russross / canvasrsync

A tool to download student assignments from Canvas into a local directory

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Canvas assignment download tool

This is a simple command-line tool to sync all student submissions in a Canvas course to a local directory.


To install the tool itself, download the latest release for your platform from the releases page:

Put save it somewhere in your search path. For Linux or macOS, use something like the following (assuming you saved it as canvasrsync in your Downloads directory:

sudo cp ~/Downloads/canvasrsync /usr/local/bin/
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/canvasrsync

Type canvasrsync to see if it is recognized.


To set it up, you need to create a token authorizing the app to access your Canvas courses:

  1. In Canvas, select “Account” from the navigation bar on the left, then select “Settings” from the menu that pops out.

  2. Scroll down to the “Approvel Integrations:” section and click the “+ New Access Token” button. Fill in the popup (the “Purpose” field is just a note to yourself, so use something like “canvasrsync tool”, and the “Expires” field lets you put a limit on how long the token will be valid. I set it to the middle of the summer and re-generate a token every year).

  3. Copy the token from the popup. Once you close the window, you cannot get the token again (you have to generate a new one).

  4. In your command-line environment, create an environment variable called CANVAS_TOKEN whose value is the token you copied in step 3.

Once you have completed these steps, the tool will be authorized to download anything you are authorized to download, which is generally the student assignments in courses where you are an instructor.


Here is the basic usage (you can get this by running canvasrsync -help):

Usage: canvasrsync [flags] [filter terms]

If filter terms are supplied, a submission will only be downloaded
if every term is satisfied. A term is satisfied if it is a
case-insensitive substring match for any of the following:
  * Assignment name
  * Assignment description
  * Student login
  * Student name
  * Student email
If filter terms are used, the delete phase at the end is skipped.

Recognized flags:
  -course int
    	course ID (required)
    	convert spaces in file names to underscores (default true)
  -dir string
    	directory to download into (default ".")
    	dry run

To get a Canvas course ID, log in to Canvas, navigate to that course, and then look at the number that appears in the URL. For example, if the URL is:

Then the course ID is 12345. In that case, you could download all student assignments for that course using:

canvasrsync -course 12345

This will:

  • Create a directory for the course
  • Within that directory, create a subdirectory for each assignment
  • Within each of those directories, create a subdirectory for each student
  • Within each student directory, download the files that student submitted

Directories that would otherwise be empty will be omitted. By default, spaces are converted to underscores to make command-line manipulation of files easier.

If you only want to download some submissions, use a filter:

canvasrsync -course 12345 jane doe sudoku

This will only download a submission for a student if every filter term (jane, doe, and sudoku) matched against the assignment name or description, or the student name, login, or email. So you can filter by student or by assignment or both.

File deletion

The tool will attempt to sync the course directory with the current content on Canvas. This means that it will only download files that are new or that have changed (unchanged files do not need to be re-downloaded), but it also means that it will delete files in the course directory that do not match what is currently in Canvas. This normally happens when a student changes her submission or drops the course, but it also means that files you create while grading will be deleted on the next sync.

If you run the tool with search terms, deleting will only happen within directories that were synced, i.e., within directories for projects and students that matched the search terms. If you run it with no search terms, it will delete any file in the directory tree that it does not recognize.


A tool to download student assignments from Canvas into a local directory


Language:Go 100.0%