rupakdas18 / Part-of-speech-tagger-from-scratch

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Program Details: This traning function determine p(tag|word) for every word type in the training data. It outputs these probabilities to a file named 'tagger-train-probs.txt'. Code Usage: The user should follow below format in a commandline pos-train.txt > tagger-train-prob.txt where, = Name of the program pos-train.txt = Name of the training file tagger-train-prob.txt = output probability file Program Algorithm: (training)

  1. For each line of the training file
  • add to a dictionary where key = (word,tag), value = frequecy of the (word,tag)
  • add to another dictionary where key = word, value = frequency of that word
  1. for each key of the dictionary
  • add to a dictionary where key = (word,tag), value = probability (count of (word,tag)/count of word)
  1. Print that file


Code Usage: The user should follow below format in a commandline 1/0 tagger-train-prob.txt pos-test.txt > pos-test-0/1.txt where, = Name of the program 1/0 = is the mode tagger-train-prob.txt = probability file from training program pos-test-0/1.txt = Name of the predicted output file Program Algorithm: (Test)

  1. If Mode is 0:
  • For every word in test file
  • if found in the training data, assign it the POS tag with the maximum value of p(tag|word)
  • else assign it the tag 'NN' (unknown word)
  1. If Mode is 1:
  • For every word in test file
    • if found in the training data, assign it the POS tag with the maximum value of p(tag|word)
      • 5 manually created rules that correct errors made by the most frequent tag mode (0) that do not involve unknown words
    • else assign it the tag 'NN' (unknown word)
      • 5 manually created rules that improve the handling of unknown words
  1. Print the output in this format: 'word/tag


Code Usage: The user should follow below format in a commandline pos-key.txt post-test-0/1.txt > pos-test-0/1-eval.txt where, = Name of the program pos-key.txt = gold standard key tag post-test-0/1.txt = output predicted file pos-test-0/1-eval.txt = confusion matrix Program Algorithm: (Eval)

  1. Create a list with gold standard key tag. Format: word tag
  2. Create a list with predicted key tag. Format word tag
  3. For each item of predicted list:
  • compare the words of predicted and gold key standard
    • if match (Must match. Still checking) add to a dictionary where value = (predict_tag, key_tag), value = count
    • print an error message
  1. print the dictionry with below format: Predicted_tag Actual_tag : count



Language:Python 100.0%