rwickman / NEAT_RL

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Codebase for the paper: Efficient Quality-Diversity Optimization through Diverse Quality Species


To install this package run:

pip3 install -e .

You will also need to install QDGym:

pip3 install git+

Training the models

To train the model on the QDHopper environment with a population size of 64 with 8 species, survival rate of 0.5, and discriminator lambda of 0.05:

python3 --env QDHopperBulletEnv-v0 --pop_size 64 --num_species 8 --disc_lam 0.05 --survival_rate 0.5 --use_state_disc --save_dir <path/to/save_dir>

To load the model to continue training:

python3 --env QDHopperBulletEnv-v0 --pop_size 64 --num_species 8 --disc_lam 0.05 --survival_rate 0.5 --use_state_disc --save_dir <path/to/save_dir> --load

If you want to see population interacting with environment, without training (i.e., render):

python3 --env QDHopperBulletEnv-v0 --pop_size 64 --num_species 8 --disc_lam 0.05 --survival_rate 0.5 --use_state_disc --save_dir <path/to/save_dir> --load --render

To track the current training results for a model:

python3 neat_rl/helpers/ --save_dir <path/to/model> --env <env_name>

Hyperparmeter tunning

To hyperparameter tune on the QDHopper environment:

python3 --hyperparameter_tune --env QDHopperBulletEnv-v0 --max_org_evals 10000 --use_state_disc

For other environments, replace the environment with the one you want to test on.

All environments:

  • QDHopperBulletEnv-v0
  • QDWalker2DBulletEnv-v0
  • QDHalfCheetahBulletEnv-v0
  • QDAntBulletEnv-v0

Hyperpameters used

Hyperparameter Value
Population Size 64
Number of Species ($m$) 8
Diversity Reward Scale ($\lambda$) 0.05
Species Elites Value ($K$) 4
Policy Update Steps (n_grad) 64
Critic Update Frequency (critic_update_freq) 8
Policy Hidden Size 128
Species Actor Hidden Size 256
Species Critic Hidden Size 256
Discriminator Hidden Size 256
Species Actor/Critic and Discriminator Learning Rate 0.003
Policy Learning Rate 0.006
Number of Evaluations (num_eval) $10^{5}$
Batch Size ($N$) 256
Discount Factor ($\gamma$) 0.99
Species Target Update Rate ($\tau$) 0.005
TD3 Exploration Noise 0.2
TD3 Smoothing Variance ($\sigma$) 0.2
TD3 Noise Clip ($c$) 0.5
TD3 Target Update Freq. ($d$) 2
Replay Buffer Size $2^{19}$

Table 1: Hyperparameter values for the DQS algorithm.


  title={Efficient Quality-Diversity Optimization through Diverse Quality Species},
  author={Wickman, Ryan and Poudel, Bibek and Villarreal, Michael and Zhang, Xiaofei and Li, Weizi},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.07425},



Language:Python 100.0%