rspiridonov / evil-front

Helpers for frontend from Evil Martians

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Evil Front

Helpers, shortcuts and my common frontend workflows from Evil Martians.

Project is separated to 2 gems:

  • Evil Front, which doesn’t depend on Rails and don’t change anything if you no ask.
  • Evil Front Rails, which change Rails settings to create my common frontend workflow by single code line.


Gem load my must-have tools:

Rails Settings

  • Autoprecompile: add to precompile all files in root of app/assets/stylesheets and app/assets/javascripts. Store loadable files only in subdirs.
  • Disable creating empty script, style and helper files on controller generation.


Russian typography

  • russian_typograph to add real symbols (like Russian quotes, em-dash), flying quotes, non-break spaces.
  • ruble to insert symbol for Russian currency.
  • capitalize_first to capitalize only first letter.

Head Tags


  • tel to insert telephone as link with tel: protocol.

Sass Helpers

JS helpers


Helpers for frontend from Evil Martians