rushisangani / RSMasterTableView

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A powerful UITableView with inbuilt PullToRefresh and Load More (Infinite Scrolling) functionality. RSMasterTableView is built upon [SVPullToRefresh] ( for PullToRefresh and Infinite Scrolling.

RSMasterTableView can be used a normal tableView as well as with PullToRefresh and Infinite Scrolling. No need to write complex code to manage data and paging structure.


  • Enable PullToRefresh and Infinite Scrolling using single method.
  • Manage Paging in TableView internally by calling simple methods.

How To Use

Enable PullToRefresh

[self.tableView enablePullToRefreshWithActionHandler:^{
    /* Make your API call here */
    [self fetchDataFromServer];

Enable Load More (Infinite Scrolling)

[self.tableView enableInfiniteScrollingWithActionHandler:^{

    /* Make your API call here */
    [self fetchDataFromServer];


#pragma mark- TableView Setup

-(void)configureTableView {

    /* setup tableView */

    [self.tableView setupTableViewCellConfiguration:^(id cell, id object, NSIndexPath *indexPath) {
        /* set data to TableView cell */

    } forCellIdentifier:@"cell"];

    /* enable Infinite Scrolling */

    [self.tableView enableInfiniteScrollingWithActionHandler:^{

        /* Make your API call here */
        [self fetchDataFromServer];

    /* modify statIndex, records per page etc */

    self.tableView.startIndex = 1;
    self.tableView.recordsPerPage = 20;
    self.tableView.noDataFoundMessage = @"No Records found";

-(void)fetchDataFromServer {

    /* send request here */

    id response;  /* get response here */

    [self didGetResponseFromServer:response];

#pragma mark- Success

-(void)didGetResponseFromServer:(id)response {

    /* inform tableview about data array and total pages */

    NSMutableArray *array = response;
    NSUInteger totalDatacount = 100;    /* get total count from server */

    [self.tableView didCompleteFetchData:array withTotalCount:totalDatacount];

#pragma mark- Failure

-(void)didFailToGetData {

    /* inform tableview in failure */

    [self.tableView didFailToFetchdata];


RSMasterTableView is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Objective-C 99.0%Language:Ruby 1.0%