Converting a 3D logical array into an STL surface mesh ====================================================== Adam H. Aitkenhead The Christie NHS Foundation Trust 24th May 2010 USAGE ===== >> CONVERT_voxels_to_stl(STLname,gridDATA,gridX,gridY,gridZ,'ascii') ..or.. >> [faces,vertices] = CONVERT_voxels_to_stl(STLname,gridDATA,gridX,gridY,gridZ,STLformat) converts the voxelised object contained within the 3D logical array <gridINPUT> into an STL surface mesh, which is saved to the ascii file <STLin>. The x,y,z axes for <gridINPUT> are defined by <gridX>, <gridY> and <gridZ>. The (faces,vertices) data are optional outputs. INPUTS ====== STLname - string - Filename of the STL file. gridINPUT - 3D logical array of size (P,Q,R) - The voxelised object (1 => Inside the object, 0 => Outside the object) gridX - A 1xP array - List of the X axis coordinates. gridY - A 1xQ array - List of the Y axis coordinates. gridZ - A 1xR array - List of the Z axis coordinates. STLformat - string (optional) - STL file format: 'binary' or 'ascii'. OUTPUTS ======= faces - Nx3 array - A list of the vertices used in each facet of the mesh, identified using the row number in the array vertices. vertices - Nx3 array - A list of the x,y,z coordinates of each vertex in the mesh. EXAMPLE ======= For an example, run the following script: >> CONVERT_voxels_to_stl_example NOTES ===== - This code does not apply any smoothing. The stl mesh will be exactly the same geometry as the original voxelised object.