A very simple application made in Kotlin to improve my skills and learn more about this fantastic language. The application uses the TMDb API and consists of a screen where the most popular movies and series are listed and another where you can see more detailed information of any of them.
The following is a brief description of the technical decisions taken for the development.
Used the v3 of The Movie Database API (documentation guides)
Get a list of the current popular TV shows on TMDb. This list updates daily.
GET /tv/popular
Get the list of TV show recommendations for this item.
GET /tv/{tv_id}/similar
- Application written in Kotlin based on Clean Architecture for layer abstractions (view/domain/data)
- Model-View-Presenter for the presentation layer
- Interactors / UseCases are used by the presenters to start a data retrieval flow
- UseCases use Repository pattern to request the data needed
- Repository in this case doesn't have DataSources because there's no database/cache/other sources to retrieve data than just * Network. Repository in this project directly request data to the API
- Two different data objects, DTO (Data transfer object) to parse API's response, and Business Object as our own data model.
- DI with Dagger2
- Asynchronous handled by RxJava2 (RxKotlin)
- Image loading handled by Picasso
- RxKotlin https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxKotlin
- Dagger 2 https://google.github.io/dagger/
- Retrofit 2 https://square.github.io/retrofit/
- OkHttp 3 https://github.com/square/okhttp
- Picasso http://square.github.io/picasso/
- Lottie https://airbnb.design/lottie/
- TV show search feature.
- Instrumentation Testing
- Cache / database