ruslanss / das-api-stub

REST API Stub - with WireMock in-memory mappings and Azure Storage backup

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status

Licensed under the MIT license


  • DotNet Core 3.1 and any supported IDE for DEV running
  • Azure Storage Account


DAS API Stub is a WireMock.Net based API server for enabling substitution of RESTful dependee API endpoints. The Stub mappings are saved in Azure Storage and are automatically synchronised with in-memory WireMock service. Deployed solution consists of two layers:

  • SFA.DAS.WireMockServiceApi - WireMock Web App
  • SFA.DAS.WireMockServiceWeb - .NET Core Web API with Swagger UI front end for managing API Stub mappings

Supported HTTP Methods

  • Get
  • Put
  • Delete
  • Post
  • Head
  • Trace
  • Patch
  • Connect
  • Options
  • Custom

Supported HTTP Status codes

  • Continue = 100
  • SwitchingProtocols = 101
  • Processing = 102
  • EarlyHints = 103
  • OK = 200 (Default)
  • Created = 201
  • Accepted = 202
  • NonAuthoritativeInformation = 203
  • NoContent = 204
  • ResetContent = 205
  • PartialContent = 206
  • MultiStatus = 207
  • AlreadyReported = 208
  • IMUsed = 226
  • Ambiguous = 300
  • MultipleChoices = 300
  • Moved = 301
  • MovedPermanently = 301
  • Found = 302
  • Redirect = 302
  • RedirectMethod = 303
  • SeeOther = 303
  • NotModified = 304
  • UseProxy = 305
  • Unused = 306
  • RedirectKeepVerb = 307
  • TemporaryRedirect = 307
  • PermanentRedirect = 308
  • BadRequest = 400
  • Unauthorized = 401
  • PaymentRequired = 402
  • Forbidden = 403
  • NotFound = 404
  • MethodNotAllowed = 405
  • NotAcceptable = 406
  • ProxyAuthenticationRequired = 407
  • RequestTimeout = 408
  • Conflict = 409
  • Gone = 410
  • LengthRequired = 411
  • PreconditionFailed = 412
  • RequestEntityTooLarge = 413
  • RequestUriTooLong = 414
  • UnsupportedMediaType = 415
  • RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 416
  • ExpectationFailed = 417
  • MisdirectedRequest = 421
  • UnprocessableEntity = 422
  • Locked = 423
  • FailedDependency = 424
  • UpgradeRequired = 426
  • PreconditionRequired = 428
  • TooManyRequests = 429
  • RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge = 431
  • UnavailableForLegalReasons = 451
  • InternalServerError = 500
  • NotImplemented = 501
  • BadGateway = 502
  • ServiceUnavailable = 503
  • GatewayTimeout = 504
  • HttpVersionNotSupported = 505
  • VariantAlsoNegotiates = 506
  • InsufficientStorage = 507
  • LoopDetected = 508
  • NotExtended = 510
  • NetworkAuthenticationRequired = 511

Supported response body formats

  • JSON

Local running

Start AzureStorageEmulator.exe and run solution with 2 startup projects: SFA.DAS.WireMockServiceApi & SFA.DAS.WireMockServiceWeb

Required configuration


"ApiStubSettings": {
   "WireMockServiceApiBaseUrl": "http://localhost:8089",
   "EnvironmentName": "DEV",
   "StorageAccountConnectionString": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true"


"WireMockServerSettings": {
  "Port": 8089,
  "StartAdminInterface": true

Running tests

All tests are intergration tests and require a local instance of Azure Storage Emulator. Tests can be run using dotnet-cli from the das-api-stub\src directory using command: dotnet test -v=normal

WebAPI operations

The following operations are available in the front-end layer for managing API stub mappings:

GET - /api-stub/database

Retrieves all mappings from Azure table storage

GET - /api-stub/wiremock

Retrieves all mappings from in-memory WireMock service

GET - /api-stub/find

Searches all mappings by partial or full URL

GET - /api-stub/refresh

Synchonises mappings stored in Azure table storage with WireMock service. Should be used when mappings are added directly into the table storage for synchornisation. Also used in release pipe-line in a post-deployment step.

POST - /api-stub/save

Adds new or updates existing API stub mapping using URL input parameter as a key. If update is successful, automatically synchronises WireMock service with Azure storage mappings.

DELETE - /api-stub/delete

Deletes existing API stub mapping using URL input parameter as a key. If deletion is successful, automatically synchronises WireMock service with Azure storage mappings.

Sample usage (C#)

Adding a HTTP GET mapping with 200 (OK) response code and JSON response body
public async Task SetupResponse(long uln, long ukprn, LearnerSubmissionDto expectedResponse)
    var stringContent = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expectedResponse), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
    var url = WebUtility.UrlEncode($"/learner-match/api/v1/{ukprn}/{uln}?");
    var response = await httpClient.PostAsync($"{stub_base_url}/api-stub/save?httpMethod=Get&url={url}", stringContent);
Deleting a mapping
public async Task DeleteMapping(long uln, long ukprn)
    var url = WebUtility.UrlEncode($"/learner-match/api/v1/{ukprn}/{uln}?");
    var response = await httpClient.DeleteAsync($"{stub_base_url}/api-stub/delete?httpMethod=Get&url={url}");
Adding a HTTP POST mapping with 202 (Accepted) response code and empty response body
public async Task SetupAcceptAllRequests()
    const string url = "/businesscentral/payments/requests?api-version=2020-10-01";
    var nullContent = new StringContent("{}", Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
    var response = await httpClient.PostAsync($"{baseUrl}/api-stub/save?httpMethod=Post&url={WebUtility.UrlEncode(url)}&httpStatusCode=202", nullContent);


REST API Stub - with WireMock in-memory mappings and Azure Storage backup

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%