Hello there! I'm Rushabh, a passionate Full Stack Developer on a journey of continuous learning and exploration. My experience in web development has led me to create remarkable projects, both on the backend and the frontend.
- π» Tech Enthusiast: Constantly learning and improving my skills in web development.
- π§ Curious Mind: Interested in machine learning and game development.
- π Passion: Building things, solving problems, and bringing ideas to life through code.
- π Career: Actively seeking new opportunities in web development.
- π Collaboration: Open to connecting and working with like-minded individuals.
- π» Python, JavaScript, Go, TypeScript
- π HTML, CSS, React, Next.js, TailwindCSS
- π’οΈ NodeJS, ExpressJS, Django, FastAPI, MongoDB, SQL
- π AWS, Docker, Git, GitHub, VSCode
An innovative full-stack mailbox client application designed for efficient email management.
Key Features:
- CORS implementation for secure communication
- Express.js backend with JWT authentication
- MySQL database with Sequelize ORM
- React frontend with React Router and Axios
- Rich text editing with Draft.js
- Styled with Tailwind CSS
A dynamic Todo application with a drag-and-drop interface, built using Next.js and MongoDB.
Key Features:
- Drag-and-drop functionality for task reordering
- Add, edit, and delete tasks
- Responsive design with Tailwind CSS
- Enhanced interactions using shadcn/ui
- Iconic visuals with Lucide React
Technologies: TypeScript, Next.js, MongoDB, @hello-pangea/dnd, Tailwind CSS, shadcn/ui, Lucide React
A comprehensive animal management system with a user-friendly interface for adding and favoriting animals.
Key Features:
- User authentication and authorization
- Add and favorite animals
- Separate sections for all animals and favorites
- Responsive design with Tailwind CSS
- Efficient database operations with SQLAlchemy ORM
- Data validation using Pydantic
Technologies: FastAPI, React.js, Tailwind CSS, React Router, JWT, SQLAlchemy ORM, Pydantic, Lucide React
A modern and responsive portfolio website showcasing my projects and skills.
Key Features:
- Built with Next.js and TypeScript for robustness and scalability
- Styled with Tailwind CSS for a clean and adaptive design
- Smooth animations with Framer Motion
- Iconic visuals using react-icons and lucide-react
- Deployed and hosted on Vercel for optimal performance
Technologies: Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, react-icons, framer-motion, lucide-react
A brilliant app for tracking your expenses, leveraging AWS infrastructure for global accessibility.
Key Features:
- JWT and Bcrypt for secure user authentication
- Sequelize for encrypted database storage
- Email notifications for important updates
- AWS integration for scalability and reliability
Connect with friends and family in real-time with this group chat application.
Key Features:
- Real-time messaging
- Group creation functionality
- JWT authentication for user security
- Encrypted database storage
- Express.js backend
- VanillaJS frontend with various dependencies
Efficiently manage your tasks with this Todo App built using Next.js and MongoDB.
Key Features:
- Next.js for a performant frontend
- MongoDB for flexible data storage
- Axios for API requests
- Tailwind CSS for modern styling
An enhanced version of the Expense Tracker App, now using Mongoose for improved data management.
Key Features:
- Mongoose ODM for efficient data storage
- JWT authentication for user security
- Encrypted database storage
- User-friendly interface
- Express.js backend