rwbutler / HTTP-RPC

Lightweight REST for Java

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Releases Maven Central


HTTP-RPC is an open-source framework for creating and consuming RESTful and REST-like web services in Java. It is extremely lightweight and requires only a Java runtime environment and a servlet container. The entire framework is less than 100KB in size, making it an ideal choice for applications where a minimal footprint is desired.

This guide introduces the HTTP-RPC framework and provides an overview of its key features.


Getting HTTP-RPC

HTTP-RPC is distributed via Maven Central:

  • org.httprpc:httprpc-client - provides support for consuming web services and interacting with common file formats and relational databases (Java 8 or later required)
  • org.httprpc:httprpc-server - depends on client; provides support for implementing web services (Java Servlet specification 3.1 or later required)

NOTE The legacy org.httprpc:httprpc artifact is deprecated. org.httprpc:httprpc-client or org.httprpc:httprpc-server should be used for new development.

HTTP-RPC Classes

Classes provided by the HTTP-RPC framework include:

Each is discussed in more detail in the following sections.


WebService is an abstract base class for web services. It extends the similarly abstract HttpServlet class provided by the servlet API.

Service operations are defined by adding public methods to a concrete service implementation. Methods are invoked by submitting an HTTP request for a path associated with a servlet instance. Arguments are provided either via the query string or in the request body, like an HTML form. WebService converts the request parameters to the expected argument types, invokes the method, and writes the return value to the output stream as JSON. Service classes must be compiled with the -parameters flag so the names of their method parameters are available at runtime.

The RequestMethod annotation is used to associate a service method with an HTTP verb such as GET or POST. The optional ResourcePath annotation can be used to associate the method with a specific path relative to the servlet. If unspecified, the method is associated with the servlet itself. If no matching handler method is found for a given request, the default handler (e.g. doGet()) is called.

Multiple methods may be associated with the same verb and path. WebService selects the best method to execute based on the provided argument values. For example, the following service class implements some simple addition operations:

@WebServlet(urlPatterns={"/math/*"}, loadOnStartup = 1)
public class MathService extends WebService {
    public double getSum(double a, double b) {
        return a + b;
    public double getSum(List<Double> values) {
        double total = 0;
        for (double value : values) {
            total += value;
        return total;

The following HTTP request would cause the first method to be invoked:

GET /math/sum?a=2&b=4

This request would invoke the second method:

GET /math/sum?values=1&values=2&values=3

In either case, the service would return the value 6 in response.

Method Arguments

Method arguments may be any of the following types:

  • String
  • Byte/byte
  • Short/short
  • Integer/int
  • Long/long
  • Float/float
  • Double/double
  • Boolean/boolean
  • java.util.Date (from a long value representing epoch time in milliseconds)
  • java.time.Instant ("yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[.sss]Z")
  • java.time.LocalDate ("yyyy-mm-dd")
  • java.time.LocalTime ("hh:mm")
  • java.time.LocalDateTime ("yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm")
  • java.util.List

Missing or null values are automatically converted to 0 or false for primitive types.

List arguments represent multi-value parameters. List values are automatically converted to their declared types (e.g. List<Double>).

URL and List<URL> arguments represent file uploads. They may be used only with POST requests submitted using the multi-part form data encoding. For example:

@WebServlet(urlPatterns={"/upload/*"}, loadOnStartup = 1)
public class FileUploadService extends WebService {
    public void upload(URL file) throws IOException {
        try (InputStream inputStream = file.openStream()) {

    public void upload(List<URL> files) throws IOException {
        for (URL file : files) {
            try (InputStream inputStream = file.openStream()) {

The methods could be invoked using this HTML form:

<form action="/upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="file" name="file"/><br/>
    <input type="file" name="files" multiple/><br/>
    <input type="submit"/><br/>

If no method is found that matches the provided arguments, an HTTP 405 response is returned.

Path Variables

Path variables may be specified by a "?" character in the resource path. For example:

public List<Map<String, ?>> getContactAddresses() { ... }

The getKey() method returns the value of a path variable associated with the current request:

protected String getKey(int index) { ... }

For example, given the following request:

GET /contacts/jsmith/addresses/home

the value of the key at index 0 would be "jsmith", and the value at index 1 would be "home".

Named Variables

Path variables can optionally be assigned a name by appending a colon and key name to the "?" character:

public List<Map<String, ?>> getContactAddresses() { ... }

A named variable can be retrieved via this getKey() overload:

protected String getKey(String name) { ... }

For example, given the preceding request, the key with name "contactID" would be "jsmith" and the key with name "addressType" would be "home".

Custom Body Content

The Content annotation can be used to associate custom body content with a service method. It defines a single value() attribute representing the expected body type. Annotated methods can access the decoded content via the getBody() method.

For example, the following service method might be used to create a new account record using data passed in the request body:

public createAccount() {
    Account account = getBody();


By default, body data is assumed to be JSON. However, subclasses can override the decodeBody() method to support other representations. If the provided data cannot be deserialized to the specified type, an HTTP 415 response will be returned.

Return Values

Return values are converted to their JSON equivalents as follows:

  • CharSequence: string
  • Number: number
  • Boolean: true/false
  • Enum: ordinal value
  • java.util.Date: long value representing epoch time in milliseconds
  • java.time.TemporalAccessor: string
  • string
  • Iterable: array
  • java.util.Map or Java bean: object

By default, an HTTP 200 response is returned when a service method completes successfully. However, if a method returns void or Void, an HTTP 204 response will be returned. If a method returns null, HTTP 404 will be returned.

Custom Result Encodings

Although return values are encoded as JSON by default, subclasses can override the encodeResult() method of the WebService class to support alternative encodings. See the method documentation for more information.

Request and Repsonse Properties

WebService provides the following methods to allow a service method to access the request and response objects associated with the current invocation:

protected HttpServletRequest getRequest() { ... }
protected HttpServletResponse getResponse() { ... }

For example, a service might use the request to get the name of the current user, or use the response to return a custom header or status code.

The response object can also be used to produce a custom result. If a service method commits the response by writing to the output stream, the method's return value (if any) will be ignored by WebService. This allows a service to return content that cannot be easily represented as JSON, such as image data.


Service requests can be authorized by overriding the following method:

protected boolean isAuthorized(HttpServletRequest request, Method method) { ... }

The first argument contains the current request, and the second the service method to be invoked. If isAuthorized() returns true (the default), method execution will proceed. Otherwise, the method will not be invoked, and an HTTP 403 response will be returned.


If an exception is thrown by a service method and the response has not yet been committed, the exception message (if any) will be returned as plain text in the response body. If the exception is an instance of IllegalArgumentException or UnsupportedOperationException, an HTTP 403 response will be returned. For IllegalStateException, HTTP 409 will be returned. For any other exception type, HTTP 500 will be returned.

Inter-Service Communication

A service implementation can obtain a reference to another service instance via the getService() method of the WebService class. This can be useful when the behavior of one service relies on logic provided by a different service. The target service must be annotated with javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet.

Methods on the target service are executed in the same thread that handled the initial request. However, the servlet request and response values from the source service are not propagated to the target. Any required values from the request must be passed as arguments to the target method; similarly, any information destined for the response must be returned by the method.

API Documentation

API documentation can be viewed by appending "?api" to a service URL; for example:

GET /math?api

Methods are grouped by resource path. Parameter and return types are encoded as follows:

  • Object: "any"
  • Void or void: "void"
  • Byte or byte: "byte"
  • Short or short: "short"
  • Integer or int: "integer"
  • Long or long: "long"
  • Float or float: "float"
  • Double or double: "double"
  • Any other Number: "number"
  • CharSequence: "string"
  • Enum: "enum"
  • java.util.Date: "date"
  • java.time.Instant: "instant"
  • java.time.LocalDate: "date-local"
  • java.time.LocalTime: "time-local"
  • java.time.LocalDateTime: "datetime-local"
  • "file" for parameters, "url" for return values
  • java.lang.Iterable, java.util.Collection, or java.util.List: "[element type]"
  • java.util.Map: "[key type: value type]"

Any other type is considered a Java bean and is described by its simple class name.

Implementations can provide additional information about service types and operations using the Description annotation. For example:

@WebServlet(urlPatterns={"/math/*"}, loadOnStartup = 1)
@Description("Math example service.")
public class MathService extends WebService {
    @Description("Calculates the sum of two numbers.")
    public double getSum(
        @Description("The first number.") double a, 
        @Description("The second number.") double b
    ) {
        return a + b;

The Description annotation can also be applied to bean properties:

public static class Item {

    @Description("The item's description.")
    public String getDescription() {
        return description;

    @Description("The item's price.")
    public double getPrice() {
        return price;

If a method is tagged with the Deprecated annotation, it will be identified as such in the output.


The WebServiceProxy class is used to issue API requests to a server. It provides a single constructor that accepts the following arguments:

  • method - the HTTP method to execute
  • url - the URL of the requested resource

Request headers and arguments are specified via the setHeaders() and setArguments() methods, respectively. Custom body content can be provided via the setBody() method. When specified, body content is serialized as JSON; however, the setRequestHandler() method can be used to facilitate custom request encodings.

Like HTML forms, arguments are submitted either via the query string or in the request body. Arguments for GET, PUT, and DELETE requests are always sent in the query string. POST arguments are typically sent in the request body, and may be submitted as either "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or "multipart/form-data" (specified via the proxy's setEncoding() method). However, if a custom body is provided either via setBody() or by a custom request handler, POST arguments will be sent in the query string.

The toString() method is generally used to convert an argument to its string representation. However, Date instances are automatically converted to a long value representing epoch time. Additionally, Iterable instances represent multi-value parameters and behave similarly to <select multiple> tags in HTML. Further, when using the multi-part encoding, URL and Iterable<URL> values represent file uploads, and behave similarly to <input type="file"> tags in HTML forms.

Service operations are invoked via one of the following methods:

public <T> T invoke() throws IOException { ... }
public <T> T invoke(ResponseHandler<T> responseHandler) throws IOException { ... }

The first version automatically deserializes a successful server response using JSONDecoder, which is discussed in more detail later. The second allows a caller to provide a custom response handler. ResponseHandler is a functional interface that is defined as follows:

public interface ResponseHandler<T> {
    T decodeResponse(InputStream inputStream, String contentType, Map<String, String> headers) throws IOException;

If a service returns an error response, a WebServiceException will be thrown. If the content type of the response is "text/plain", the body of the response will be provided in the exception message.

The following code snippet demonstrates how WebServiceProxy might be used to access the operations of the simple math service discussed earlier. listOf(), mapOf(), and entry() are static utility methods provided by the org.httprpc.util.Collections class that can be used to declaratively create immutable collection instances:

WebServiceProxy webServiceProxy = new WebServiceProxy("GET", new URL(serverURL, "math/sum"));

// GET /math/sum?a=2&b=4
    entry("a", 4),
    entry("b", 2)

System.out.println((Number)webServiceProxy.invoke()); // 6.0

// GET /math/sum?values=1&values=2&values=3
    entry("values", listOf(1, 2, 3))

System.out.println((Number)webServiceProxy.invoke()); // 6.0

Typed Access

The adapt() methods of the WebServiceProxy class can be used to facilitate type-safe access to web services:

public static <T> T adapt(URL baseURL, Class<T> type) { ... }
public static <T> T adapt(URL baseURL, Class<T> type, Function<ResourcePath, Map<String, ?>> keyMapFactory) { ... }
public static <T> T adapt(URL baseURL, Class<T> type, Function<ResourcePath, Map<String, ?>> keyMapFactory, BiFunction<String, URL, WebServiceProxy> webServiceProxyFactory) { ... }

All three versions take a base URL and an interface type as arguments and return an instance of the given type that can be used to invoke service operations. The second version accepts a callback that is used to supply values for any named path variables. The third accepts an additional callback that is used to produce service proxy instances. Interface types must be compiled with the -parameters flag so their method parameter names are available at runtime.

The RequestMethod annotation is used to associate an HTTP verb with an interface method. The optional ResourcePath annotation can be used to associate the method with a specific path relative to the base URL. If unspecified, the method is associated with the base URL itself.

POST requests are generally submitted using the multi-part encoding or as JSON. However, this behavior can be overridden by a custom service proxy factory.

Return values are handled as described for WebServiceProxy, and are automatically coerced to the correct type.

For example, the following interface might be used to model the operations of the math service:

public interface MathService {
    double getSum(double a, double b) throws IOException;

    double getSum(List<Double> values) throws IOException;

This code uses the adapt() method to create an instance of MathService, then invokes the getSum() method on the returned instance. The results are identical to the previous example:

MathService mathService = WebServiceProxy.adapt(new URL(serverURL, "math/"), MathService.class);

// GET /math/sum?a=2&b=4
System.out.println(mathService.getSum(4, 2)); // 6.0

// GET /math/sum?values=1&values=2&values=3
System.out.println(mathService.getSum(listOf(1.0, 2.0, 3.0))); // 6.0

JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder

The JSONEncoder class is used internally by WebService to serialize a service response. However, it can also be used by application code. For example:

Map<String, Object> map = mapOf(
    entry("vegetables", listOf(
    entry("desserts", listOf(
        "ice cream"

JSONEncoder jsonEncoder = new JSONEncoder();

jsonEncoder.write(map, System.out);

This code would produce the following output:

  "vegetables": [
  "desserts": [
    "ice cream"

Values are converted to their JSON equivalents as described earlier. Unsupported types are treated as null.

The JSONDecoder class (used internally by WebServiceProxy) deserializes a JSON document into a Java object hierarchy. JSON values are mapped to their Java equivalents as follows:

  • string: String
  • number: Number
  • true/false: Boolean
  • array: java.util.List
  • object: java.util.Map

For example, given the following JSON document:

    "name": "January",
    "days": 31
    "name": "February",
    "days": 28
    "name": "March",
    "days": 31

JSONDecoder could be used to parse the data into a list of maps as shown below:

JSONDecoder jsonDecoder = new JSONDecoder();

List<Map<String, Object>> months =;

for (Map<String, Object> month : months) {
    System.out.println(String.format("%s has %d days", month.get("name"), month.get("days")));

CSVEncoder and CSVDecoder

Although WebService automatically serializes return values as JSON, in some cases it may be preferable to return a CSV (comma-separated value) document instead. Because field keys are specified only at the beginning of the document rather than being duplicated for every record, CSV generally requires less bandwidth than JSON. Additionally, consumers can begin processing CSV as soon as the first record arrives, rather than waiting for the entire document to download.


The CSVEncoder class can be used to serialize a sequence of map values to CSV. For example, the following code could be used to export the month/day list from the previous example as CSV. The string values passed to the constructor represent the columns in the output document and the map keys to which those columns correspond:

CSVEncoder csvEncoder = new CSVEncoder(listOf("name", "days"));

csvEncoder.write(months, System.out);

This code would produce the following output:


String values are automatically wrapped in double-quotes and escaped. Enums are encoded using their ordinal values. Instances of java.util.Date are encoded as a long value representing epoch time. All other values are encoded via toString().


The CSVDecoder class deserializes a CSV document into an iterable sequence of maps. Rather than loading the entire payload into memory and returning the data as a list, CSVDecoder returns the data as a forward-scrolling cursor, allowing consumers to process rows as soon as they are read.

For example, given the CSV above as input, the following code would produce the same results as JSONDecoder example:

CSVDecoder csvDecoder = new CSVDecoder();

Iterable<Map<String, String>> months =;

for (Map<String, String> month : months) {
    System.out.println(String.format("%s has %d days", month.get("name"), month.get("days")));

Columns with empty headings are ignored. Empty field values are treated as null.


The TemplateEncoder class transforms an object hierarchy into an output format using a template document. Template syntax is based loosely on the Mustache format and supports most Mustache features.

TemplateEncoder provides the following constructors:

public TemplateEncoder(URL url) { ... }
public TemplateEncoder(URL url, Charset charset) { ... }

The first argument specifies the URL of the template document (typically as a resource on the application's classpath). The escape modifier corresponding to the document's extension (if any) will be applied by default. The optional second argument represents the character encoding used by the template document. If unspecified, UTF-8 is assumed.

Templates are applied using one of the following methods:

public void write(Object value, OutputStream outputStream) { ... }
public void write(Object value, OutputStream outputStream, Locale locale) { ... }
public void write(Object value, OutputStream outputStream, Locale locale, TimeZone timeZone) { ... }
public void write(Object value, Writer writer) { ... }
public void write(Object value, Writer writer, Locale locale) { ... }
public void write(Object value, Writer writer, Locale locale, TimeZone timeZone) { ... }

The first argument represents the value to write (i.e. the data dictionary), and the second the output destination. The optional third and fourth arguments represent the target locale and time zone, respectively. If unspecified, system defaults are used.

For example, the following code snippet applies a template named example.txt to a map instance:

Map<String, Object> map = mapOf(
    entry("a", "hello"),
    entry("b", 123),
    entry("c", true)

TemplateEncoder templateEncoder = new TemplateEncoder(getClass().getResource("example.txt"));

templateEncoder.write(map, System.out);

Custom Modifiers

Modifiers are created by implementing the TemplateEncoder.Modifier interface, which defines the following method:

Object apply(Object value, String argument, Locale locale, TimeZone timeZone);

The first argument to this method represents the value to be modified, and the second is the optional argument value following the "=" character in the modifier string. If an argument is not specified, this value will be null. The third argument contains the encoder's locale.

Custom modifiers are added to a template encoder instance via the getModifiers() method. For example, the following code creates a modifier that converts values to uppercase:

templateEncoder.getModifiers().put("uppercase", (value, argument, locale, timeZone) -> value.toString().toUpperCase(locale));

Note that modifiers must be thread-safe, since they are shared and may be invoked concurrently by multiple encoder instances.


The BeanAdapter class provides access to the properties of a Java bean instance via the Map interface. If a property value is null or an instance of one of the following types, it is returned as is:

  • CharSequence
  • Number
  • Boolean
  • Enum
  • java.util.Date
  • java.time.TemporalAccessor

If the value is an instance of Iterable or Map, it is wrapped in an adapter of the same type that automatically adapts its sub-elements. Otherwise, the value is assumed to be a bean and is wrapped in an instance of BeanAdapter.

For example, the following class might be used to represent a node in a hierarchical object graph:

public class TreeNode {
    private String name;

    private List<TreeNode> children = null;

    public TreeNode(String name) { = name;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public List<TreeNode> getChildren() {
        return children;

    public void setChildren(List<TreeNode> children) {
        this.children = children;

This class could be used to create a simple hierarchy as shown below:

TreeNode root = new TreeNode("Seasons");

TreeNode winter = new TreeNode("Winter");
winter.setChildren(listOf(new TreeNode("January"), new TreeNode("February"), new TreeNode("March")));

TreeNode spring = new TreeNode("Spring");
spring.setChildren(listOf(new TreeNode("April"), new TreeNode("May"), new TreeNode("June")));

TreeNode summer = new TreeNode("Summer");
summer.setChildren(listOf(new TreeNode("July"), new TreeNode("August"), new TreeNode("September")));

TreeNode fall = new TreeNode("Fall");
fall.setChildren(listOf(new TreeNode("October"), new TreeNode("November"), new TreeNode("December")));

root.setChildren(listOf(winter, spring, summer, fall));

The following code could be used to write this tree structure to the console as JSON:

JSONEncoder jsonEncoder = new JSONEncoder();

jsonEncoder.write(new BeanAdapter(root), System.out);

producing the following output:

  "children": [
      "children": [
          "children": null,
          "name": "January"
          "children": null,
          "name": "February"
          "children": null,
          "name": "March"
      "name": "Winter"

Note that properties are traversed in alphabetical order rather than the order in which they were declared. Because the original declaration order is not available at runtime, BeanAdapter internally sorts properties alphabetically by key.

Excluding Values

Any property tagged with the Ignore annotation will be excluded from the map. For example:

public int getX() {
    return x;

This will cause the get() method to return null for the key "x".

Typed Access

BeanAdapter can also be used to facilitate type-safe access to loosely typed data structures:

public static <T> T adapt(Object value, Type type) { ... }

If the value is already an instance of the requested type, it is returned as is. Otherwise:

  • If the target type is a number or boolean, the value is parsed or coerced using the appropriate conversion method (e.g. Integer#valueOf()). Missing or null values are automatically converted to 0 or false for primitive types.
  • If the target type is a String, the value is adapted via its toString() method.
  • If the target type is java.util.Date, the value is parsed or coerced to a long value representing epoch time in milliseconds and then converted to a Date.
  • If the target type is java.time.Instant, java.time.LocalDate, java.time.LocalTime, or java.time.LocalDateTime, the value is converted to a string and parsed using the appropriate parse() method.
  • If the target type is java.util.List or java.util.Map, the value is wrapped in an adapter of the same type that automatically adapts its sub-elements.

Otherwise, the target is assumed to be a bean interface, and the value is assumed to be a map. The return value is a proxy implementation of the given interface that maps accessor methods to entries in the map. Property values are adapted as described above. Object methods such as toString() are delegated to the underlying map.

For example, given the following interface:

public interface TreeNode {
    String getName();
    List<TreeNode> getChildren();

the adapt() method can be used to model the JSON data from the previous section as a collection of TreeNode values:

JSONDecoder jsonDecoder = new JSONDecoder();

Map<String, Object> map =;

TreeNode root = BeanAdapter.adapt(map, TreeNode.class);

System.out.println(root.getName()); // "Seasons"
System.out.println(root.getChildren().get(0).getName()); // "Winter"
System.out.println(root.getChildren().get(0).getChildren().get(0).getName()); // "January"

Custom Property Keys

The Key annotation can be used to associate a custom key with a bean property. This association is bi-directional; when adapting a bean for access via the Map interface, the annotation represents the key that will be used to obtain the value from the bean. Conversely, when adapting a map for typed access, it represents the key that will be used to obtain the value from the map.

For example, when an instance of this class is wrapped in a BeanAdapter, the value returned by getFirstName() will be accessible via "first_name" rather than "firstName":

public class Person {
    private String firstName = null;
    public String getFirstName() {
        return firstName;
    public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
        this.firstName = firstName;

Similarly, when a proxy instance of this interface is created by the adapt() method, getFirstName() will return the value associated with "first_name" in the underlying map, not "firstName":

public interface Person {
    String getFirstName();

ResultSetAdapter and Parameters

The ResultSetAdapter class provides access to the contents of a JDBC result set via the Iterable interface. Access to individual rows is provided via the Map interface:

public class ResultSetAdapter implements Iterable<Map<String, Object>>, AutoCloseable { ... }

ResultSetAdapter also implements AutoCloseable and ensures that the underlying result set is closed when the adapter is closed.

For example, the following code could be used to serialize the results of a database query to JSON:

try (ResultSetAdapter resultSetAdapter = new ResultSetAdapter(statement.executeQuery())) {
    JSONEncoder jsonEncoder = new JSONEncoder();
    jsonEncoder.write(resultSetAdapter, System.out);

The Parameters class is used to simplify execution of prepared statements. It provides a means for executing statements using named parameter values rather than indexed arguments. Parameter names are specified by a leading ":" character. For example:

select name from pet where owner = :owner

Colons within single quotes and occurrences of two successive unquoted colons ("::") are ignored.

The parse() method is used to create a Parameters instance from a SQL statement. It takes a string or reader containing the SQL text as an argument; for example:

Parameters parameters = Parameters.parse(sql);

The getSQL() method returns the parsed SQL in standard JDBC syntax:

select name from pet where owner = ?

This value is used to create the actual prepared statement. Arguments values are specified via the apply() method:

PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(parameters.getSQL());

parameters.apply(statement, mapOf(
  entry("owner", "Gwen")

Once applied, the statement can be executed:

ResultSetAdapter resultSetAdapter = new ResultSetAdapter(statement.executeQuery());    


The QueryBuilder class provides a fluent API for programmatically constructing SQL queries.

For example, the query from the previous section could be created as follows using QueryBuilder:

String sql ="name", "species", "sex", "birth")
    .where("owner = :owner").toString();

Insert, update, and delete operations are also supported. In general, string values provided to the insertInto() and set() methods are wrapped in single quotes, and any embdedded single quotes are replaced with two successive single quotes. However, any string that starts with ":" or is equal to "?" is assumed to be a parameter reference and is not escaped.

If an instance of QueryBuilder is passed to insertInto() or set(), it is considered a subquery and wrapped in parentheses.


The ElementAdapter class provides access to the contents of an XML DOM Element via the Map interface. The resulting map can then be transformed to another representation via a template document or accessed via a strongly typed interface proxy, as described earlier.

For example, the following markup might be used to represent the status of a bank account:

<account id="101">

This code could be used to display the account holder's name:

ElementAdapter accountAdapter = new ElementAdapter(document.getDocumentElement());

Map<String, Object> holder = (Map<String, Object>)accountAdapter.get("holder");

System.out.println(String.format("%s, %s", holder.get("lastName"), holder.get("firstName")));

Attribute values can be obtained by prepending an "@" symbol to the attribute name:

System.out.println(accountAdapter.get("@id")); // "101"

A list of sub-elements can be obtained by appending an asterisk to the element name:

Map<String, Object> transactions = (Map<String, Object>)accountAdapter.get("transactions");

List<Map<String, Object>> credits = (List<Map<String, Object>>)transactions.get("credit*");

for (Map<String, Object> credit : credits) {

Finally, the text content of an element can be obtained by calling toString() on the adapter instance:



The ResourceBundleAdapter class provides access to the contents of a resource bundle via the Map interface. It can be used to localize the contents of a template document, for example:

    <!-- {{?headings}} -->
    <!-- {{/headings}} -->

    <!-- {{#items}} -->
    <!-- {{/items}} -->
TemplateEncoder templateEncoder = new TemplateEncoder(getClass().getResource("list.html"));

ResourceBundle resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(getClass().getPackage().getName() + ".headings");

    entry("headings", new ResourceBundleAdapter(resourceBundle)),
    entry("items", items)
), System.out);


The StreamAdapter class provides access to the contents of a stream via the Iterable interface. For example, it can be used to serialize the result of a stream operation without needing to first collect the results, which could be expensive if the stream is large:

  List<Integer> values = listOf(1, 2, 3);

  JSONEncoder jsonEncoder = new JSONEncoder(true);

  jsonEncoder.write(new StreamAdapter<>( -> element * 2)), System.out);

StreamAdapter also implements AutoCloseable and ensures that the underlying stream is closed when the adapter is closed.


The Collections class provides a set of static utility methods for instantiating immutable list and map values:

public static <E> List<E> listOf(E... elements) { ... }
public static <K, V> Map<K, V> mapOf(Map.Entry<K, V>... entries) { ... }
public static <K, V> Map.Entry<K, V> entry(K key, V value) { ... }

These methods are provided primarily as a convenience for applications using Java 8. Applications targeting Java 9 and higher can use the standard List.of() and Map.of() methods provided by the JDK.

Kotlin Support

In addition to Java, HTTP-RPC web services can be implemented using the Kotlin programming language. For example, the following service provides some basic information about the host system:

@WebServlet(urlPatterns = ["/system-info/*"], loadOnStartup = 1)
@Description("System info service.")
class SystemInfoService : WebService() {
    class SystemInfo(
        val availableProcessors: Int,
        val freeMemory: Long,
        val totalMemory: Long

    @Description("Returns system info.")
    fun getSystemInfo(): SystemInfo {
        val runtime = Runtime.getRuntime()

        return SystemInfo(

A response produced by the service might look like this:

  "availableProcessors": 16,
  "freeMemory": 85845656,
  "totalMemory": 134217728

Additional Information

This guide introduced the HTTP-RPC framework and provided an overview of its key features. For additional information, see the examples.


Lightweight REST for Java

License:Apache License 2.0


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