rustybucketz30 / dotfiles

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

RustyBucketz30 Arch Linux Desktop Dotfiles

sample wallpapers

  _____           _         ____             _        _       ____   ___    #####**++++++**#####  
 |  __ \         | |       |  _ \           | |      | |     |___ \ / _ \   ##.--##########++=##  
 | |__) |   _ ___| |_ _   _| |_) |_   _  ___| | _____| |_ ____ __) | | | |  ##......----=++++=##  
 |  _  / | | / __| __| | | |  _ <| | | |/ __| |/ / _ \ __|_  /|__ <| | | |  ##......----=++++-##  
 | | \ \ |_| \__ \ |_| |_| | |_) | |_| | (__|   <  __/ |_ / / ___) | |_| |  ##-.....----=++++-##  
 |_|  \_\__,_|___/\__|\__, |____/ \__,_|\___|_|\_\___|\__/___|____/ \___/   ##+.....----=++++=##  
                      __/ |                                                   #--...--===++==#    
                     |___/                                                     ##--.--==+==##     

Table of Contents

  1. Software
  2. Directory Structure
  3. GUI Software
  4. Keybindings
  5. Installation
  6. Inspiration & References

1. Software

Category Software Link
Window Manager Hyprland Website
Terminal Manager Alacritty Website
File Manager Thunar GitHub
Status Bar waybar GitHub
Launcher Rofi GitHub
Shell zsh, w/ OhMyZsh GitHub
Browser Firefox Website
Session Manager Wlogout GitHub
Text Editor neovim Website

2. Directory Structure

├── hypr/
├── alacritty/
├── wlogout/
├── waybar/
├── wallpapers/
├── wal/
├── vim/
├── scripts/
├── rofi/
├── nvim/
├── login/
├── gtk/
├── dunst/
├── SampleBackgrounds.png
└── .bashrc

3. GUI Software:

A collection of various GUI-based software for multiple purposes.

  • Multimedia: mpv, vlc, obs, kdenlive, shotcut, gimp, blender
  • Security: ccrypt, GnuPG, mullvadVPN, Kleopatra, 7zip
  • Gaming: minecraft, godot, discord
  • Internet & Communication: tor, newsboat, qbittorrent
  • Utilities: balenaEtcher, keepassxc, neofetch, qemu, virtmanager

4. Keybindings

Key Combination Action
Super + Space Launch Terminal
Super + Enter Thunar
Super + F Firefox
Super + SHIFT+ T Tor
Super + BACKSPACE Quit Active Window
Super + R Rofi
Super + SHIFT + W Change Wallpaper
Super + [1-9] Switch to Workspace
Super + Ctrl + [1-9] Set Current Layout
Super + [arrow key] Move to Window
Super + J Toggle Split
Super + T Toggle Float
Super + Click and Drag Move Floating Window
Super + O OBS
Super + C VSCode
Super + N Newsboat
Super + K KeyPassXC
Super + G GIMP

5. Installation

  1. Clone the Repository: Clone this repository to your local machine.
git clone
  1. Install Packages & Symlinks: Use the install script using ''
cd dotfiles/

Otherwise, figure it out yourself, sorry

6. Appendix

Inspiration and Resources



Language:Shell 65.7%Language:CSS 24.7%Language:Vim Script 9.6%