rupakanto / data-rapid

Realistic Data Generation tool for Big Data Appliances and AI Solutions

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Infosys Data Rapid

Data Rapid is a data generation tool integrated with R for creating real frequency distribution data as well as constant data.Its a web based test data generation tool which uses regex pattern and predefined static content to generate the realistic data independent of any domain. Data Rapid eliminates the need of coding to generate the data. Data Rapid adds the capabilities of constant data generation and distribution data generation. With rapidly changing dynamics in market place, extracting insights really fast to support real-time business processes have become a must-have competitive advantage. Data Rapid enables enterprises to build meaningful constant and real data there by building the correlations across diverse data sets.

Generate realistic huge data-sets within seconds

Why Data Rapid? – We all have been working on different POC's (Proof of concept) and for every scenario we require huge data sets. In many cases we do not get the data from the customer and then we have to generate the data ourselves. In such a case it becomes difficult to create data manually. In such situations the data rapid comes in handy which enables us to generate huge datasets in a very short span of time.

Infosys Data Rapid Features

The Data Rapid can be used to generate data for any of the simple as well as complex constant and real distribution data.

Some of the features of this tool are as follows

  • A template based data generation which has a visual code free development
  • Create large volumes of data within a couple of clicks.
  • Generate meaningful test data at row level.
  • Extremely fast data generation (Generates more than 10 Million records in less than 3 minutes).
  • Improve operational efficiency.
  • Generates the statistical distribution data as well as constant data.
  • Facility to group the column values into factors/segments using column bucketing functionality.
  • Generate user defined data using the regex pattern.
  • Generate huge log files within seconds.
  • Facility to download the file directly to your system.
  • Reuse the configuration after saving the dataset.
  • Sftp/ftp transfer facility for the files.

Builder Data Types

The Data Builder feature allows us to build constant data such as country names, zip-codes, phone numbers, and alpha-numeric codes and so on. The user can generate any specific data which he wants using the simple java regex pattern. If there are use cases wherein he wants to specify certain repetitive values, he can generate that data also.

The supported data types are AlphaNumeric, AmericanCard, City, Country, CVV, Date, Default Set, Digit Format, EmailAddress, FirstName, FloatRange, Guid, HexadecimalCode, HexColors, IntegerRange, IPAddress, LastName, Location, MACAddress, MastercardNumber, NumberFormat, Discovery Card number, Password, PhoneNumber, PhoneNumberWithExt, RCommand, SSN, State, Timestamp, UniqueValues, UserDefiendRegexPattern, VisaCreditCardNumber, ZipCode, IMEI number, DiscoveryCreditCard and IncrementalUniqueValues.

Available Data Types

The following are the data builder type configuration details.

Data Rapid Data Types

Sr No. Data Types Comments Values field Samples
1 Alpha Numeric Generate Alphanumeric codes based on the parameters in values field. Usage : Select drop down Alpha Numeric and set the values field in the format numberOfDigits,numberOfAlphabets Eg : 3,2 Will generates an alpha numeric code like 459db
2 American Card Generate Americancard numbers automatically No values allowed
3 City Generate City automatically No values allowed
4 Country Generate Country automatically No values allowed
5 CVV Generate CVV numbers automatically No values allowed
6 Date Generate random dates between start date and the end date based on the parameters in values field. Usage : Select drop down Date and set the values field in the format start date to end date #output date format Eg : 01/01/2014 to 01/01/2016#dd/MMM/yyyy will generate dates between 01/01/2014 and 01/01/2016 in dd/MMM/yyyy format
7 Default Set Generate user defined values from the set provided in the values field separated by comma. Usage : Select drop down Default Set and set the values field in the format attributes separated by comma Eg: Machine1,Machine2,Machine3 Will generate values from any of the Machine1 or Machine2 or Machine3
8 Digit format Generate random digits based on the parameters in values field. Usage : Select drop down Digit Format and set the values field in the format n digit number Eg: 5 Will generate numbers like 45689
9 Discovery Credit Card Generate DiscoveryCreditCard numbers automatically No values allowed
10 Email Address Generate emailaddress automatically No values allowed
11 First Name Generate firstname automatically No values allowed
13 Float Range Generate random float values between the given ranges. Usage : lower range to upper range Eg : 1 to 10000 Will generate float range between 1 and 10000
14 Guid(Globally Unique Identifier) Generate guid automatically No values allowed
15 Hexa Decimal Code Generate hexadecimalcode automatically No values allowed
16 Hex Colors Generate hexcolors automatically No values allowed
17 IncrementalUnique Values Generate IncrementalUniqueValues between the range. Specify the start and end value to generate the unique key and the value by which you want to increment the values. Usage : lower range to Upper Range,increment sequence Eg : 10 to 100,2 Will generate the values between 10 and 100 increment by 2
18 Integer Range Generate random integer values between the given ranges.Usage : lower range to Upper Range Eg : -100 to 100 Will generate numbers between -100 to 100
19 IMEI Number(International Mobile Station Equipment Identity) Generate imei number automatically No values allowed
20 IP Address Generate ip-address automatically No values allowed
21 Last Name Generate last name automatically No values allowed
22 Location Generate location automatically No values allowed
23 MAC Address Generate macaddress automatically No values allowed
24 MastercardNumber Generate mastercardnumber automatically No values allowed
25 Number Format Generate numbers n,m with length m and precision of m. Eg: 4,2 Will generate numbers like 45.23
26 Password Generate password automatically No values allowed
27 Phone Number Generate phonenumber automatically No values allowed
28 Phone Number WithExt Generate phonenumberwithext automatically No values allowed
29 RCommand Can be used to provide the distribution R command. Execute the rcommand specified. The value of n should be equal to the total number of rows.R Enabled distribution data generated will reverse the seed generation with respect to the expected frequency distribution like rnorm(4, mean=50, sd=10), floor(runif(100, min=0, max=101)) etc. Eg: rnorm(n=1000,mean=100,sd=5.2) Will generate distribution values with mean 100 and standard deviation 5.2
30 SSN Generate ssn automatically No values allowed
31 State Generate state automatically No values allowed
32 Timestamp Generate random timestamps between start date and the end date based on the parameters in values field. Eg: 01/01/2014 to 01/01/2016#dd/MM/yyyy will generate timestamp values between 01/01/2014 and 01/01/2016
33 Unique Values Generate uniquevalues. Specify the start value and end value to generate the unique key. Eg : 1 to 1000 Will generate unique values between 1 and 1000
34 User DefinedRegex Pattern Generate user defined regex pattern. Eg : [0-9]{2} Will generate a number with the regex pattern
35 VisaCreditCard Number Generate visacreditcardnumber automatically No values allowed
36 ZipCode Generate zipcode automatically No values allowed

Sample Data Generation Details

Following are the sample data generation configurations.

Customer Data Set

Sr No. Column Header Data Type Values Comments
1 DateId Unique Values 1 to 1000 Will generate the unique values from 1 till 1000
2 Date Date 01/01/2014 to 01/01/2016#dd/MMM/yyyy Will generate the dates between 1st Jan 2014 to 1st Jan 2016 and will generate the output in the user defined output format
3 CustomerId Unique Values 1 to 1000 Will generate the unique values from 1 till 1000
4 Customer Name First Names Automatically Populated
5 Customer Location Location Automatically Populated
6 Zip Code Zip Code Will generate the zip codes.
7 RequestChannelId Integer Range 1 to 4 Will generate the numbers from 1 to 4 randomly
8 RequestChannel Default Set Call,Email,Online,Facebook Will generate the data from the column values that we have given.
9 TranChannelId Integer Range 1 to 3 Will generate the numbers from 1 to 3 randomly
10 TranChannel Default Set Store,Mobile App,Web Will generate the data from the column values that we have given.
11 ProblemAreaId Integer Range 1 to 25 Will generate the numbers from 1 to 25 randomly
12 ProblemArea Default Set Shopping,Order,Payment,Wallet,Others,Shipping Will generate the data from the column values that we have given.
13 ProblemType Default Set Ambiguios product description,Incorrect delivery,Taxes,Unable to fund,Image not available,Shipping charges Will generate the data from the column values that we have given.
14 NumberofInteractions Integer Range 1 to 3 Will generate the numbers from 1 to 3 randomly

Log File Data Set

Sr No. Column Header Data Type Values Comments
1 Date Date 01/01/2014 to 01/01/2016#dd/MMM/yyyy Will generate the dates between 1st Jan 2014 to 31 Dec 2014
2 Time Date 01/01/2014 to 01/01/2016#HH:mm:ss Will generate the time
3 cs-ip IpAddress Will generate the ip addresses
4 sc-bytes Integer Range 1 to 255 Will generate the numbers from 1 to 255 randomly
5 cs-method Default Set GET,POST Will generate method according to the values given
6 Phone number PhoneNumber Will generate the phone numbers.

Complete Development Manual

Complete Development Manual available-

Data rapid Installation and deployment

Following are the setup steps that needs to be followed for Data rapid Installation and deployment.

Prerequisites used in the setup

* Mysql version 5.1.31
* R Rserve 1.8.1 in Java (Some of the data types uses R . If the data types are not used, We can ignore R installation)
* Java 1.8
* Tomcat 8.5.2
* Maven 3.3.3

Installation and deployment

* Download the latest code from Git repository.
* Change the datarapid\datarapid-api\src\main\resources\ file with mysql data base and R server information
* Change the shiro file - datarapid\datarapid-api\src\main\webapp\WEB-INF\shiro.ini with mysql database credentials
* Build the code using Maven and get the war file for the deployment
* Run the sql scripts in Mysql - datarapid\datarapid-docs\scripts\schema.sql and then datarapid\datarapid-docs\scripts\data.sql
* Put the war(datarapid-1.0.war) in tomcat and start the tomcat for the datarapid access


Realistic Data Generation tool for Big Data Appliances and AI Solutions

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:TSQL 91.7%Language:Java 5.7%Language:JavaScript 1.4%Language:HTML 0.6%Language:CSS 0.6%