Rushit Jasani's repositories
A complete search engine experience built on top of 75 GB Wikipedia corpus with subsecond latency for searches. Results contain wiki pages ordered by TF/IDF relevance based on given search word/s. From an optimized code to the K-Way mergesort algorithm, this project addresses latency, indexing, and big data challenges.
Inode based file system(virtual) on top of the Linux file system. A user can perform all the operations which are basically supported by Linux ext2 file system like creating a disk, mounting disk, unmounting the disk, create a file, open file (in read, write or append mode), delete file, close file, list of open files.
Built a peer-to-peer multimedia file sharing system over TCP sockets with 2 central tracker nodes maintaining seeder information to enable communication between peers. This project addressed challenges like socket programming, multi-threading and synchronization of trackers.
Built an AI on the edge platform for the developer to deploy a full-fledged TensorFlow based AI application where data is gathered from the edge devices as per developer’s requirement. The platform was built using micro-service based architecture with features like auto-scaling, scheduling, centralized logging, monitoring, notification, high-availability and fault tolerance.
Usefull Git commands
$ git remote <graduation> yearbook
Classification of tweets into positive and negative using classifiers like SVM, Logistic Regression, Naive bayes. Implementation of porter stemmer algorithm.
A terminal based file explorer that runs in 2 mode: View and Command. View mode supports viewing and traversing directories and opening files. Command mode supports various operations like create, delete, copy, move files and directories. Details in readme file.
A collection of algorithms and data structures
All standard competitive programming questions with solutions from different coding platforms
A curated list of engineering blogs
Designed Linux terminal based file explorer which operates on two mode command mode and GUI mode. Implemented all basic file operation such as create/delete/copy/move files or directory, search, rename, goto, back/forward and many more using system calls.
A quick reminder of all SQL queries and examples on how to use them.
StackOverflow is a web-based application in python programming with flask framework and MVC architecture.
System design interview for IT companies
Preparation links and resources for system design questions
💯 Materials to help you rock your next coding interview