rtreffer / lnd_exporter

lightning network daemon exporter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

lnd_exporter - lightning node metrics

lnd_exporter collects and exports metrics from a lightning node.

All metrics have a nodekey label with the pubkey current node.

The exporter is split into multiple collectors

flag default description
--collector.basics true lnd_info/lnd_node_info and generic sync information of the node
--collector.network true lnd_graph_* network based metrics
--collector.channels true lnd_channel_* metrics
--collector.channels.closed true lnd_channel_* metrics for closed channels
--collector.channels.pending true lnd_channel_* metrics for pending channels
--collector.peers true lnd_peer_* metrics
--collector.wallet true lnd_wallet_* metrics
--collector.peer.nodes true lnd_remote_node_* metrics
--collector.earnings false lnd_fwd_* metrics

exporter metrics

metric label meaning
lnd_up value 1 if lnd can be reached


This collector is based on lncli getinfo. It gives a quick overview of the local node.

metric label meaning
lnd_info value 1
version lnd software version
commit lnd software git commit
lnd_node_info value 1
alias node alias
color node color
chain bitcoin
network mainnet / testnet
lnd_chain_synced value 1 if the blockchain is synced up
lnd_graph_synced value 1 if the lightning network graph is synced up
lnd_latest_block_time_seconds value unix time of the last seen bitcoin block
lnd_block_height_total value the blockchain height
lnd_peers_total value number of node peers
lnd_channels_total value number of channels with a given set of properties
state pending, active, inactive


This collector is based on lncli getnetworkinfo. It gives a quick overview of the lightning network graph.

metric label meaning
lnd_graph_nodes value total number of lightning node
lnd_graph_channels value total number of lightning node
lnd_graph_max_degree value maximum nbumber of channels on one node
lnd_graph_capacity_satoshis value total number of satoshies in the lightning network
lnd_graph_median_channel_size_satoshis value median channel size in the lightning network
lnd_graph_min_channel_size_satoshis value minimum channel size in the lightning network
lnd_graph_max_channel_size_satoshis value maximum channel size in the lightning network


Thid collector is based on lncli listchannels and lncli feereport. It gives an overview of all existing channels.

All metrics have a channel_id label to group channel related data.

metric label meaning
lnd_channel_active value 1 if the channel is active
lnd_channel_info value 1
remotekey public key of the remote end
channel_point the channel point txid:index
public true/false if the channel is public/private
opened local/remote if the channel was opened by the local/remote node
state open
commit_type channel commitment type
close_address bitcoin address used on close
lnd_channel_capacity_satoshis value the channel capacity
lnd_channel_local_balace_satoshis value the local channel capacity
lnd_channel_remote_balace_satoshis value the remote channel capacity
lnd_channel_unsettled_satoshis value the sum of open HTLC transactions
direction incoming/outgoing
lnd_channel_sent_satoshis_total value the sum of sent satoshis
lnd_channel_received_satoshis_total value the sum of received satoshis
lnd_channel_lifetime_seconds value the lifetime of the channel
lnd_channel_uptime_seconds value the uptime of the channel
lnd_channel_updates_total value the number of channel updates
lnd_channel_base_fee_satoshis value the local base fee of the channel
lnd_channel_fee_rate value the fee rate of the channel as a ratio of sat per sat, [0..1]


This collector is based on lncli closedchannels.

metric label meaning
lnd_channel_info value 1
remotekey public key of the remote end
channel_id the channel id
channel_point the channel point txid:index
state closed
opened local/remote if the channel was opened by the local/remote node
closed local/remote if the channel was closed by the local/remote node
close_type cooperative/local_force/remote_force/breach/cancelled/abandoned

TODO: this collector does not yet handle balances or resolutions.


This collector is based on lncli pendingchannels. Channels are keyed by remotekey and channel_point.

NOTE: the balance/capacity is namespaces as lnd_pending_channel_* due to a lack of channel_id.

metric label meaning
lnd_channel_info value 1
remotekey public key of the remote end
channel_point the channel point txid:index
state pending
opened local/remote if the channel was opened by the local/remote node
commit_type channel commitment type
lnd_pending_channel_capacity_satoshis value the channel capacity
lnd_pending_channel_local_balace_satoshis value the local channel capacity
lnd_pending_channel_remote_balace_satoshis value the remote channel capacity


This collector is based on lncli listpeers. All metrics are keyed by remotekey.

metric label meaning
lnd_peer_info value 1
open local/remote depending on who opened the connection
graph_sync unknown/active/passive/pinned graph sync mode
lnd_peer_address value 1
address public key of the remote end
lnd_peer_sent_bytes_total value Total bytes sent over the network to this peer
lnd_peer_received_bytes_total value Total bytes received over the network from this peer
lnd_peer_sent_satoshis_total value Total satoshis sent to this peer
lnd_peer_received_satoshis_total value Total satoshis received from this peer
lnd_peer_reconnects_total value Total number of reconnects to a peer
lnd_peer_last_reconnect_time_seconds value Unix time of the last reconnect


metric label meaning
lnd_peer_node_info value 1
remotekey node alias
alias node alias
color node color
lnd_peer_node_address value 1
address public key of the remote end
lnd_channel_incoming_base_fee_satoshis value the local base fee of the channel
lnd_channel_incoming_fee_rate value the fee rate of the channel as a ratio of sat per sat, [0..1]


metric label meaning
lnd_wallet_balance_satoshis value the wallet balance
account default usually
confirmed true/false if the transaction is confirmed/unconfirmed


WARNING: This collector fetches all historical forwardings. This will take a while on startup.

metric label meaning
lnd_fwd_fee_satoshis_total value the total amount of fees earned
channel_id channel id
lnd_fwd_sent_satoshis_total value the total amount of satoshis sent
channel_id channel id
lnd_fwd_received_satoshis_total value the total amount of satoshis received
channel_id channel id

Under investigation

The following command reveal interesting informaiton but might be too expensive to add

  • lncli listinvoices: list of invoices. Patches welcome.
  • lncli describegraph: full graph, prometheus can handle the cardinality but export time is too long.
  • lncli getnodemetrics: computes betweenness metric on a all nodes. Export time is too high.


lightning network daemon exporter


Language:Go 99.4%Language:Makefile 0.6%