rubenandrebarreiro / heroes-vs-villains-autonomous-intelligent-agents-bots-game

🦸 🦹 🌍 A project based in Autonomous and Intelligent Agents. This project was built using Java, JADE (JAVA Agent DEvelopment Framework). The scenario chosen for this project was to simulate a commonly and loved war/battle of superheroes' comics, between heroes and villains. This heroes and villains will be autonomous and intelligent agents. In this scenario we have, as agents, the heroes, the anti-heroes (agents who can be heroes, in some situations and villains, in others), villains and some special characters (similar to Gods). It will be also available, some items, which the agents can grab and gain/empower some of their abilities or even, end the whole game, guaranteeing the victory of the game to themselves.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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