rwtodd / RWTStuff.mediawiki

a mediawiki extension with code I need for my private wiki

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

#nplink -- create a link where the visible text
doesn't have any parenthetical at the end...

Example: {{#nplink:Purple Worm (D&D Monster)}}!
  ==>  [[Purple Worm (D&D Monster)|Purple Worm]]

You can italicize it:
Example: {{#nplink:Purple Worm (D&D Monster)|it}}!
  ==>  [[Purple Worm (D&D Monster)|''Purple Worm'']]

You can lowercase it:
Example: {{#nplink:Purple Worm (D&D Monster)|lc}}!
  ==>  [[Purple Worm (D&D Monster)|purple worm]]


a mediawiki extension with code I need for my private wiki


Language:PHP 100.0%