A market demo application for using API as a payment service provider.
this application is a simple e-commerce that demonstrates the visualization and purchase of products. the client will be able to visualize items, add, remove and buy them, using API to process the payment
This project uses mocked data to products and recipients, so you will need to use my api key to do an transaction using API
Technologies and Tools
- NodeJS
- Javascript
- Libraries: React, Redux, Babel, Jest, redux-saga, redux-form
- Tools: VSCode IDE, Webpack, eslint, dotenv
How to run
To run this project you must have NodeJS and GIT installed;
Open your terminal, enter a folder of your choice.
Clone the project with the command below
git clone
After the download enter in the project folder
Create a .env file in the project folder with a valid api key
- Run the following npm commands (or you can use yarn)
npm install
npm start
- Open the project in a browswer of your choice the default(http://localhost:3000)
Running the tests
- Run the following npm command
npm test