rubygarage / rubyhub

Ruby implementation for hub soft

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Maintainability Test Coverage CircleCI


Rubyhub allows you to create pull requests faster with all сomponents - labels, assignees, reviewers and other stuff you had to put manually each time.

At this very moment Rubyhub supports operations only with Github.


Install Github's Hub

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rubyhub'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rubyhub


  1. Generate config file

    $ rubyhub init

  2. Create the templates for all subteams/needs in your repository and configure each template with provided options

  3. Run pull request creator

    $ rubyhub create -t your_template_name

See usage examples or the full reference documentation to see all available commands and flags.

Configuration options

Config Description Example
base_branch String. Define the base branch you Pull Request would be targeted to develop
reviewers Array. List of reviewers - some_user
- another_user
assignees Array. List of assignees - some_user
- another_user
labels Array. List of labels - needs_review
- some_another_label
jira_base_url String. The first line of your Pull Request description could be JIRA link to your task
Put here the constant part of your URL.
Task name would be taken from your branch name.

feature/MyTask-1399 ->
description_main_body String. Put the description template here. We recommended to use Markdown.

Note: The first line of your body - would be a title of your pull-request
Feature / RGWEB

Great moments!
description_path String. Put the path to your PR's description file. .github/description.txt
push Boolean. These options allows to push the code to Github before creating the pull-request true
open Boolean. Open the pull-request after creating true

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RubyGarage is a leading software development and consulting company in Eastern Europe. Our main expertise includes Ruby and Ruby on Rails, but we successfully employ other technologies to deliver the best results to our clients. Check out our portfolio for even more exciting works!


Ruby implementation for hub soft


Language:Ruby 99.3%Language:Shell 0.7%