rvillamil / ci-tool-stack

Popular 'Dockerized' tools for continuous integration: Jenkins & SonarQube

Repository from Github https://github.comrvillamil/ci-tool-stackRepository from Github https://github.comrvillamil/ci-tool-stack


Common 'Dockerized' tools for continuous integration: Jenkins & SonarQube


The stack contains both a "Dockerized" Jenkins and a SonarQube as well as data persistence based in "Docker" volume containers. Also, a script is provided for simplificate the "Docker" containers management

Main characteristics:

  • Jenkins 2.46.X LTS with pre-configured plugins and "Docker" volume data container for JENKIS_HOME.
  • SonarQube 5.6.X with postgres database for data persistence. Both "Docker" containers.
  • Maven 2.0.11 and Maven 3.3.9 deployed in jenkins container
  • Java 1.7.79 and Java 1.8.111 deployed in jenkins container
  • Docker 1.9.1 deployed in jenkins container. it doesn't use docker in docker! Requieres docker host running
  • Shell script utility for simplificate "docker" management: Backups and restoring data volumes, can be made easily


To run the stack, open your terminal a run the script and choose one option:


	C.I Tool Stack Utilities

(0) Run C.I. tool stack demonized (docker-compose up -d)
(1) Stop C.I tool stack (docker-compose stop)
(2) Remove all containers (volumes included) and images from C.I tool stack!

(3) JENKINS : 'Backup' Jenkins volume data container (JENKINS_HOME and Log file)
(4) JENKINS : 'Restore' Jenkins volume data container
(5) JENKINS : Run 'bash' terminal
(6) JENKINS : Inspect container
(7) JENKINS : Update 'plugins.txt' file with current installed plugins
(8) JENKINS : Get file '/var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log'
(9) JENKINS : Show secret Jenkins instalation key

(a) SONAR : 'Backup' Sonarqube volume data container (Postgres ddbb)
(b) SONAR : 'Restore' Sonarqube volume data container (Postgres ddbb)

(x) Clean all Volumes and Dangling Images
(z) SUBVERSION: Create subversion for testing pruposes in http://localhost:3343/csvn/long/auth

(q) Quit
Choose one option:

Edit docker-compose.yml and change the ports and other options

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Popular 'Dockerized' tools for continuous integration: Jenkins & SonarQube

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Shell 100.0%