rstacruz / what-do-you-call-this-in-javascript

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What do you call this in JavaScript?

This is a list of ambiguous symbols used in JavaScript that may be confusing to search for on the web.

Symbols in JavaScript

Symbol Description Colloquial verbiage
=> Arrow function expression "Hash rocket", "fat arrow"
=== Strict equality comparison "Threequal", "identity"
== Abstract equality comparison "Loose equality"
{ ...object } Object spread operator "Splat"
function fn(...args) Rest parameters "Stargs"
const { a, b } = ... Destructuring assignment
{ [name]: "..." } Computed property names
++ Increment operator
-- Decrement operator
** Exponentiation operator
-a Unary negation operator
+a Unary plus operator

Symbols in TC39 proposals

Some features that may not be available in mainstream JavaScript yet.

Symbol Description Colloquial verbiage
?? Nullish coalescing
?. Optional chaining "Safe navigation operator" (Groovy), "Elvis operator", "Lonely operator" (Ruby)
@foo() Class decorators
#method Private fields
#{...} Record (immutable)
#[...] Tuple (immutable)


Inspired by JuanitoFatas/what-do-you-call-this-in-ruby.
