rvl / tour

Tour browser — https://lorrimar.id.au/tour/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tour Browser

Loads GPX logs and tour data and makes a website.

View online: https://lorrimar.id.au/tour/

I have written a report about the development of this website and how the code works on my blog:


Data build


Data files are linked in manually.

ln -s ~/Documents/tracks/*.gpx tracks
ln -s ~/Documents/GPS_DATA/*.SBN GPS_DATA

Start build

nix-shell --run ./build.sh --keep-going

Frontend build

nix-shell -A frontend
cabal configure --ghcjs --builddir=dist-ghcjs
cabal build --builddir=dist-ghcjs

Serve frontend

nix-shell --run "runghc DevServer.hs"

Backend build

This is not building at the moment, and "isomorphic" version of this app doesn't really make sense anyway.

nix-shell frontend.nix --argstr compiler default
cabal configure
cabal build

Regenerating nix

If adding cabal dependencies, regenerate nix derivations and restart shells.

cabal2nix . > tour-ghc.nix
cabal2nix --compiler ghcjs . > tour-ghcjs.nix


Tour browser — https://lorrimar.id.au/tour/


Language:Haskell 47.6%Language:JavaScript 18.6%Language:Vue 13.6%Language:Python 9.5%Language:CSS 3.1%Language:Nix 2.2%Language:HTML 2.2%Language:M4 1.3%Language:PHP 0.6%Language:XSLT 0.4%Language:Awk 0.3%Language:Perl 0.3%Language:Makefile 0.2%Language:Shell 0.1%