rwillrich / mappersmith

It is a lightweight, isomorphic, dependency-free, rest client mapper for javascript

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Mappersmith is a lightweight, isomorphic, dependency-free, rest client mapper for javascript. It helps you map your API to use at the client and/or server, giving you all the flexibility you want to customize requests or write your own gateways.

This README is also available in a friendly navigable format.

Browser support

Mappersmith was designed considering modern browsers. However, all the methods used can be included by a shim such as es5-shim.



npm install mappersmith


Download the tag/latest version from the build folder.

Build from the source

Install the dependencies

npm install


npm run build
npm run release # for minified version

Requiring in Node.js

var Mappersmith = require('mappersmith/node');


To create a client for your API, you will need to provide a simple manifest, which must have host and resources keys. If your API reside in the same domain as your app, just assign false to host. Each resource has a name and a list of methods with its definitions, like:

var manifest = {
  host: '',
  resources: {
    Book: {
      all:  {path: '/v1/books.json'},
      byId: {path: '/v1/books/{id}.json'}
    Photo: {
      byCategory: {path: '/v1/photos/{category}/all.json'}

You can specify an HTTP method for every API call, but if you don't, GET will be used. For instance, let's say you can save a photo:

Photo: {
  save: {method: 'POST', path: '/v1/photos/{category}/save'}

With the manifest in your hands, you are able to forge your client:

var Client = Mappersmith.forge(manifest)

And then, use it as defined:

// without callbacks
Client.Book.byId({id: 3})

// with all callbacks
Client.Book.byId({id: 3}, function(data, stats) {
  // success callback
}).fail(function(request, err) {
  // fail callback
}).complete(function() {
  // complete callback, it will always be called

Mappersmith supports Promises, check how to enable in a section below

Success callback arguments

The success callback will receive two arguments: the first one will be data, returned by your API; and the second one will be a stats object. The stats object hold information of the request, like the elapsed time between your call and callback execution.

Be aware that plugins hooked to Mappersmith can include more stats into this object, like CachedGateway which includes if the call got a cache hit or miss.

The default stats in the object are url, params, timeElapsed and timeElapsedHumanized. Example:

  url: '',
  host: '',
  path: '/v1/books.json?language=en',
  params: {language: 'en'},
  headers: {Authorization: 'token 123'},
  status: 200,
  responseHeaders: {'content-type': 'application/json'}
  timeElapsed: 6.745000369846821,
  timeElapsedHumanized: '6.75 ms'

responseHeaders will always have lower case names.

It's possible to assign a global success handler, take a look in a section below

Fail callback arguments

The fail callback will receive in the first argument the requested resource, which is an object that contains the requested URL, host, path, status and params. From the second argument and beyond it will receive the error objects from the specific gateway implementations.

fail(function(request, err) {
  console.log(request.url) // ''
  console.log(request.params) // {id: 3}
  console.log(request.status) // 503

It's possible to assign a global error handler, take a look in a section below


If your method doesn't require any parameter, you can just call it without them:

Client.Book.all() //

Every parameter that doesn't match a pattern ({parameter-name}) in path will be sent as part of the query string:

Client.Book.all({language: 'en'}) //

Default parameters

It is possible to configure default parameters for your resources, just use the key params in the definition. It will replace params in the URL or include query strings, for example, imagine that our manifest has the method byYear in the resource Photo:

Photo: {
  byYear: {
    path: '/v1/photos/{year}.json',
    params: {year: new Date().getFullYear(), category: 'cats'}

If we call it without any params and new Date().getFullYear() is 2016, it will generate the following URL:


And, of course, we can override the defaults:

Client.Photo.byYear({category: 'dogs'});

Message Body

To send values in the request body (usually for POST or PUT methods) you will use the special parameter body:{
  category: 'family',
  body: {year: 2016, tags: ['party', 'family']}

It will create a urlencoded version of the object (year=2016&tags[]=party&tags[]=family). If the body used is not an object it will use the original value. If body is not possible as a special parameter for your API you can configure it with another value, just pass the new name as the third argument of method forge:

var Client = Mappersmith.forge(manifest, Mappersmith.VanillaGateway, 'data')
  category: 'family',
  data: {year: 2016, tags: ['party', 'family']}


There are several ways to assign headers. It's possible to configure headers for all resources using the global match, for resources matching a defined pattern or directly through the method call. To define headers in the method call use the parameter headers.{
  category: 'family',
  data: {year: 2016, tags: ['party', 'family']},
  headers: {Authorization: 'token 1d1435k'}

Check the section global configurations and url matching for more information about the other configurations.


You can specify functions to process returned data before they are passed to success callback:

Book: {
  all:  {
    path: '/v1/books.json',
    processor: function(data) {
      return data.result;

Alternative host

There are some cases where a resource method resides in another host, in those cases you can use the host key to configure a new host or to disable the resolution.

var manifest = {
  host: '',
  resources: {
    MyResouce: {
      all: {path: '/all.json'},
      byId: {path: '/{id}.json', host: ''},
      other: {path: '{url}', host: false}

var Client = Mappersmith.forge(manifest);

Client.MyResource.byId({id: 1})

Client.MyResource.other({url: ''})

It's also possible to disable the host resolution for all resources, using the current URL, just assign false to the host key and remember to start your resources paths with /.

var manifest = {
  host: false,
  resources: {
    MyResouce: {
      all: {path: '/all.json'}

var Client = Mappersmith.forge(manifest);
// /all.json

Using with Promises

To disable the callback API and enable promises you must turn on the flag USE_PROMISES.

Mappersmith.Env.USE_PROMISES = true;

After that, you can forge your client and assume that every method will return a promise.

var Client = Mappersmith.forge(manifest);

Client.Book.byId({id: 3}).then(function(response) {
  console.log(; // data returned by your API
  console.log(response.stats); // stats object with request information

}).catch(function(err) {
  console.log(err.response); // requested resource, same as stats
  console.log(err.response.status); // status code from the request (e.g: 503, 404, etc)
  console.log(err.err); // array of errors given by gateway

// other example

Client.Book.all().then(function(response) {

}).then(function(data) {

The first callback, if provided, will be used as a "then" statement, example:

Client.Book.all(function() {

}).then(function() {

// output:
// 1
// 2

It is important to note that Mappersmith does not apply any polyfills. If you are using this with a browser that doesn't support Promises, please apply the polyfill first. One option can be then/promises

In some cases is not possible to use/assign the global Promise, for those cases you can define the promise implementation used by Mappersmith through the Env module.

For example, using the project rsvp.js:

var RSVP = require('rsvp');
Mappersmith.Env.Promise = RSVP.Promise;

All Promise references in Mappersmith use Mappersmith.Env.Promise. The default value is the global Promise.

Global success handler

Sometimes you want to inspect all your requests for metrics, statistics or to notify activity. This handler will be called for every success response in any resource available to the client.

Client.onSuccess(function(stats, data) {
  console.log(data) // {data: 'my-data'}
  console.log(stats.status) // 201
  console.log(stats.url) // ''
  console.log(stats.params) // {language: 'en'}

Check the section success callback arguments for more information about the other attributes in stats.

Global error handler

It's possible to assign a different global error handling for each generated client (every call to forge generates a new client), this is useful to remove repetition regarding authorization, content not found and so on. This error handler will be called for every error in any resource available to the client.

Client.onError(function(request, err) {
  console.log(request.url) // ''
  console.log(request.params) // {id: 3}
  console.log(request.status) // 503

The global handler runs before the local callback, to skip the local handler return true.

Compact Syntax

If you find tiring having to map your API methods with hashes, you can use our incredible compact syntax:

Book: {
  all: 'get:/v1/books.json', // The same as {method: 'GET', path: '/v1/books.json'}
  byId: '/v1/books/{id}.json' // The default is GET, as always
Photo: {
  // The same as {method: 'POST', path: '/v1/photos/{category}/save.json'}
  save: 'post:/v1/photos/{category}/save'

A downside is that you can't use processor functions with compact syntax.


Mappersmith allows you to customize the transport layer. There are gateways for browser and server (Nodejs). You can use the default Mappersmith.VanillaGateway (client only), the included Mappersmith.JQueryGateway (client only), NodeVanillaGateway (server only) or write your own version. Check the list of available gateways at the bottom of the readme.

How to write one?

var MyGateway = Mappersmith.createGateway({
  get: function() {
    // you will have:
    // - this.url
    // -
    // - this.path
    // - this.params
    // - this.body
    // - this.opts (this.opts.headers)

  post: function() {

  // and other HTTP methods

How to change the default?

Just provide an object created with Mappersmith.createGateway as the second argument of the method forge:

var Client = Mappersmith.forge(manifest, Mappersmith.JQueryGateway)

Specifics of each gateway

You can pass options for the gateway implementation that you are using. For example, if we are using the Mappersmith.JQueryGateway and want one of our methods to use jsonp, we can call it like:

Client.Book.byId({id: 2}, function(data) {}, {jsonp: true})

The third argument is passed to the gateway as this.opts and, of course, the accepted options vary by each implementation. The default gateway, Mappersmith.VanillaGateway, accepts a configure callback:

Client.Book.byId({id: 2}, function(data) {}, {
  configure: function(request) {
    // do whatever you want

You can also ommit the second parameter (i.e. success callback), for example:

Client.Book.starById({id: 2}, {xhrFields: {withCredentials: true}})

Global configurations and URL matching

Imagine that you are using Mappersmith.JQueryGateway and all of your methods must be called with jsonp or use a special header, it will be incredibly boring add those configurations every time. Global configurations allow you to configure gateway options and a processor that will be used for every method. Keep in mind that the processor configured in the resource will be prioritized instead to global, for example:

var manifest = {
  host: '',
  rules: [
    { // This is our global configuration
      values: {
        gateway: {jsonp: true, headers: {'X-SOMETHING': 'value'}},
        processor: function(data) { return data.result }
  resources: {
    Book: {
      all:  {path: '/v1/books.json'},
      byId: {path: '/v1/books/{id}.json'}
    Photo: {
      byCategory: {path: '/v1/photos/{category}/all.json'}

It is possible to add some configurations based on matches in the URLs, let's include a header for every book URL:

rules: [
  { // This is our global configuration
    values: {
      gateway: {jsonp: true},
      processor: function(data) { return data.result }
  { // This will only be applied when the URL matches the regexp
    match: /\/v1\/books/,
    values: {
      gateway: {headers: {'X-MY-HEADER': 'value'}}

Just keep in mind that the configurations and processors will be prioritized by their order, and the global configurations do not have a match key.

Gateway Implementations

The gateways listed here are available through the Mappersmith namespace.


Client Only. The default gateway - it uses plain XMLHttpRequest. Accepts a configure callback that allows you to change the request object before it is used.

Available methods:

  • πŸ†— GET
  • πŸ†— POST
  • πŸ†— PUT
  • πŸ†— DELETE
  • πŸ†— PATCH

Available options:

  • emulateHTTP: sends request as POST with _method in the body and X-HTTP-Method-Override header, both with requested method as value. (default false)

  • headers: configures headers

  • withCredentials: Configure the property with same name


Client Only. It uses $.ajax and accepts an object that will be merged with defaults. It doesn't include jquery, so you will need to include that in your page.

Available methods:

  • πŸ†— GET
  • πŸ†— POST
  • πŸ†— PUT
  • πŸ†— DELETE
  • πŸ†— PATCH

Available options:

  • emulateHTTP: sends request as POST with _method in the body and X-HTTP-Method-Override header, both with request method as value. (default false)

  • headers: configures headers

  • withCredentials: Configure the property with same name


Server Only. It uses the module http and accepts an object that will be merged with defaults.

How to access this gateway?

var Mappersmith = require('mappersmith/node');

Available methods:

  • πŸ†— GET
  • πŸ†— POST
  • πŸ†— PUT
  • πŸ†— DELETE
  • πŸ†— PATCH

Available options:

  • emulateHTTP: sends request as POST with _method in the body and X-HTTP-Method-Override header, both with request method as value. (default false)

  • headers: configures headers


Mappersmith plays nice with all test frameworks, the generated client is a plain javascript object and all the methods can be mocked without any problem. However, with promises and custom processors its setup code can become a bit messy. Methods without a mock will call the original endpoint.

The built-in fixture module allows you to disable network for all methods and use your configured processors.

How to setup?




Download the tag/latest version of the file mappersmith-fixture.js from the build folder.


By requiring the module or importing the file, you will enable the fixtures module, remember to do that in a test environment. The import will automatically call:

Mappersmith.Env.USE_FIXTURES = true;

You can disable it anytime.

How to define a fixture?

  define('get'). // HTTP method
  matching({path: '/v1/books.json'}).

You can define multiple fixtures for each HTTP method supported by your gateway. You must define a matching pattern using one or more attributes of the requested resource (url, host, path, params or headers) and a response data. The response data can be a JSON object.

It's possible to use regexp in the matchers:

  matching({path: /books/}).
  response({data: []});

and it's possible to match the params using an object:

  matching({params: {myParam: 'paramValue'}}).

To define failures, use the failure method:

var fixture = Mappersmith.Env.Fixture.
  matching({url: 'http://full-url/v1/books.json'}).
  failure(). // status 400 by default

It's possible to define the status code of the failed request:

var fixture = Mappersmith.Env.Fixture.
  matching({url: 'http://full-url/v1/books.json'}).
  failure({status: 503}).

The fixture object contains some methods to help you with your tests. Using the variable fixture from the last example, you can call:

  • remove: It will remove the fixture.

    fixture.remove() // true or false
  • callsCount: It will return the number of calls performed by this fixture.

    fixture.callsCount() // 1
  • mostRecentCall: It will return the most recent call (the last one) or null

    // {
    //   url: 'http://full-url/v1/books.json?param2=true'
    //   host: 'http://full-url',
    //   path: '/v1/books.json?param2=true',
    //   params: {param2: true}
    // }
  • firstCall: It will return the first call or null

    fixture.firstCall() // it will return the same object of mostRecentCall
  • calls: It will return an array of calls or an empty array

    fixture.calls() // []

The Fixture module contains some methods to check and maintain the environment, you can call:

  • clear: It will clear the fixtures.

    // will clear all the fixtures
    Mappersmith.Env.Fixture.clear() // true or false
    // will clear all "get" fixtures
    Mappersmith.Env.Fixture.clear('get') // true or false
    // will clear all "get" fixtures matching the params
    Mappersmith.Env.Fixture.clear('get', {path: '/v1/books.json'}) // true or false
  • count: It will count the number of fixtures defined

    Mappersmith.Env.Fixture.count() // 32

Mappersmith will use the last fixture matching the params, thus you can always override a previous fixture. It will raise an exception for calls without fixtures, Mappersmith.Env.USE_FIXTURES = true completely disables network activity.


For gateways with transparent cache functionalities and different cache stores, take a look at:

for a layer on top of your objects/responses to help with common annoyances which the javascript world provides daily, take a look at:



npm run test-browser or SINGLE_RUN=true npm run test-browser


npm run test-node

To run both tests

npm test

Compile and release

  • Compile: npm run build
  • Release (minified version): npm run release


Check it out!


See LICENSE for more details.


It is a lightweight, isomorphic, dependency-free, rest client mapper for javascript

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%