rurban / richard

Richard is gaining power

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Richard is gaining power.

Named after one of the first programs I ever wrote as a child, Richard started out as a personal effort to learn more about machine learning. The original Richard was meant to be a "virus", but the most malicious thing I could do on my Psion Series 3 personal organiser was print the phrase "Richard is gaining power" in an infinite loop.

The new version of Richard is strictly benevolent.

In its current form, Richard is a CLI application that performs classification using a neural network. Supported layer types include dense, convolutional, and max pooling, but there will likely be others in the future.

GPU acceleration is supported with Vulkan compute shaders.




Install CMake.

Install the Vulkan SDK

    # See

    wget -qO- | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/lunarg.asc
    sudo wget -qO /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lunarg-vulkan-1.3.275-jammy.list
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install vulkan-sdk

Install development dependencies

    sudo apt install \
        build-essential \


To make a release build

    mkdir -p build/release && cd "$_"
    cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G "Unix Makefiles" ../..
    make -j8

And for a debug build

    mkdir -p build/debug && cd "$_"
    cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G "Unix Makefiles" ../..
    make -j8



Install CMake, Python 3, and the Vulkan SDK.


To build the release configuration, open a powershell and run

    cd (mkdir build/release)
    cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" ../..
    cmake --build . --config Release

And for the debug configuration

    cd (mkdir build/debug)
    cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" ../..
    cmake --build . --config Debug

Supply the -D BUILD_TOOLS=1 option if you want to build the tools.


To see usage

    ./richardcli/richardcli -h


All examples are run from the build directory, e.g. build/release, and assume you have datasets located under data/.

Classifying hand-written digits with a fully connected network


        "data": {
            "classes": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"],
            "shape": [784, 1, 1],
            "normalization": {
                "min": 0,
                "max": 255
        "dataLoader": {
          "fetchSize": 512
        "classifier": {
            "network": {
                "hyperparams": {
                    "epochs": 30,
                    "batchSize": 1024,
                    "miniBatchSize": 32,
                "hiddenLayers": [
                        "type": "dense",
                        "size": 320,
                        "learnRate": 0.1,
                        "learnRateDecay": 1.0,
                        "dropoutRate": 0.0
                        "type": "dense",
                        "size": 64,
                        "learnRate": 0.1,
                        "learnRateDecay": 1.0,
                        "dropoutRate": 0.0
                "outputLayer": {
                    "size": 10,
                    "learnRate": 0.1,
                    "learnRateDecay": 1.0

    ./richardcli/richardcli --train \
        --samples ../../data/ocr/train.csv \
        --config ../../data/ocr/config.json \
        --network ../../data/ocr/network \

    ../richardcli/richardcli --eval \
        --samples ../../data/ocr/test.csv \
        --network ../../data/ocr/network \

Classifying cats and dogs with a CNN


        "data": {
            "classes": ["cat", "dog"],
            "shape": [100, 100, 3],
            "normalization": {
                "min": 0,
                "max": 255
        "dataLoader": {
          "fetchSize": 512
        "classifier": {
            "network": {
                "hyperparams": {
                    "epochs": 10,
                    "batchSize": 1024,
                    "miniBatchSize": 32,
                "hiddenLayers": [
                        "type": "convolutional",
                        "depth": 32,
                        "kernelSize": [3, 3],
                        "learnRate": 0.01,
                        "learnRateDecay": 1.0,
                        "dropoutRate": 0.0
                        "type": "maxPooling",
                        "regionSize": [2, 2]
                        "type": "convolutional",
                        "depth": 64,
                        "kernelSize": [4, 4],
                        "learnRate": 0.01,
                        "learnRateDecay": 1.0,
                        "dropoutRate": 0.0
                        "type": "maxPooling",
                        "regionSize": [2, 2]
                        "type": "dense",
                        "size": 64,
                        "learnRate": 0.01,
                        "learnRateDecay": 1.0,
                        "dropoutRate": 0.0
                "outputLayer": {
                    "size": 2,
                    "learnRate": 0.01,
                    "learnRateDecay": 1.0
    ./richardcli/richardcli --train \
        --samples ../../data/catdog/train \
        --config ../../data/catdog/config.json \
        --network ../../data/catdog/network \

    ./richardcli/richardcli --eval \
        --samples ../../data/catdog/test \
        --network ../../data/catdog/network \


CPU profile (Linux)

Install google perftools

    sudo apt install google-perftools

Make a release build and supply the -D CPU_PROFILE=1 option

    cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CPU_PROFILE=1 -G "Unix Makefiles" ../..
    make -j8

Specify the intermediate file in the CPUPROFILE environment variable and run as usual, e.g.

    CPUPROFILE=./prof.out ./richardcli/richardcli --train \
        --samples ../../data/ocr/train.csv \
        --config ../../data/ocr/config_cnn.json \
        --network ../../data/ocr/network

For text output

    google-pprof --text ./richardcli/richardcli ./prof.out > ./prof.txt

For graphical output

    google-pprof --gv ./richardcli/richardcli ./prof.out 

Interpreting the results

The text file should contain something like this

    Total: 2823 samples
        1166  41.3%  41.3%     1277  45.2% richard::computeCrossCorrelation
        1039  36.8%  78.1%     1145  40.6% richard::computeFullCrossCorrelation
        199   7.0%  85.2%      199   7.0% richard::Kernel::at (inline)

The first column is the number of samples spent inside the function.

The second column is this same number expressed as a percentage of the total samples taken. So in this case, we spent 41.3% of the time executing computeCrossCorrelation.

The third column is the cumulative time spent inside the function. In this example, 85.2% of the execution time is accounted for by these top 3 functions.

The next two columns tell us for how long the given function was part of the call stack. In other words, it includes time spent executing child calls. So in this example, we spent 40.6% of the time inside computeFullCrossCorrelation (including child calls), but only 36.8% actually within the computeFullCrossCorrelation function itself.


Richard is gaining power

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 87.0%Language:GLSL 7.6%Language:CMake 3.5%Language:Python 2.0%