rudolphpienaar / pfair

A server that mirrors air quality measurements from the purple air network

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



a slightly opinionated telemetry logging service


pfair is a service that caches data from the purple air network of sensors, allowing for no-cost API requests on especially historical data. The purple air API provides access to data collected on the sensor network. Each API request, however, has a real-world cost associated with the access, meaning that repeated historical access can incur a real world cost. This service allows for no-cost historical access (since pulled data is stored in its own database independently from purple air) and also allows for some useful query API endpoints (for example, "Which sensors are dead in my pool?").

Only slightly opinionated?

Getting and using


Build the latest docker image

# Pull repo...
gh repo clone rudolphpienaar/pfair
# Enter the repo...
cd pfair

# Set some vars
# export UID=$(id -u)  # THIS IS FOR BASH/ZSH SHELLs

# If you are behind a proxy, set this accordingly
# export PROXY=""

# Here we build an image called local/pfair
# Using --no-cache is a good idea to force the image to build all from scratch

# If you're behind a proxy, uncomment this:
# docker build --no-cache --build-arg http_proxy=$PROXY --build-arg UID=$UID -t local/pfair .

# If you're not behind a proxy, then
docker build --no-cache --build-arg UID=$UID -t local/pfair .

Deploy as background process

docker run --name pfair  --rm -it -d                                            \
        -p 22223:22223                                                          \
        -v /home/dicom:/home/dicom                                              \
        local/pfair /

"Hello, pfair, you're looking good"

Using httpie, let's ask pfair about itself

http :22223/api/v1/about/

and say hello with some info about the system on which pfair is running:

http :22223/api/v1/hello/ echoBack=="Hello, World!"

For full exemplar documented examples, see pfair/ in this repository as well as HOWTORUN. Also consult the pfair/ script for more details.

API swagger

Full API swagger is available. Once you have started pfair, and assuming that the machine hosting the container is localhost, navigate to http://localhost:22223/docs .


To debug code within pfair from a containerized instance, perform volume mappings in an interactive session:

# Run with support for source debugging
docker run --name pfair  --rm -it                                              	\
        -p 22223:22223 	                                                        \
        -v /home/dicom:/home/dicom                                             	\
        -v $PWD/pfair:/app:ro                                                  	\
        local/pfair /


To check that the service is working properly, you log a test message with

# Set pfair appropriately for your local env:
export PTFEL=http://localhost:22223
curl -s -X 'POST'                                                             \
  "$pfair/api/v1/slog/?logObject=default&logCollection=slog&logEvent=log"     \
  -H 'accept: application/json'                                               \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'                                         \
  -d '{
  "log": "Hello, pfair service, how are things?"



A server that mirrors air quality measurements from the purple air network


Language:Python 85.4%Language:Shell 12.9%Language:Dockerfile 1.7%