This project was developed through the Udacity - Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree Program. Built with: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React and API usage.
This project was created with 'create-react-app'. In order to run this project in production run the following commands in the command prompt.
- Navigate to the directory where you want to store the app.
- Download or Clone the Repository here in your directory.
- Run 'npm install' to install the project dependencies.
- Run the app using comand 'npm start'.
- App can be seen at: (http://localhost:3000/).
- To create Production build use 'npm run build'.
- Navigate to the build directory and start the server with 'npm run deploy' Now the service worker can be used with the app.
-Bootstrap -Google API -Foursquare API
The resuorces was used to create this project -MDN developer documents -Google Maps Platforms Guide -Stackoverflow posts -Udacity Courses related to this project