ruohoruotsi / MTI-Net

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MTI-Net: A Multi-Target Speech Intelligibility Prediction Model


Recently, deep learning (DL)-based non-intrusive speech assessment models have attracted great attention. Many studies report that these DL-based models yield satisfactory assessment performance and good flexibility, but their performance in unseen environments remains a challenge. Furthermore, compared to quality scores, fewer studies elaborate deep learning models to estimate intelligibility scores. This study proposes a multi-task speech intelligibility prediction model, called MTI-Net, for simultaneously predicting human and machine intelligibility measures. Specifically, given a speech utterance, MTI-Net is designed to predict human subjective listening test results and word error rate (WER) scores. We also investigate several methods that can improve the prediction performance of MTI-Net. First, we compare different features (including low-level features and embeddings from self-supervised learning (SSL) models) and prediction targets of MTI-Net. Second, we explore the effect of transfer learning and multi-tasking learning on training MTI-Net. Finally, we examine the potential advantages of fine-tuning SSL embeddings. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of using cross-domain features, multi-task learning, and fine-tuning SSL embeddings. Furthermore, it is confirmed that the intelligibility and WER scores predicted by MTI-Net are highly correlated with the ground-truth scores.

For more detail please check our Paper


You can download our environmental setup at Environment Folder and use the following script.

conda env create -f environment.yml

Please be noted, that the above environment is specifically used to run To generate and fine-tuned Self Supervised Learning (SSL) feature, please use python 3.6 and follow the instructions in following link to deploy fairseq module.

Fine-tuned SSL model and Extact SSL Feature

Please use the following code to fine-tuned SSL model:


To extract the SSL feature, please use the following code:


Train and Testing MTI-Net

Please use following script to train the model:

python --gpus <assigned GPU> --mode train

For, the testing stage, plase use the following script:

python --gpus <assigned GPU> --mode test


Please kindly cite our paper, if you find this code is useful.

Zezario, R.E., Fu, S.-w., Chen, F., Fuh, C.-S., Wang, H.-M., Tsao, Y. (2022) MTI-Net: A Multi-Target Speech Intelligibility Prediction Model. Proc. Interspeech 2022, 5463-5467


Self Attention, SincNet, Self-Supervised Learning Model are created by others



Language:Python 100.0%