rush-tea / GSOC-assist

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Aim of this project is to reduce the efforts of GSOC aspirants and help them to find organisations that interests them.

App flow

App :-

  • Home Page
    • Navbar
      • logo ...maybe
      • GSOC-assist (name of the website... dummy)
      • Login, Signup (if not auth) and Logout, Username (if auth)
    • apply filters and search
      • tech stack
      • year
      • rating
    • toggle for orgs and projects view
    • For Orgs
      • List of orgs(According to the selected year/technologies)
        • logo
        • name
        • list of years
        • number of times
      • Add orgs to preference list
      • trending orgs
        • name
        • stars
      • recommended orgs
        • name
        • stars
    • For projects
      • List of projects(According to the selected year/technologies)
      • Add project to preference list
      • trending projects
        • name
        • stars
      • recommended projects
        • name
        • stars
  • login/signup :
    • appbar
    • login/signup form
      • name
      • github handle
      • password / confirm password etc
      • forgot password etc.
    • oAuth from github
    • footer
  • profile page
    • Navbar
    • name
    • photo
    • Email / github profile link
    • tech stacks
    • reset password
    • footer
  • wishlist page
    • Orgs preference list
    • Projects preference list
  • org details :
    • Navbar
    • Orgs desc
    • Add orgs to preference list
    • Link to orgs page on GSOC site
    • Projects under orgs(Specified year only)
    • Options to see past participations
    • Add projects to preference list
    • footer
  • project details :
    • Navbar
    • Project Desc
    • Add project to preference list
    • Link to projects
    • footer



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