ruebot / juxta

Generates large collages of images using OpenSeadragon

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Generates a collage of a given set of images, for display on a webpage using the deep zoom tool OpenSeadragon. Each source image can have associated meta-data, which is displayed on mouse-over. Some samples:

Technical notes

juxta generates tiles for use with OpenSeadragon. One tile = one 256x256 pixel image file. The tile generation is threaded and localized to the individual source images. This means that memory overhead is independent of the total collage size. The difference between generating a collage of 10 vs. 10 million images is only CPU time. Associated meta-data are stored in chunks and only requested on mouse-over, keeping browser page-open time and memory requirements independent of collage size.

As each tile on zoom level n is created from 4 tiles on zoom level n+1, this means JPEG → scale(¼) → JPEG, if jpg is used as tile format. The artefacts from the JPEG compression compounds, although the effect is mitigated by down scaling.

The repeated 4 tiles → join → scale(¼) → 1 tile processing means that tile-edge-artefacts compounds, potentially resulting in visible horizontal and vertical lines at some zoom levels. This is most visible when using images that fits the tiles well, as it brings the edges of the images closer together.

The script is restart-friendly as it skips already generated tiles.

Processing 24,000 ~1MPixel images on a laptop using 2 threads took 2½ hour and resulted in ~390,000 tiles for a total of 6.4GB with a 19GPixel canvas size (138240x138240 pixel). As scaling is practically linear O(n+log2(sqrt(n))), a collage from 1 million such images would take ~4 days.

The theoretical limits for collage size / source image count are dictated by bash & JavaScripts max integers. The bash-limit depends on system, but should be 2⁶³ on most modern systems. For JavaScript it is 2⁵³. Think yotta-pixels.

The practical limit is determined primarily by the number of inodes on the file system. Check with df -i under *nix. With the default raw image size of RAW_W=4 RAW_H=3 (1024x768 pixels), each source image will result in ~17 files, so a system with 100M free inodes can hold a collage with 5M images. Rule of thumb: Do check if there are enough free inodes when creating collages of millions of images. There is a gradual performance degradation when moving beyond hundreds of millions of images (see issue #5); but that is solvable, should the case arise.

Depending on browser, mouse-over meta-data will only work for the upper left images of the collage, when opening the collage from the local file system. This is by design (see CORS). It should work for all browsers when accessing the collage through a webserver.


  • bash and friends (unzip, sed, tr...)
  • ImageMagic
  • wget optional (OpenSeadragon must be downloaded manually if it is not there)

Developed and tested under Ubuntu 16.04. As of 2017-02-03 it worked under OS X, with some glitches in meta-data.

OpenSeadragon and the mouse-over code has been tested with IE10, Firefox, Chrome & Safari on desktop machines, as well as Safari on iPhone &iPad and whatever build-in browser CyanogenMOD has.

Basic usage

  1. Create a list of images find myimages -iname "*.jpg" > images.dat

  2. Generate collage tiles ./ images.dat mycollage

  3. View the collage in a browser firefox mycollage.html

But! This will produce something with poor choice in colors, clumsy layout and no links to the full images. You probably want to tweak all that: is the core script, intended to be called with options geared towards different use cases. If you want to use it as gallery creator, check the "Recursive image gallery" section below.


Processing can be controlled by setting environment variables. Most important options are

  • RAW_W / RAW_H: The size of the fully zoomed individual images, measured in tiles. RAW_W=4 and RAW_H=3 means (4*256)x(3*256) = 1024x768 pixels. Default is 4 and 3.
  • BACKGROUND: 6-digit hex for the color to use as background. Default is cccccc.
  • THREADS: The number of threads to use when generating the tiles at full zoom level. Default is 1.
  • TILE_FORMAT: png or jpg. Default is jpg.

Processing a bunch of photos of file size 500KB or more could be done with

find myimages -iname "*.jpg" -a -size +500k  > photos.dat
BACKGROUND=000000 RAW_W=3 RAW_H=2 THREADS=4 TILE_FORMAT=jpg ./ photos.dat mycollage

A collection of small clip art images could be

find myimages -iname "*.png" -o -iname "*.gif" > clipart.dat
BACKGROUND=ffffff RAW_W=1 RAW_H=1 THREADS=2 TILE_FORMAT=png ./ clipart.dat mycollage

There are a lot of secondary options, which are all documented in the

Keyboard shortcuts

  • Arrow keys pans
  • CTRL+arrows pans a full screen (in a hackish way - this should be improved)
  • Pressing a number key (1-9) ensures that that number of images is visible and optimally zoomed
  • Pressing CTRL+number ensures that 2^number of images (1-512) is visible and optimally zoomed


Recursive image gallery

The script performs a recursive descend from a starting folder, creating a collage in each folder that contains images, as well as links to sub-folders with images. The files are stored in sub-folders named .juxta and an index.html file is created in each folder. Sample run of the script:

./ my_picture_folder


The script fetches images from and generates a collage with linkback to the image pages at coverbrowser. Important note: The covers are not released in the public domain or under a CC-license. If a collage of the covers is to be exposed to the public, be sure to check that it is legal under local copyright laws. Sample run of the script:

./ tintin

The cover-collections can be browsed at

Image collection at

The script fetches openly available images from and generates a collage with linkback to the image pages at the museum. In order to run the script, a free key must be requested from the museum. Details at - with that key a sample run is

MAX_IMAGES=200 KEY=mykey ./ "" "rembrandt"

where the URL is copy-pasted from a search at the Rijksmuseum.

Historical image collection at

The script fetches openly available images from and generates a collage with linkback to the image pages at Sample run of the script:

MAX_IMAGES=200 ./ create subject2210

The script provides overrides to use the Kort & Atlas (Maps & Atlases) from Most of those images are quite high-resolution (~50MPixel), so RAW_W and RAW_H are set to take advantage of that. Consequently, it might be a good idea to check with a few images before going for thousands.

MAX_IMAGES=20 ./ create subject208

Paired images at

Some of the images at comes in pairs, notably postcards where both the front and the back are scanned. The script fetches such image pairs and creates to collages that are displayed using a loupe effect. Sample run of the script:

MAX_IMAGES=200 ./ create subject3795

Flora Danica

Statens Naturhistoriske Museum has a nicely scanned Flora Danica with 3,240 images of plants local to Denmark. The script fetches these images, sorts them by the latin name of the plants and creates a collage. Sample run of the script:



Scale testing can be done with ./ See more in the "Performance & Scaling section in this document. Sample runs:

./ 100
RAW_W=1 RAW_H=1 ./ 1000

Twitter images

The script takes a list of tweet-IDs, locates all images from the tweets and creates a collage with links back to the original tweets. The script downloads all the images before using juxta to create the collage and is restart-friendly.

Important: This requires twarc, a (free) API-key from Twitter and an understanding of Twitters Developer Agreement & Policy.

Given a list of tweet-IDs (just the numbers), call the script with

MAX_IMAGES=10 ./ mytweets.dat tweet_collage

If the tweets and their images are already available, the template from can re-used by creating a list of the images of the form imagepath|tweet-ID timestamp, for example

images/0/pbs.twimg.com_media_CupTGBlWcAA-yzz.jpg|786532479343599620 2016-10-13T13:42:10
images/0/pbs.twimg.com_media_CYwJ7LDWwAIA011.jpg|687935756539686912 2016-01-15T10:54:00

and juxta can be called with

TEMPLATE=demo_twitter.template.html RAW_W=1 RAW_H=1 INCLUDE_ORIGIN=false ./ tweet_images.dat tweet_collage

Custom collage with links

  1. Download the images to a local folder

  2. Create a file myimages.dat with the images listed in the wanted order.

    Each line in the file holds one image and optional meta-data divided by |. In this example, the meta-data are links to the original image. Example line: myimages/someimage_25232.png|

  3. Create a template mytemplate.html with a JavaScript snippet for generating a link.

    The template demo_kb.template.html can be used as a starting point. Override either of createHeader and createFooter. In this example, it could be

overlays.createHeader = function(x, y, image, meta) {
  imageId = image.substring(image.lastIndexOf('/')+1).replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, "");
  return '<a href="' + meta + '">' + imageId + '</a>';
overlays.createFooter = function(x, y, image, meta) {
  return false;
  1. Determine the aspect ratio and implicitly the size of the images making up the collage using RAW_W and RAW_H

  2. Start juxta: RAW_W=2 RAW_H=2 TEMPLATE=mytemplate.html ./ myimages.dat mycollage

    It is of course advisable to start with a few hundred images to see that everything works as intended.

Performance and scaling

The script creates a few sample images and a collage of arbitrary size by repeating those images. Except for the source images being disk cached, this should should be quite representative of a real-data collage.

Old-ish Xeon server machine RAW_W=1 RAW_H=1 ./ <images> (smallest possible image representation)

images seconds img/s MPixels files MB
50 3 16 3 140 2
500 20 25 33 753 7
5000 195 25 330 7K 63
50000 2002 25 3288 67K 618
500000 19652 25 32804 669K 6158

This was measured after issue #5 (limit the number of files/folder) was completed. As can be seen, performance is linear with the number of images.

Upper limit

As stated in the technical notes section, the practical limit to juxta scale is dictated by the file system. To sanity-check this, a sample collage with 5 million images was generated with RAW_W=1 RAW_H=1 ./ 5000000 (using the default 3 threads). On an i5 desktop this took 31 hours @ 45 images/second. The resulting collage displayed without problems, including meta-data for the individual images.

Scale vs. compatibility

When the number of tiles for any given folder gets high, performance drops for a lot of file systems (ext4 being one of them). juxta handles this by switching to a custom tile-layout instead of the standard Deep Zoom (dzi) layout. The downside is lack of portability of the tiles, if another viewer than OpenSeadragon is to be used.

The Deep Zoom layout can be forced by specifying FOLDER_LAYOUT=dzi. Doing so on an i5 desktop machine resulted in

images seconds img/s MPixels files MB
50 1 50 3 146 5
500 12 41 33 759 10
5000 115 43 330 7K 66
50000 1384 36 3288 67K 621
500000 43064 11 32804 668K 6166

As can be seen, performance drops markedly when the number of images rises and the folder-layout is forced to dzi.


juxta is very much "hope you hit a stable version at git clone" at the moment, so chances are that the HTML and supporting files should be upgraded at some point. As large collages can take days to create, a special upgrade-mode has been added:

/ -r mycollage

Running with -r ensures that the tile files are not touched by juxta. However, for this to work properly, it is essential that all tile-related parameters, such as RAW_W and RAW_H, are set to the same as the original call to juxta. The only safe parameters to tweak on an upgrade are TEMPLATE, ASYNC_META_SIDE, ASYNC_META_CACHE, OSD_VERSION, OSD_ZIP & OSD_URL.


Generates large collages of images using OpenSeadragon

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Shell 68.6%Language:HTML 16.8%Language:JavaScript 12.2%Language:CSS 2.4%