal


  • <Tab> next buffer, <S-Tab> previous buffer

<Space> relates to LSP

  • <Space>d search declarations
  • <Space>p preview definition
  • <Space>r replace declaration
  • <Space>ca code action

f means to find or file

  • fe toggle file explorer
  • fd locate current file in file explorer
  • ff find a file
  • fr find character(live grep) in files (install ripgrep)
  • fb find a buffer(tab)
  • fo find oldfiles
  • ft find todo comments
  • fm find bookmarks, fM find project bookmarks
    • mm toggle bookmark

g means to go or git

  • git open lazygit (install lazygit)
  • gw go to word
  • gl go to line
  • gj git next hunk
  • gk git previous hunk
  • ghs git stage hunk
  • ghS git stage file
  • ghr git reset hunk
  • ghu git undo stage hunk
  • ghp git preview hunk

See the full keybindings for git in keymaps.gitsigns

s means to switch, split

  • ss split window
  • sv vertical split window
  • sh focus left window
  • sj focus below window
  • sk focus above window
  • sl focus right window

; instead of \

  • ;w = :w
  • ;q = :q, :Q = :q!
  • ;1, ;2, ... go to buffer, ;0 go to the last buffer
  • ;x close buffer
  • ;X force(!) close buffer
  • ;bp pick a buffer
  • ;S ripgrep search(like global search)
  • ;tt toggle show troubles(problems)




GitHub 2nthony · Twitter _2nthony


Dotfiles - forked from craftzdog


Language:Lua 96.1%Language:Shell 3.9%