rupnikj / TsDashboard

Light-weight javascript libarry for creating time-series dashboards.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Light-weight javascript library for creating time-series dashboards. Geared primarily towards wide-screens, works also on tablets, but not specially optimized for phones.


  • jquery
  • d3.js
  • moment.js

Basic idea

Create a client-side library that:

  • is writen in pure javascript
  • creates nice dashboards, used primarily for time-series data
  • receives the data as well as the configuration from a driver object, which:
    • is supplied by the developer
    • handles all server-side calls, if needed
    • handles clicks by forwarding them to the driver object

Dashboard structure

Dashboard consists of the following hierarchy of objects:

  • Blocks - horizontal bands
    • Panels - vertical bands inside blocks
      • Widgets - individual charts, stacked vertically

Required interface for driver object

The driver object must provide the following methods:


Optional method.

This way the view injects itself into driver - driver can call certain methodsinto view to set values or force refresh.


Optional method.

This method is called, when the value of any of the parameters change.


Parameter callback must accept single parameter - an object that describes the view. For details see special section below.

getParamValues(name, search, callback)

This method is used to populate dropdowns (parameters type enum) and dynamic search results (parameters type filter). Given parameter name and current search string (valid only for dynamic search) the callback receives the list of matches or allowed values.

getDrawData(options, callback)

This method fetches required data to draw. The options parameter must contain the following fields:

  • conf - configuration
  • params - values of parameters that were entered by the user

Callback receives err and optionaly result object. Result should conform to the following schema:

    "timeseries" : [
            "name" : "some name",
            "values: [
                { "epoch": ..., "val": ... },
    "dataseries" : [
            "name" : "some name",
            "values: [
                { "name": ..., "val": ... },
    "scatterseries" : [
            "name" : "some name",
            "values: [
                { "x": ..., "y": ..., "c": "..." },
  • epoch should be a valid Javascript epoch (i.e. Unix timestamp in milliseconds).
  • c (meaning category) in scatterseries values is optional, but can be supplied and will result is different colors for dots. It will also force display of legend when more than one category is present.

Configuration structure

Configuration is given in javascript object, which looks like the following JSON:

    "title": "......",
    "hide_sidebar": false,
    "sidebar_width": 250,
    "parameters": [
            "name: "......",
            "title": "......",
            "type" "......",
            "default: "......",
            "optional": true/false,
            "min_len_search": 3
    "blocks": [
            "title": ".........",
            "panels": [
                    "title": ".........",
                    "widgets": [
                            "title": ".........",
                            "type": "timeseries",
                            "help": ".........",
                            "timeseries": ["...", ....],
                            "dataseries": ["...", ....],
                            "timepoints": ["...", ....],
                            "options": {
                                "height": 100,
  • hide_sidebar - if true doesn't generate and display sidebar with parameters. It just executes dashboard. This is useful if driver doesn't need user's input parameters. Default is false.
  • sidebar_width - width of sidebar in pixes. Default is 190px.
  • All titles (root, blocks, panels, widgets) are optional.

Parameter options

  • Parameters require name, title and type. Other data is optional.
    • Value search_min_len is applicable only to filter type. Default is 3.

Widget options

All widget options are optional.

  • title - Widget title. Optional.
  • help - Tooltip text on mouse hover. Optional.
  • type - Widget type, possible values are:
    • timeseries (Default if ommited)
    • scatterplot
    • histogram
    • table
    • kpi
    • swimlane
    • graph
    • sparkline
  • timeseries - list of timeseries names. View requests these timeseries from the driver and then draws them to GUI. Used only for timeseries widget.
  • scatterseries - list of scatter-plot-series names. View requests these timeseries from the driver and then draws them to GUI. Used only for scatterplot widget.
  • dataseries - list of timeseries names. View requests these timeseries from the driver and then draws them to GUI. Used only for histogram widget.
  • timepoints - list of timepoint-series names. View requests these timepoints from the driver and then draws them to GUI. Used only for timeseries widget.
  • graphs - list of graph names. View requests these timepoints from the driver and then draws them to GUI. Used only for graph widget.
  • options - Options for chart. See bellow for complete list.

Parameter types

  • string - simple string, no validation
  • enum - string from a fixed list of available values
  • filter - string from a dynamic list of available values (callback is performed)
  • date - date value in YYYY-MM-DD format
  • datetime - date and time value in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
  • boolean - simple checkbox

Time-series chart options

  • height - height of chart in pixels. Default is 100.
  • xdomain_min - minimal value of X domain (timeseries) - in javascript epochs.
  • xdomain_max - maximal value of X domain (timeseries) - in javascript epochs.
  • ydomain_min - minimal value of Y domain. If not specified, it is determined dynamicaly.
  • ydomain_max - maximal value of Y domain. If not specified, it is determined dynamicaly.
  • series_style_indices - array of indices into CSS styles that are used for series. By default 0-based indices are used.
  • x_axis_label - Caption on X axis.
  • y_axis_label - Caption on Y axis.

Histogram chart options

  • height - height of chart in pixels. Default is 100.
  • x_axis_label - Caption on X axis.
  • y_axis_label - Caption on Y axis.
  • margin_bottom - Margin bellow X axis, where texts are displayed. Increase if texts are clipped. Default 60.

Scatter-plot chart options

  • height - height of chart in pixels. Default is 400.
  • x_axis_label - Caption on X axis.
  • y_axis_label - Caption on Y axis.

Table options

  • height - height of chart in pixels. Default is 400.
  • columns - array of column objects with optional caption and width attributes. Order of the objects defines order of columns.
    • source - column identifier
    • caption - column caption
    • width - column width

Temporal graph options

  • height - height of the temporal graph.
  • min_node_size - minimal node size.
  • max_node_size - maximal node size.
  • min_edge_size - minimal edge width.
  • max_edge_size - maximal edge width.
  • node_color - node color.
  • edge_color - edge color.
  • node_opacity - node opacity.
  • default_node_size - default node size.
  • default_edge_size - default edge size.
  • side_margin - side margin of the chart.
  • duration - duration of animation in miliseconds.
  • unselected_opacity - opacity of unselected edges.
  • x_pos_att - node attribute used for positioning on x axis.

View interface

This section describes view interface that can be called from the driver. A reference to the view instance is passed via registerView method.


Gets the value of the parameter named name.

setParamValue(name, value)

Sets the value of parameter named name to value.


Light-weight javascript libarry for creating time-series dashboards.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 96.1%Language:CSS 3.9%