rticommunity / rticonnextdds-usecases-umaa

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UMAA Standard

Latest Version: 6.0 Distro D(CUI controlled)
UMAA standard referenced: 5.2.1 (Public) Download from AUVSI

The UMAA standard defines the following(as of 6.0):

  • Data model(>200 data types in an IDL format)
  • No QOS (Exception: Large Collections- PRESENTATION)
  • Required Topics(“Interfaces”) per “Service”.
  • Application level:
    • Command state machine/handshaking("Flow Control")
    • Large data set synchronization("Large Collections")
    • Type inheritance("Generic/Specified Types")

The UMAA standard also defines some "Components", which are a collection of "Interfaces" derived from the UMAA MBSE model. These Components are currently not for public release and are not required as of 6.0.


The intention of this initial Case+Code release was to provide some reference examples focusing on the Connext infrastructure/various API’s interacting, and minimizing setup friction with some utilities:

  • XML App Creation used with the following API's
    • Python API
    • Modern C++ with DynamicData Types
    • Modern C++ with Compiled Types
  • CMAKE file using rticonnextdds-cmake-utils modules for code generation of large type sets
  • Recommended best practices for assigning QOS to topics
  • XML Debug snippets
  • Utilities
    • Windows: Convert recursively to XML for 6.2.1 compatibility
    • Linux: Convert recursively to XML plus flatten includes to single folder

The application level requirements are outside of the current scope but we hope for this to be an ongoing development as we democratize best practices/lessons learned across our various customers.

Use Cases

  1. I want to configure/manage all of my DDS entities external to the source code by just looking up entities defined in XML. This will minimize boilerplate code, provide a configuration layer, and minimize configuration conflicts. XML App Creation
  2. I want to convert my UMAA IDL files to xml and flatten the includes to a single folder, generating a composite includes file in the process. This is so I can pull types into either System Designer or other modeling tools, use with DynamicData, or include when disabling type propagation. XML Scripts
  3. I want to use CMAKE and rtiddsgen to build a shared library of UMAA types using modules created by RTI as reference. CMAKE modules
  4. I want to filter the messages coming into my application based on the UMAA Destination ID. This can be configurable and require no compilation to change. Content Filtered Topics

XML App Creation

These example applications simulate a few components using types and services from the public UMAA 5.2.1 standard. The intention here was to minimize application code and highlight the ease of access to the writers/readers and their usage.

NOTE: These components are purely for reference purposes(UMAA defined components are not public yet).

The resources/umaa_components.xml file contains the configurations for the behavior(QOS), topics, domains and types of the Connext databus.

It takes advantage of Connext’s XML-Based Application Creation framework to define and manage all of the messaging entities with XML files.

Customers are encouraged to reach out to the RTI Services team to assist with any
implementation of the latest Release which is Distro D(CUI controlled).


  • Linux-based OS or WSL.
  • Connext 7.3.0/Python API setup for Python Scripts

Tested compatibility

  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • Connext 6.1.2/Connext 7.3.0

Cloning Repository

To clone the repository you will need to run git clone as follows to download both the repository and its submodule dependencies:

git clone --recurse-submodule https://github.com/rticommunity/rticonnextdds-usecases-umaa.git

If you forget to clone the repository with --recurse-submodule, simply run the following command to pull all the dependencies:

git submodule update --init --recursive


cd examples/
cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release


cmake --build ./build --config Release

NOTE: Will take ~ 15 minutes as it is compiling all the idl types into a shared library.


anchor_controller (Modern CPP, Compiled Types)

    -d, --domain     <int>     Domain ID this application will
                               subscribe in.
                               Default: 0
    -f, --file       <string>  XML Config file defining components
                               used to create DDS entities. 
                               Default: './resources/umaa_components.xml'
    -v, --verbosity  <int>     How much debugging output to show.
                               Range: 0-5 
                               Default: 0
./build/anchor_controller -f ./resources/umaa_components.xml

The Anchor Controller app includes a simple state machine to manage "lowering and raising". This is intended to be used as a reference when developing with Connext and UMAA types.

It uses compiled data types and listeners to read data.

NOTE: The commands don't follow the UMAA command state pattern("Flow Control") as that is outside the scope of this example.

Subscribers Publishers

autonomy (Modern CPP, DynamicData Types)

    -d, --domain     <int>     Domain ID this application will
                               subscribe in.
                               Default: 0
    -f, --file       <string>  XML Config file defining components
                               used to create DDS entities. 
                               Default: './resources/umaa_components.xml'
    -v, --verbosity  <int>     How much debugging output to show.
                               Range: 0-5 
                               Default: 0
./build/autonomy -f ./resources/umaa_components.xml

The Autonomy app looks for a few different topics to have writers publishing for it to have "comms" to the Anchor Controller and NavData applications. (Namely: "AnchorReport", and "SpeedStatus")

It also looks for the "Anchor Payout" value to be 0, to indicate the Anchor is raised and ready for a mission.

It uses DynamicData types and a waitset to read it's data. It also uses listeners to pickup events from the databus such as "subscription_matched".

Subscribers Publishers

nav_data (Python, DynamicData Types)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --file FILE  XML Config file
python ./python/nav_data.py -f ./resources/umaa_components.xml

This will just write an arbitrary value to the speedThroughWater value.

Subscribers Publishers

gui (Python)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c COMMAND, --command COMMAND
                        Anchor command
  -f FILE, --file FILE  XML Config file

Command Values:

  • LOWER: 0
  • RAISE: 1
  • STOP: 2
Example for the "Lower" command:
python python/gui.py -c 0

This can be used to send a command to the anchor controller to "raise"/"lower".

Subscribers Publishers

Back to Use Cases


These scripts are meant to assist in your workflow when converting the idl files to xml.

Tested compatibility:

  • UMAA IDL files: 6.0.1
  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • Windows 11
  • Connext: 6.1.2, 7.3.0



  • Make sure you have followed the setup guide for your Connext installation, including setting the NDDSHOME variable.

  • Set the environment variable $UMAA_TYPES to the target folder:


NOTE: Ensure a pre-processor is in your PATH environment variable.
The default is cpp. Reference the RTI code generator documentation for more info.


Generate in place:
  • Convert idl files recursively through all sub folders
  • Place xml file in same location as idl file.
Flatten to /xml folder:
scripts/convert_umaa_xml.sh flatten
  • Convert idl files recursively through all sub folders
  • Generate the xml files into an /xml folder relative to the $UMAA_TYPES directory.
  • Edit include paths to remove folders (Example: "./umaa_type.idl")



  • Make sure you have followed the setup guide for your Connext installation,
    including setting the NDDSHOME variable by running the setup script.

  • Set the environment variable %UMAA_TYPES% to the target folder:


NOTE: Ensure a pre-processor is in your PATH environment variable.*
The default is cp.exe. Reference the RTI code generator documentation for more info.


Generate in place:
  • Convert idl files recursively through all sub folders
  • Place xml file in same location as idl file.

Back to Use Cases

CMAKE modules

This repo pulls in a git submodule from rticonnextdds-cmake-utils into the /examples/resources folder.

The rticonnextdds-cmake-utils repo provides convenient CMAKE utils to call rtiddsgen and pass in idl files as an argument. Use /examples/CMakeLists.txt as a reference for creating a shared library for your UMAA IDL set.

Back to Use Cases

Content Filtered Topics

By using Content Filtered Topics in tandem with XML-Application creation we are able to conveniently
filter messages going into a specific data reader using the UMAA Destination ID field.


Complete all build/setup as necessary in the XML App Creation section.


Reference the file umaa_components.xml for the section where the
"AnchorCommandReader" is defined.

You will see the filter defined in XML for a "GUID" value.

<data_reader name="AnchorCommandReader" topic_ref="UMAA::EO::AnchorControl::AnchorCommand">
    <!-- Here we are passing the Anchor Controller "GUID" to the Content Filter Topic
        so we only get messages addressed to this GUID
    <content_filter name="src" kind="builtin.sql">
        <!-- Can optionally use an ENV variable if desired
        <expression> destination = &amp;hex($(ANCHOR_CONTROLLER_GUID)) </expression> -->
            destination = &amp;hex(05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05)
    <datareader_qos base_name="UMAAQOSLibrary::AnchorCommandQOS"/>

Run the Anchor Controller application.

./build/anchor_controller -f ./resources/umaa_components.xml

Now run the "GUI" Python script to send a command to the Anchor Controller. You can use the -d flag to change the value that populates the destination "GUID".

Example for "Lower" command to Destination ID "5":
python python/gui.py -c 1 -d 5

You should see the Anchor Controller app respond to these commands.
By changing the -d flag value you can test alternate values and verify filtering of data.

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