rswrz / cldtr-tech-task

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tech Task

This chart contains a simple Kubernetes deployment of the container image The container image version (image tag) is defined with appVersion configuration in Chart.yaml and can be overwritten by the parameter image.tag.

The Kubernetes deployment creates per default 1 pod replica. This can be configured with the parameter replicaCount.

The Kubernetes pods are exposed by default with a Kubernetes service as type ClusterIP on port 80. The service will be kept when uninstalling the chart. This behavior and the service itself is configurable with parameters.

The chart creates per default a PersistentVolumeClaim to mount a PersistentVolume into the directory /persistent-data inside the container for persistent data storage. The usage of an persistent volume can be disabled by setting the parameter persistence.enabled to false during installation or upgrade.


This chart uses bitnami mysql as sub-chart (external dependency). Before running helm install or helm upgrade all dependencies have to be installed into ./charts directory by running helm dependency build.

The bitnami mysql chart needs some mandatory parameters. A list of all parameters is available in the Github repository.

⚠️ All parameters listed in the official bitnami mysql chart documentation have to be prefix with the sub-chart name mysql.

Because of the previously mentioned, the following parameters are mandatory for the tech-task chart:

Name Description
mysql.auth.rootPassword Password for the root user. Ignored if existing secret is provided
mysql.auth.password Password for the new user. Ignored if existing secret is provided

Alternatively a external secret can be specified with mysql.auth.existingSecret. Please read MySQL common parameters for details.

The connection information is passed to the container by environment variables.

Environment Variable Name Description
MYSQL_HOST The database instance hostname (Kubernetes Service name; Only accessible inside the namespace)
MYSQL_DATABASE The database name
MYSQL_USERNAME The database username
MYSQL_PASSWORD The database usernames password

Quick start

To install the chart in a custom namespace run:

helm dependency build
helm install tech-task . \
    --create-namespace \
    --namespace tech-task \
    --set mysql.auth.rootPassword=root \
    --set mysql.auth.password=tech-task

Upgrade the installation:

helm upgrade tech-task . \
    --create-namespace \
    --namespace tech-task \
    --set mysql.auth.rootPassword=root \
    --set mysql.auth.password=tech-task

Uninstall the chart:

helm uninstall tech-task

Purge kept resources and persistent data:

kubectl --namespace tech-task delete svc/tech-task
kubectl --namespace tech-task delete pvc/tech-task


Name Description Default Value
affinity Affinity for application pods assignment {}
containerEnv Key-Value Map for application pods environment variables { _EXAMPLE_ENV_: Just a dummy for demonstration }
fullnameOverride String to fully override tech-task.names.fullname template ""
image.pullPolicy Application image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.repository Application image repository
image.tag Application image tag (immutable tags are recommended) "" - defaults to appVersion in Chart.yaml
imagePullSecrets Specify docker-registry secret names as an array []
nameOverride String to partially override tech-task.names.fullname template (will maintain the release name) ""
nodeSelector Node labels for application pods assignment {}
persistence.accessModes Application persistent volume access Modes [ ReadWriteOnce ]
persistence.enabled Enable persistence on application replicas using a PersistentVolumeClaim. If false, use emptyDir true
persistence.size Application persistent volume size 10Gi
persistence.storageClass Application persistent volume storage class. If undefined or empty use clusters default storage class. ""
podAnnotations Additional pod annotations for application pods {}
podSecurityContext Application pods security context {}
replicaCount Number of application pod replicas 1
resources The resources limits and requests for application containers {}
securityContext Application containers security context {}
service.port Application Kubernetes service port 80
service.preserve Specifies if the Kubernetes service is kept during helm uninstall true
service.type Application Kubernetes service type ClusterIP
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations for application service account {}
serviceAccount.create Enable the creation of a ServiceAccount for application pods true Name of the created ServiceAccount ""
tolerations Tolerations for application pods assignment []
updateStrategy Update strategy type for the application deployment. Set this to Recreate if a PV is used that cannot be mounted on multiple pods { type: RollingUpdate, rollingUpdate: {} }

Subchat Parameters

A list of all parameters for the mysql subchart is available in the Github repository of that chart.

⚠️ All parameters those parameters needs to be prefix with the chart name mysql.

These parameters are set per default in this chart:

Name Description Default Value
mysql.auth.database Name for a custom database to create tech-task
mysql.auth.username Name for a custom user to create tech-task



Language:Smarty 100.0%