ruinunca / selecting-the-correct-persona

Who Said That? Selecting the Correct Persona from Conversational Text

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Who Said That? Selecting the Correct Persona from Conversational Text

This repository provides the implementation code for the 23rd ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents main conference paper:

Who Said That? Selecting the Correct Persona from Conversational Text. [paper]

0. Requirements:

This project uses Python 3.6

Create a virtual env with (outside the project folder):

virtualenv -p python3.6 pers-env
source pers-env/bin/activate

Install the requirements (inside the project folder):

git clone
cd selecting-the-correct-persona
pip install -r requirements.txt

1. Data Preparation

In this work, we carried out experiments using PersonaChat, a dataset that contains 3 to 5 profile sentences (persona) for each speaker. We adapt the dataset in order to build the task of identifying the correct persona amongst distractors.

Download PersonaChat

First, download PersonaChat dataset from Parlai in this link. Create a folder named data/ on the project root and place it there:

mkdir data/
cd data/
tar -xvzf personachat.tgz

Process Dataset:

python --path data/personachat --format both_original

Available commands:

optional arguments:
  --path                      Path to personachat folder.
  --format                    Format to be used.

  none                        Only uses dialogues.        
  self_original               Only uses persona from Speaker 1.
  self_revised                Only uses revised persona from Speaker 1.
  other_original              Only uses persona from Speaker 2.
  other_revised               Only uses revised persona from Speaker 2.
  both_original               Uses both personas.
  both_revised                Uses both revised personas.

Create permutations distractors for dataset:

python --path data/personachat/processed/both_original/

optional arguments:
  --path                      Path to processed dataset folder.


We provide scripts that can be customised. You can either use the script:

./ <gpus> <model_name_or_path> <batch_size>

Or run the Python file:

python \
--model_name_or_path google/bert_uncased_L-2_H-128_A-2 \
--task_name persona \
--output_dir experiments \
--do_eval \
--do_train \
--warmup_steps 200 \
--per_device_train_batch_size 8 \
--per_device_eval_batch_size 8 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps 2

Note: After BERT several BERT-like models were released. You can test different size models like Mini-BERT and DistilBERT which are much smaller.

  • Mini-BERT only contains 2 encoder layers with hidden sizes of 128 features. Use it with the flag: --model_name_or_path google/bert_uncased_L-2_H-128_A-2
  • DistilBERT contains only 6 layers with hidden sizes of 768 features. Use it with the flag: --model_name_or_path distilbert-base-uncased


Generating the Results

First, we need to test the model by generating the results for the test set. After that, we will evaluate the results using another script:

python --task_name persona \
--model_name_or_path experiments/experiment_2023-03-15_14-20-49 / 
--test_file ../data/personachat/processed/both_original/tests/deletion_1.json

Available commands:

optional arguments:
--model_name_or_path          Path to pretrained model
--task_name                   persona (this is fixed)
--test_file                   Should contain the test data
--max_seq_length              The maximum total input sequence length after tokenization. Sequences longer than this will be truncated, sequences shorter will be padded.
--num_distractors             The number of distractors used for training the model. (default: 9)

Evaluating the Results

Now, we run a script to get the results of MRR, Accuracy, and other metrics that could be added:

python --path experiments/experiment_2023-03-15_14-20-49/results/


Who Said That? Selecting the Correct Persona from Conversational Text


Language:Python 91.1%Language:Jupyter Notebook 6.6%Language:Shell 2.3%