rushk014 / image-autostitch

Python application for autostitching panoramic images.

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Autostitching Panoramic Images

Python application for stitching panoramic images.


Implements stitching arbitrary images either through manually defined features or through SIFT feature matching based on the Harris corner detector, as described in Brown et Al. Stitching is accomplished using RANSAC to compute a robust homography between the set(s) of image correspondence, then warping each image toward a chosen reference image. Finally, multiresolution blending is accomplished using Laplacian pyramids. The application also supports image rectification.


Requirements are listed in requirements.txt. Application is run from

usage: [-h] -r REF [-w WARP [WARP ...]] -m
               {rectify,manual_mosaic,autostitch} [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r REF, --ref REF     reference image path
  -w WARP [WARP ...], --warp WARP [WARP ...]
                        warp image path(s)
  -m {rectify,manual_mosaic,autostitch}, --mode {rectify,manual_mosaic,autostitch}
                        choose between image rectification, manual
                        correspondence mosaicing and autostitched mosaicing
  -v, --verbose         log file reads/writes to stdout & visualize
                        intermediate autostitching outputs


  • rectify: requires only -r REF
  • manual_mosaic: requires -r REF and at least one -w WARP, supports a single global feature set
  • autostitching: requires -r REF and at least one -w WARP

Global filepaths for intermediate and final outputs are set in

Note: Click same coordinate twice to end manual shape labelling.



Hallway Hallway Rectified
hallway hallway rectified


Building Left Building Right Building Mosaic
building-left building-right building mosaic
Room Left Room Right Room Mosaic
room-left room-right room mosaic