rubel-sh / gpu-hunt-server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Get Operations

  • /api/users [Returns all users: ADMIN ONLY]
  • /api/products/category/:name [Returns all products to that catagory, filter out sold products]
  • /api/products/advertised [Returns only advertised products, filter out sold products]
  • /api/users/wishlists [Returns wishlists for single user] [OPTIONAL]
  • /api/users/sellers [Returns all Sellers]
  • /api/users/buyers [Returns all Buyers]
  • /api/blogs [Returns all Blogs]
  • /api/users/role/:email [Get user role]
  • /api/categories [Returns all categories]
  • /api/categories/:catName [Get single category items]
  • /api/users/verified [if user verified or not verified]
  • /api/orders/:email [return all orders for that buyer]

Post Operations

  • /api/users [Insers a new user]
  • /api/products [Inserts a new product]
  • /api/orders [Inserts a new order]

PUT Operations

  • /api/users/:id [Update existing user role]
  • /api/products/myProducts/:id [Update existing product's advertise status]
  • /api/products/paid/:id [Update existing product's paid status]
  • /api/users/wishlists/:productId [Adds a wishlist array of id to usersCollection] [OPTIONAL]
  • /api/users/sellers/:id [Update existing seller's verified status]
  • /api/orders/:productId [Pay by product id]
  • /api/users/ [Update product's reported status]

Delete Operations

  • /api/products/reported/:id [delete reported product]
  • /api/products/myProducts/:id [delete a product]
  • /api/users/buyers/:id [delete a user]
  • /api/users/sellers/:id [delete a seller]



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