rstudio / webshot2

Take screenshots of web pages from R

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Accidental dependency on webshot?

LTLA opened this issue · comments

The following line:

wait <- utils::getFromNamespace("wait_until_server_exists", "webshot")

causes webshot2::appshot to attempt to load webshot, causing errors like:

> appshot(app, file="blah.png")
Loading required package: shiny

Listening on
Error: callr subprocess failed: there is no package called ‘webshot’
Type .Last.error.trace to see where the error occured
> .Last.error.trace

 Stack trace:

 Process 6:
 1. webshot2:::appshot(app, file = "blah.png")
 2. webshot2:::appshot.shiny.appobj(app, file = "blah.png")
 3. p$get_result()
 4. callr:::rp_get_result(self, private)
 5. callr:::get_result(out, private$options)
 6. throw(newerr, parent = remerr[[2]])

 x callr subprocess failed: there is no package called ‘webshot’ 

 Process 53:
 18. (function (url, file, ..., timeout)  ...
 19. utils::getFromNamespace("wait_until_server_exists", "webshot")
 20. base:::asNamespace(ns)
 21. base:::getNamespace(ns)
 22. base:::loadNamespace(name)
 23. base:::withRestarts(stop(cond), retry_loadNamespace = function() NULL)
 24. base:::withOneRestart(expr, restarts[[1L]])
 25. base:::doWithOneRestart(return(expr), restart)
 26. base:::stop(cond)
 27. (function (e)  ...

 x there is no package called ‘webshot’ 

Presumably the second argument should be "webshot2" instead.

Session information
R Under development (unstable) (2019-12-06 r77536)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)

Matrix products: default
BLAS/LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
 [5] LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=C             
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] parallel  stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets 
[8] methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] shiny_1.4.0.2               webshot2_0.0.0.9000        
 [3] scater_1.15.28              ggplot2_3.3.0              
 [5] scRNAseq_2.1.7              iSEE_1.99.5                
 [7] SingleCellExperiment_1.9.2  SummarizedExperiment_1.17.3
 [9] DelayedArray_0.13.7         BiocParallel_1.21.2        
[11] matrixStats_0.56.0          Biobase_2.47.3             
[13] GenomicRanges_1.39.2        GenomeInfoDb_1.23.13       
[15] IRanges_2.21.5              S4Vectors_0.25.13          
[17] BiocGenerics_0.33.2         BiocStyle_2.15.6           
[19] BiocManager_1.30.10        

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
  [1] websocket_1.1.0               Rtsne_0.15                   
  [3] ggbeeswarm_0.6.0              colorspace_1.4-1             
  [5] rjson_0.2.20                  circlize_0.4.8               
  [7] XVector_0.27.1                GlobalOptions_0.1.1          
  [9] BiocNeighbors_1.5.2           clue_0.3-57                  
 [11] DT_0.12                       bit64_0.9-7                  
 [13] chromote_0.0.0.9001           interactiveDisplayBase_1.25.0
 [15] AnnotationDbi_1.49.1          splines_4.0.0                
 [17] knitr_1.28                    jsonlite_1.6.1               
 [19] cluster_2.1.0                 dbplyr_1.4.2                 
 [21] png_0.1-7                     shinydashboard_0.7.1         
 [23] compiler_4.0.0                httr_1.4.1                   
 [25] assertthat_0.2.1              Matrix_1.2-18                
 [27] fastmap_1.0.1                 later_1.0.0.9002             
 [29] BiocSingular_1.3.2            htmltools_0.4.0              
 [31] tools_4.0.0                   rsvd_1.0.3                   
 [33] igraph_1.2.5                  gtable_0.3.0                 
 [35] glue_1.3.2                    GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.2       
 [37] dplyr_0.8.5                   rappdirs_0.3.1               
 [39] Rcpp_1.0.4                    vctrs_0.2.4                  
 [41] nlme_3.1-142                  ExperimentHub_1.13.5         
 [43] DelayedMatrixStats_1.9.0      rintrojs_0.2.2               
 [45] xfun_0.12                     stringr_1.4.0                
 [47] ps_1.3.2                      irlba_2.3.3                  
 [49] mime_0.9                      miniUI_0.1.1.1               
 [51] lifecycle_0.2.0               shinyAce_0.4.1               
 [53] AnnotationHub_2.19.7          zlibbioc_1.33.1              
 [55] scales_1.1.0                  colourpicker_1.0             
 [57] promises_1.1.0.9000           RColorBrewer_1.1-2           
 [59] ComplexHeatmap_2.3.2          yaml_2.2.1                   
 [61] curl_4.3                      gridExtra_2.3                
 [63] memoise_1.1.0                 stringi_1.4.6                
 [65] RSQLite_2.2.0                 BiocVersion_3.11.1           
 [67] shape_1.4.4                   rlang_0.4.5                  
 [69] pkgconfig_2.0.3               bitops_1.0-6                 
 [71] evaluate_0.14                 lattice_0.20-38              
 [73] purrr_0.3.3                   htmlwidgets_1.5.1            
 [75] processx_3.4.2                bit_1.1-15.2                 
 [77] tidyselect_1.0.0              magrittr_1.5                 
 [79] bookdown_0.18                 R6_2.4.1                     
 [81] DBI_1.1.0                     pillar_1.4.3                 
 [83] withr_2.1.2                   mgcv_1.8-31                  
 [85] RCurl_1.98-1.1                tibble_2.1.3                 
 [87] crayon_1.3.4                  shinyWidgets_0.5.1           
 [89] BiocFileCache_1.11.4          rmarkdown_2.1                
 [91] viridis_0.5.1                 GetoptLong_0.1.8             
 [93] grid_4.0.0                    callr_3.4.2                  
 [95] blob_1.2.1                    digest_0.6.25                
 [97] xtable_1.8-4                  httpuv_1.5.2                 
 [99] munsell_0.5.0                 beeswarm_0.2.3               
[101] viridisLite_0.3.0             vipor_0.4.5                  
[103] shinyjs_1.1                  

Oops, thanks!